66 research outputs found

    Domain-specific Architectures for Data-intensive Applications

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    Graphs' versatile ability to represent diverse relationships, make them effective for a wide range of applications. For instance, search engines use graph-based applications to provide high-quality search results. Medical centers use them to aid in patient diagnosis. Most recently, graphs are also being employed to support the management of viral pandemics. Looking forward, they are showing promise of being critical in unlocking several other opportunities, including combating the spread of fake content in social networks, detecting and preventing fraudulent online transactions in a timely fashion, and in ensuring collision avoidance in autonomous vehicle navigation, to name a few. Unfortunately, all these applications require more computational power than what can be provided by conventional computing systems. The key reason is that graph applications present large working sets that fail to fit in the small on-chip storage of existing computing systems, while at the same time they access data in seemingly unpredictable patterns, thus cannot draw benefit from traditional on-chip storage. In this dissertation, we set out to address the performance limitations of existing computing systems so to enable emerging graph applications like those described above. To achieve this, we identified three key strategies: 1) specializing memory architecture, 2) processing data near its storage, and 3) message coalescing in the network. Based on these strategies, this dissertation develops several solutions: OMEGA, which employs specialized on-chip storage units, with co-located specialized compute engines to accelerate the computation; MessageFusion, which coalesces messages in the interconnect; and Centaur, providing an architecture that optimizes the processing of infrequently-accessed data. Overall, these solutions provide 2x in performance improvements, with negligible hardware overheads, across a wide range of applications. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our strategies to other data-intensive domains, by exploring an acceleration solution for MapReduce applications, which achieves a 4x performance speedup, also with negligible area and power overheads.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163186/1/abrahad_1.pd

    Large-Scale Automatic K-Means Clustering for Heterogeneous Many-Core Supercomputer

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    Funding: UK EPSRC grants ”Discovery” EP/P020631/1, ”ABC: Adaptive Brokerage for the Cloud” EP/R010528/1.This article presents an automatic k-means clustering solution targeting the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. We first introduce a multilevel parallel partition approach that not only partitions by dataflow and centroid, but also by dimension, which unlocks the potential of the hierarchical parallelism in the heterogeneous many-core processor and the system architecture of the supercomputer. The parallel design is able to process large-scale clustering problems with up to 196,608 dimensions and over 160,000 targeting centroids, while maintaining high performance and high scalability. Furthermore, we propose an automatic hyper-parameter determination process for k-means clustering, by automatically generating and executing the clustering tasks with a set of candidate hyper-parameter, and then determining the optimal hyper-parameter using a proposed evaluation method. The proposed auto-clustering solution can not only achieve high performance and scalability for problems with massive high-dimensional data, but also support clustering without sufficient prior knowledge for the number of targeted clusters, which can potentially increase the scope of k-means algorithm to new application areas.PostprintPeer reviewe

    AutoAccel: Automated Accelerator Generation and Optimization with Composable, Parallel and Pipeline Architecture

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    CPU-FPGA heterogeneous architectures are attracting ever-increasing attention in an attempt to advance computational capabilities and energy efficiency in today's datacenters. These architectures provide programmers with the ability to reprogram the FPGAs for flexible acceleration of many workloads. Nonetheless, this advantage is often overshadowed by the poor programmability of FPGAs whose programming is conventionally a RTL design practice. Although recent advances in high-level synthesis (HLS) significantly improve the FPGA programmability, it still leaves programmers facing the challenge of identifying the optimal design configuration in a tremendous design space. This paper aims to address this challenge and pave the path from software programs towards high-quality FPGA accelerators. Specifically, we first propose the composable, parallel and pipeline (CPP) microarchitecture as a template of accelerator designs. Such a well-defined template is able to support efficient accelerator designs for a broad class of computation kernels, and more importantly, drastically reduce the design space. Also, we introduce an analytical model to capture the performance and resource trade-offs among different design configurations of the CPP microarchitecture, which lays the foundation for fast design space exploration. On top of the CPP microarchitecture and its analytical model, we develop the AutoAccel framework to make the entire accelerator generation automated. AutoAccel accepts a software program as an input and performs a series of code transformations based on the result of the analytical-model-based design space exploration to construct the desired CPP microarchitecture. Our experiments show that the AutoAccel-generated accelerators outperform their corresponding software implementations by an average of 72x for a broad class of computation kernels

    Trace Oblivious Program Execution

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    The big data era has dramatically transformed our lives; however, security incidents such as data breaches can put sensitive data (e.g. photos, identities, genomes) at risk. To protect users' data privacy, there is a growing interest in building secure cloud computing systems, which keep sensitive data inputs hidden, even from computation providers. Conceptually, secure cloud computing systems leverage cryptographic techniques (e.g., secure multiparty computation) and trusted hardware (e.g. secure processors) to instantiate a “secure” abstract machine consisting of a CPU and encrypted memory, so that an adversary cannot learn information through either the computation within the CPU or the data in the memory. Unfortunately, evidence has shown that side channels (e.g. memory accesses, timing, and termination) in such a “secure” abstract machine may potentially leak highly sensitive information, including cryptographic keys that form the root of trust for the secure systems. This thesis broadly expands the investigation of a research direction called trace oblivious computation, where programming language techniques are employed to prevent side channel information leakage. We demonstrate the feasibility of trace oblivious computation, by formalizing and building several systems, including GhostRider, which is a hardware-software co-design to provide a hardware-based trace oblivious computing solution, SCVM, which is an automatic RAM-model secure computation system, and ObliVM, which is a programming framework to facilitate programmers to develop applications. All of these systems enjoy formal security guarantees while demonstrating a better performance than prior systems, by one to several orders of magnitude

    Efficient Data-Oblivious Computation

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    The rapid increase in the amount of data stored by cloud servers has resulted in growing privacy concerns for users. First, although keeping data encrypted at all times is an attractive approach to privacy, encryption may preclude mining and learning useful patterns from data. Second, companies are unable to distribute proprietary programs to other parties without risking the loss of their private code when those programs are reverse engineered. A challenge underlying both those problems is that how data is accessed — even when that data is encrypted — can leak secret information. Oblivious RAM is a well studied cryptographic primitive that can be used to solve the underlying challenge of hiding data-access patterns. In this dissertation, we improve Oblivious RAMs and oblivious algorithms asymptotically. We then show how to apply our novel oblivious algorithms to build systems that enable privacy-preserving computation on encrypted data and program obfuscation. Specifically, the first part of this dissertation shows two efficient Oblivious RAM algorithms: 1) The first algorithm achieves sub-logarithmic bandwidth blowup while only incurring an inexpensive XOR computation for performing Private Information Retrieval operations, and 2) The second algorithm is the first perfectly-secure Oblivious Parallel RAM with O(log3N)O(\log^3 N ) bandwidth blowup, O((logm+loglogN)logN)O((\log m + \log \log N)\log N) depth blowup, and O(1)O(1) space blowup when the PRAM has mm CPUs and stores NN blocks of data. The second part of this dissertation describes two systems — HOP and GraphSC — that address the problem of computing on private data and the distribution of proprietary programs. HOP is a system that achieves simulation-secure obfuscation of RAM programs assuming secure hardware. It is the first prototype implementation of a provably secure virtual black-box (VBB) obfuscation scheme in any model under any assumptions. GraphSC is a system that allows cloud servers to run a class of data-mining and machine-learning algorithms over users’ data without learning anything about that data. GraphSC brings efficient, parallel secure computation to programmers by allowing them to express computation tasks using the GraphLab abstraction. It is backed by the first non-trivial parallel oblivious algorithms that outperform generic Oblivious RAMs

    Approximate Computing Survey, Part II: Application-Specific & Architectural Approximation Techniques and Applications

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    The challenging deployment of compute-intensive applications from domains such Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Signal Processing (DSP), forces the community of computing systems to explore new design approaches. Approximate Computing appears as an emerging solution, allowing to tune the quality of results in the design of a system in order to improve the energy efficiency and/or performance. This radical paradigm shift has attracted interest from both academia and industry, resulting in significant research on approximation techniques and methodologies at different design layers (from system down to integrated circuits). Motivated by the wide appeal of Approximate Computing over the last 10 years, we conduct a two-part survey to cover key aspects (e.g., terminology and applications) and review the state-of-the art approximation techniques from all layers of the traditional computing stack. In Part II of our survey, we classify and present the technical details of application-specific and architectural approximation techniques, which both target the design of resource-efficient processors/accelerators & systems. Moreover, we present a detailed analysis of the application spectrum of Approximate Computing and discuss open challenges and future directions.Comment: Under Review at ACM Computing Survey