4 research outputs found

    Deteksi Serangan Denial of Service pada Internet of Things Menggunakan Finite-State Automata

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    Internet of things memiliki kemampuan untuk menghubungkan obyek pintar dan memungkinkan mereka untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan dan peralatan komputasi cerdas lainnya melalui jaringan internet. Namun belakangan ini, keamanan jaringan internet of things mendapat ancaman akibat serangan cyber yang dapat menembus perangkat internet of things target dengan menggunakan berbagai serangan denial of service. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi dan mencegah serangan denial of service berupa synchronize flooding dan ping flooding pada jaringan internet of things dengan pendekatan finite-state automata. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan finite-state automata berhasil mendeteksi serangan synchronize flooding dan ping flooding pada jaringan internet of things, tetapi pencegahan serangan tidak secara signifikan mengurangi penggunaan prosesor dan memori. Serangan synchronize flooding menyebabkan delay saat mengaktifkan/menonaktifkan peralatan internet of things sedangkan serangan ping flooding menyebabkan error. Implementasi bash-iptables berhasil mengurangi serangan synchronize flooding dengan efisiensi waktu pencegahan sebesar 55,37% dan mengurangi serangan ping flooding sebesar 60% tetapi dengan waktu yang tidak signifikan

    DDoS Attack Detection in WSN using Modified Invasive Weed Optimization with Extreme Learning Machine

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the wide-spread methodology for its distribution of the vast amount of devoted sensor nodes (SNs) that is employed for sensing the atmosphere and gather information. The gathered information was transmitted to the sink nodes via intermediate nodes. Meanwhile, the SN data are prone to the internet, and they are vulnerable to diverse security risks, involving distributed denial of service (DDoS) outbreaks that might interrupt network operation and compromises data integrity. In recent times, developed machine learning (ML) approaches can be applied for the discovery of DDoS attacks and accomplish security in WSN. To achieve this, this study presents a modified invasive weed optimization with extreme learning machine (MIWO-ELM) model for DDoS outbreak recognition in the WSN atmosphere. In the presented MIWO-ELM technique, an initial stage of data pre-processing is conducted. The ELM model can be applied for precise DDoS attack detection and classification process. At last, the MIWO method can be exploited for the parameter tuning of the ELM model which leads to improved performance of the classification. The experimental analysis of the MIWO-ELM method takes place using WSN dataset. The comprehensive simulation outputs show the remarkable performance of the MIWO-ELM method compared to other recent approaches

    IoT Networks: Using Machine Learning Algorithm for Service Denial Detection in Constrained Application Protocol

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    The paper discusses the potential threat of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in the Internet of Things (IoT) networks on constrained application protocols (CoAP). As billions of IoT devices are expected to be connected to the internet in the coming years, the security of these devices is vulnerable to attacks, disrupting their functioning. This research aims to tackle this issue by applying mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative for feature selection, extraction, and cluster algorithms to detect DoS attacks in the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) using the Machine Learning Algorithm (MLA). The main objective of the research is to enhance the security scheme for CoAP in the IoT environment by analyzing the nature of DoS attacks and identifying a new set of features for detecting them in the IoT network environment. The aim is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the MLA in detecting DoS attacks and compare it with conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. Findings The research identifies the appropriate node to detect DoS attacks in the IoT network environment and demonstrates how to detect the attacks through the MLA. The accuracy detection in both classification and network simulation environments shows that the k-means algorithm scored the highest percentage in the training and testing of the evaluation. The network simulation platform also achieved the highest percentage of 99.93% in overall accuracy. This work reviews conventional intrusion detection systems for securing the CoAP in the IoT environment. The DoS security issues associated with the CoAP are discussed

    A Machine Learning Architecture Towards Detecting Denial of Service Attack in IoT

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    Internet of thing is part of our everyday life nowadays. Where millions of devices contented to the internet to collect and share data. Although IoT devices are evolving quickly to the consumer market where smart devices and sensors are becoming one of the main components of many households, IoT sensors and actuators have been also heavily used in the industry where thousands of devices are used to collect and share data for different purposes. With the rapid development of the Internet of Things in different areas, IoT is facing difficulty in securing overall availability of the network due to its heterogeneous nature. There are many types of vulnerability in IoT that can be mitigated with further research, however, in this paper, we have concentrated on distributed denial of Service attack (DDoS) on IoT. In this paper, we propose a machine learning architecture to detect DDoS attacks in IoT networks. The architecture collects IoT network traffic and analyzes the traffic through passing to machine learning model for attack detection. We propose the use of real-time data collection tool to dynamically monitor the network