389 research outputs found

    Darknet Traffic Analysis A Systematic Literature Review

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    The primary objective of an anonymity tool is to protect the anonymity of its users through the implementation of strong encryption and obfuscation techniques. As a result, it becomes very difficult to monitor and identify users activities on these networks. Moreover, such systems have strong defensive mechanisms to protect users against potential risks, including the extraction of traffic characteristics and website fingerprinting. However, the strong anonymity feature also functions as a refuge for those involved in illicit activities who aim to avoid being traced on the network. As a result, a substantial body of research has been undertaken to examine and classify encrypted traffic using machine learning techniques. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of the existing approaches utilized for the categorization of anonymous traffic as well as encrypted network traffic inside the darknet. Also, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of methods of darknet traffic using machine learning techniques to monitor and identify the traffic attacks inside the darknet.Comment: 35 Pages, 13 Figure

    IoT Threat Detection Testbed Using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The Internet of Things(IoT) paradigm provides persistent sensing and data collection capabilities and is becoming increasingly prevalent across many market sectors. However, most IoT devices emphasize usability and function over security, making them very vulnerable to malicious exploits. This concern is evidenced by the increased use of compromised IoT devices in large scale bot networks (botnets) to launch distributed denial of service(DDoS) attacks against high value targets. Unsecured IoT systems can also provide entry points to private networks, allowing adversaries relatively easy access to valuable resources and services. Indeed, these evolving IoT threat vectors (ranging from brute force attacks to remote code execution exploits) are posing key challenges. Moreover, many traditional security mechanisms are not amenable for deployment on smaller resource-constrained IoT platforms. As a result, researchers have been developing a range of methods for IoT security, with many strategies using advanced machine learning(ML) techniques. Along these lines, this paper presents a novel generative adversarial network(GAN) solution to detect threats from malicious IoT devices both inside and outside a network. This model is trained using both benign IoT traffic and global darknet data and further evaluated in a testbed with real IoT devices and malware threats.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Emerging Technologies, Law Enforcement Responses, and National Security

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    Botnet lab creation with open source tools and usefulness of such a tool for researchers

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    Botnets are large scale networks, which can span across the internet and comprise of computers, which have been infected by malicious software and are centrally controlled from a remote location. Botnets pose a great security risk and their size has been rising drastically over the past few years. The use of botnets by the underground community as a medium for online crime, bundled with their use for profit has shined the spotlight on them. Numerous researchers have proposed and designed infrastructures and frameworks that identify newly formed botnets and their traffic patterns. In this research, the design of a unified modular open source laboratory is proposed, with the use of virtual machines and open source tools, which can be used in analyzing and dissecting newly found bots in the wild. Furthermore, the usefulness and flexibility of the open source laboratory is evaluated by infecting my test machines with the Zeus Bot

    Snowball-Miner: Integration of Deep Learning for Extraction of Cyber Threat Intelligence from Dark Web

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    In Cyber threat intelligence is a crucial component in defending against cybersecurity threats. Cyber security dark web, security Blogs, Hackers’ community, news forums, Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) are known as the harbor of illicit activities and serve as a breeding ground for cybercriminals. Extracting actionable intelligence from the dark web is challenging due to its anonymous and encrypted nature. State-of-art work proposed machine learning and deep learning approach to aggregate the dark web for cyber threat intelligence from data present in the dark web.  This paper proposes, a novel approach utilizing Snowball-Miner for cyber threat intelligence discovery from the dark web. The model is trained on a diverse dataset consisting of dark web forums, hidden .onion based marketplaces and other underground platforms using Snowball-crawler. However, we have employed hybrid convolutional model CNN-LSTM and CNN-GRU adopting doc2vec word embedding to classify into four domains viz Energy Sector, Finance, Illicit Activities and illegal Services. From our experiment it emerged that, CNN-LSTM outperforms as 96.37% for classification of domain specific threat documents. Furthermore, after data preparation we implemented NLP technique and extracted the domain specific Indicator of Compromise (IoCs) using RegEx parser and Subject, Object and Verb (SOV) semantics dependency analysis. Finally, we have integrated IoCs and Threat keywords with respective domains to generate domain specific threat intelligence which enhance the quality of the domain specific CTI based on R-dimension (Relevance)

    Malware and Exploits on the Dark Web

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    In recent years, the darknet has become the key location for the distribution of malware and exploits. We have seen scenarios where software vulnerabilities have been disclosed by vendors and shortly after, operational exploits are available on darknet forums and marketplaces. Many marketplace vendors offer zero-day exploits that have not yet been discovered or disclosed. This trend has led to security companies offering darknet analysis services to detect new exploits and malware, providing proactive threat intelligence. This paper presents information on the scale of malware distribution, the trends of malware types offered, the methods for discovering new exploits and the effectiveness of darknet analysis in detecting malware at the earliest possible stage.Comment: 5 pages, 0 figure

    Data-Driven Approaches for Detecting Malware-Infected IoT Devices and Characterizing Their Unsolicited Behaviors by Leveraging Passive Internet Measurements

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    Despite the benefits of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, the insecurity of IoT and their deployment nature have turned them into attractive targets for adversaries, which contributed to the rise of IoT-tailored malware as a major threat to the Internet ecosystem. In this thesis, we address the threats associated with the emerging IoT malware, which utilize exploited devices to perform large-scale cyber attacks (e.g., DDoS). To mitigate such threat, there is a need to possess an Internet perspective of the deployed IoT devices while building a better understanding about the behavioral characteristic of malware-infected devices, which is challenging due to the lack of empirical data and knowledge about the deployed IoT devices and their behavioral characteristics. To address these challenges, in this thesis, we leverage passive Internet measurements and IoT device information to detect exploited IoT devices and investigate their generated traffic at the network telescope (darknet). We aim at proposing data-driven approaches for effective and near real-time IoT threat detection and characterization. Additionally, we leverage a specialized IoT Honeypot to analyze a large corpus of real IoT malware binary executable. We aim at building a better understanding about the current state of IoT malware while addressing the problems of IoT malware classification and family attribution. To this end, we perform the following to achieve our objectives: First, we address the lack of empirical data and knowledge about IoT devices and their activities. To this end, we leverage an online IoT search engine (e.g., Shodan.io) to obtain publicly available device information in the realms of consumer and cyber-physical system (CPS), while utilizing passive network measurements collected at a large-scale network telescope (CAIDA), to infer compromised devices and their unsolicited activities. Indeed, we were among the first to report experimental results on detecting compromised IoT devices and their behavioral characteristics in the wild, while demonstrating their active involvement in large-scale malware-generated malicious activities such as Internet scanning. Additionally, we leverage the IoT-generated backscatter traffic towards the network telescope to shed light on IoT devices that were victims of intensive Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Second, given the highly orchestrated nature of IoT-driven cyber-attacks, we focus on the analysis of IoT-generated scanning activities to detect and characterize scanning campaigns generated by IoT botnets. To this end, we aggregate IoT-generated traffic and performing association rules mining to infer campaigns through common scanning objectives represented by targeted destination ports. Further, we leverage behavioural characteristics and aggregated flow features to correlate IoT devices using DBSCAN clustering algorithm. Indeed, our findings shed light on compromised IoT devices, which tend to operate within well coordinated IoT botnets. Third, considering the huge number of IoT devices and the magnitude of their malicious scanning traffic, we focus on addressing the operational challenges to automate large-scale campaign detection and analysis while generating threat intelligence in a timely manner. To this end, we leverage big data analytic frameworks such as Apache Spark to develop a scalable system for automated detection of infected IoT devices and characterization of their scanning activities using our proposed approach. Our evaluation results with over 4TB of IoT traffic demonstrated the effectiveness of the system to infer scanning campaigns generated by IoT botnets. Moreover, we demonstrate the feasibility of the implemented system/framework as a platform for implementing further supporting applications, which leverage passive Internet measurement for characterizing IoT traffic and generating IoT-related threat intelligence. Fourth, we take first steps towards mitigating threats associated with the rise of IoT malware by creating a better understanding about the characteristics and inter-relations of IoT malware. To this end, we analyze about 70,000 IoT malware binaries obtained by a specialized IoT honeypot in the past two years. We investigate the distribution of IoT malware across known families, while exploring their detection timeline and persistent. Moreover, while we shed light on the effectiveness of IoT honeypots in detecting new/unknown malware samples, we utilize static and dynamic malware analysis techniques to uncover adversarial infrastructure and investigate functional similarities. Indeed, our findings enable unknown malware labeling/attribution while identifying new IoT malware variants. Additionally, we collect malware-generated scanning traffic (whenever available) to explore behavioral characteristics and associated threats/vulnerabilities. We conclude this thesis by discussing research gaps that pave the way for future work
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