9 research outputs found

    A case study on the transformation of context-aware domain data onto XML schemas

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    In order to accelerate the development of context-aware applications, it would be convenient to have a smooth path between the context models and the automated services that support these models. This paper discusses how MDA technology (metamodelling and the QVT standard) can support the transformation of high-level models of context-aware services onto the implementation of these services using web services. The total transformation process from context-aware services onto web services involves the following aspects: 1. service signatures, which should be translated onto WSDL definitions; 2. context-aware domain data used as input and output data in service operations, which should be translated onto XML schemas; and 3. service behaviours, which should be used to generate the service implementation. This paper concentrates on the modelling and transformation of the context-aware domain data. The results of this paper are generally applicable to the transformation of elements of any domain-specific language expressed in terms of a metamodel onto XML Schema data

    A Framework for Evaluating Model-Driven Self-adaptive Software Systems

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    In the last few years, Model Driven Development (MDD), Component-based Software Development (CBSD), and context-oriented software have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and reliability of software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to include the principle of the separation of concerns, and their further integration is a key factor to obtaining high-quality and self-adaptable software systems. Each technology identifies different concerns and deals with them separately in order to specify the design of the self-adaptive applications, and, at the same time, support software with adaptability and context-awareness. This research studies the development methodologies that employ the principles of model-driven development in building self-adaptive software systems. To this aim, this article proposes an evaluation framework for analysing and evaluating the features of model-driven approaches and their ability to support software with self-adaptability and dependability in highly dynamic contextual environment. Such evaluation framework can facilitate the software developers on selecting a development methodology that suits their software requirements and reduces the development effort of building self-adaptive software systems. This study highlights the major drawbacks of the propped model-driven approaches in the related works, and emphasise on considering the volatile aspects of self-adaptive software in the analysis, design and implementation phases of the development methodologies. In addition, we argue that the development methodologies should leave the selection of modelling languages and modelling tools to the software developers.Comment: model-driven architecture, COP, AOP, component composition, self-adaptive application, context oriented software developmen

    Semantic Context Reasoning Using Ontology Based Models

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    New mobile computing technologies and the increasing use of\ud portable devices have pushed the development of the so-called context-aware applications. This new class of applications aims at improving human-computer interactions by supporting dynamic adaptations according to context changes. This paper discusses the suitability of using ontologies for modeling context information and presents the design, implementation and applicability of an ontology based context interpreter. The proposed interpreter is responsible for inferring new context information in a context-aware services platform

    A Framework for Evaluating Model-Driven Self-adaptive Software Systems

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    In the last few years, Model Driven Development (MDD), Component-based Software Development (CBSD), and context-oriented software have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and reliability of software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to include the principle of the separation of concerns, and their further integration is a key factor to obtaining high-quality and self-adaptable software systems. Each technology identifies different concerns and deals with them separately in order to specify the design of the self-adaptive applications, and, at the same time, support software with adaptability and context-awareness. This research studies the development methodologies that employ the principles of model-driven development in building self-adaptive software systems. To this aim, this article proposes an evaluation framework for analysing and evaluating the features of model-driven approaches and their ability to support software with self-adaptability and dependability in highly dynamic contextual environment. Such evaluation framework can facilitate the software developers on selecting a development methodology that suits their software requirements and reduces the development effort of building self-adaptive software systems. This study highlights the major drawbacks of the propped model-driven approaches in the related works, and emphasise on considering the volatile aspects of self-adaptive software in the analysis, design and implementation phases of the development methodologies. In addition, we argue that the development methodologies should leave the selection of modelling languages and modelling tools to the software developers

    A Unified Model for Context-aware Adaptation of User Interfaces

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    The variety of contexts of use in which the interaction takes place nowadays is a challenge for both stakeholders for the development and end users for the interaction. Stakeholders either ignore the exponential amount of information coming from the context of use, adopting the inaccessible approach of one-size-fits-all, or they must dedicate a significant effort to carefully consider context differences while designing several different versions of the same user interface. For end users, web pages that are not adapted become often inaccessible in non-conventional contexts of use, with mobile devices, as smart phones and tablet PCs. In order to leverage such efforts, we propose in this paper a meta-model that by means of a unified view supports all phases of the implementation of context-aware adaptation for user interfaces. With such a formal abstraction of an interactive system, stakeholders can generate different instantiations with more concrete UI’s that can properly handle and adapt accordingly to the different constraints and characteristics of different contexts of use. We present CAMM, a meta-model for context-aware adaptation covering different application domains and also a complete adaptation lifecycle. Moreover we also present various instantiations of such a model for different scenarios of a car rental example

    A MOF Metamodel for the Development of Context-Aware Mobile Applications

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    Context-aware mobile applications are increasingly attracting interest of the research community. To facilitate the development of this class of applications, it is necessary that both applications and support platforms share a common context metamodel. This paper presents a metamodel defined using the OMG Meta Object Facility (MOF). This metamodel has been used as basis for the development of context-aware applications and an associated service platform

    A MOF metamodel for the development of context-aware mobile applications

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    E-CARe (une méthode d'ingénierie des systèmes d'information ubiquitaires)

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    L'apparition des Systèmes d'Information ubiquitaires ou pervasifs est issue de l'émergence de nouvelles technologies fournissant au système une vision de son environnement, de l'environnement de ses utilisateurs ainsi que de leurs profils. Grâce à ces données formant le contexte de l'application, il est possible de fournir des services personnalisés, pertinents et ciblés. Mais, le problème qui se pose à ce niveau concerne le degré d'adaptation, de prise de décision à la place de l'utilisateur et de l'identification des données contextuelles nécessaires et suffisantes pour ces services. Ceci est dû à un déséquilibre entre les avancées des technologies et de leurs applications (qui reçoivent un grand intérêt de la part de la recherche et de l'industrie) et les méthodes et démarches de développement et d'ingénierie spécifiques aux systèmes ubiquitaires. Notre objectif dans ce travail de thèse est de proposer une méthode d'ingénierie des SI ubiquitaires en considérant les différentes exigences reliées à la nature mobile et grande échelle de ces systèmes. Cette méthode est basée sur une démarche de développement qui fait usage d'un ensemble de métamodèles et de langages génériques favorisant la spécification complète de ces systèmes. Cette démarche sépare les spécifications fonctionnelles, techniques et ubiquitaires. Les spécifications ubiquitaires permettent de définir des modèles structurels et événementiels du contexte respectant les exigences des utilisateurs et les contraintes de sécurité et supportant les fonctionnalités d'adaptation et de sensibilité au contexte. Cette approche orientée évènements est consolidée par l'adoption d'une architecture de traitement des évènements. Notre démarche E-CARe est une intégration des spécifications ubiquitaires dans une démarche classique de conception des SI pour garantir la couverture des spécifications fonctionnelles et techniques. Les applications d'assistance représentent un cas d'étude idéal pour cette démarche qui s'intéresse au domaine des transports, fortement dépendant de l'environnement et des évènements ambiants.Ubiquitous Information Systems appeared as a consequence to emerging and evolving communication and mobile technologies providing the system with information on its environment, the environment of its users and their profiles. These data constitute the application context and are used to provide personalized, targeted and relevant services. However, ubiquitous services face some difficulties and challenges concerning specially needed contextual data, adaptation degree and computerized decision making. This is due to the gap between advanced ubiquitous services and their applications, and methods and processes for developing and engineering ubiquitous systems. Our goal in this thesis is to propose an engineering method for ubiquitous Information Systems considering different requirements resulting from the mobile and high scalable nature of these systems. The proposed method is based on a development process and a set of generic metamodels and languages facilitating a complete system specification and implementation. The proposed process separates functional, technical and ubiquitous specifications. Ubiquitous specifications enable the structural and event based context models definition while considering user requirements and security requirements. Adaptation and context awareness functionalities are supported by structural and dynamic context models. The proposed event oriented approach is enhanced by the adoption of an event processing architecture. Ubiquitous specifications are integrated into a classical information systems engineering process to constitute the E-CARe process including functional and technical specifications. Our propositions are used to design a user assistance application in the transport domain, highly dependent on the ambient environment and events.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF