16 research outputs found

    A Lower Bound for the Discrepancy of a Random Point Set

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    We show that there is a constant K>0K > 0 such that for all N,s∈NN, s \in \N, s≀Ns \le N, the point set consisting of NN points chosen uniformly at random in the ss-dimensional unit cube [0,1]s[0,1]^s with probability at least 1βˆ’exp⁑(βˆ’Ξ˜(s))1-\exp(-\Theta(s)) admits an axis parallel rectangle [0,x]βŠ†[0,1]s[0,x] \subseteq [0,1]^s containing KsNK \sqrt{sN} points more than expected. Consequently, the expected star discrepancy of a random point set is of order s/N\sqrt{s/N}.Comment: 7 page

    The inverse of the star-discrepancy problem and the generation of pseudo-random numbers

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    The inverse of the star-discrepancy problem asks for point sets PN,sP_{N,s} of size NN in the ss-dimensional unit cube [0,1]s[0,1]^s whose star-discrepancy Dβˆ—(PN,s)D^\ast(P_{N,s}) satisfies Dβˆ—(PN,s)≀Cs/N,D^\ast(P_{N,s}) \le C \sqrt{s/N}, where C>0C> 0 is a constant independent of NN and ss. The first existence results in this direction were shown by Heinrich, Novak, Wasilkowski, and Wo\'{z}niakowski in 2001, and a number of improvements have been shown since then. Until now only proofs that such point sets exist are known. Since such point sets would be useful in applications, the big open problem is to find explicit constructions of suitable point sets PN,sP_{N,s}. We review the current state of the art on this problem and point out some connections to pseudo-random number generators

    On the Discrepancy of Jittered Sampling

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    We study the discrepancy of jittered sampling sets: such a set PβŠ‚[0,1]d\mathcal{P} \subset [0,1]^d is generated for fixed m∈Nm \in \mathbb{N} by partitioning [0,1]d[0,1]^d into mdm^d axis aligned cubes of equal measure and placing a random point inside each of the N=mdN = m^d cubes. We prove that, for NN sufficiently large, 110dN12+12d≀EDNβˆ—(P)≀d(log⁑N)12N12+12d, \frac{1}{10}\frac{d}{N^{\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2d}}} \leq \mathbb{E} D_N^*(\mathcal{P}) \leq \frac{\sqrt{d} (\log{N})^{\frac{1}{2}}}{N^{\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2d}}}, where the upper bound with an unspecified constant CdC_d was proven earlier by Beck. Our proof makes crucial use of the sharp Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz inequality and a suitably taylored Bernstein inequality; we have reasons to believe that the upper bound has the sharp scaling in NN. Additional heuristics suggest that jittered sampling should be able to improve known bounds on the inverse of the star-discrepancy in the regime N≳ddN \gtrsim d^d. We also prove a partition principle showing that every partition of [0,1]d[0,1]^d combined with a jittered sampling construction gives rise to a set whose expected squared L2βˆ’L^2-discrepancy is smaller than that of purely random points

    Some Results on the Complexity of Numerical Integration

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    This is a survey (21 pages, 124 references) written for the MCQMC 2014 conference in Leuven, April 2014. We start with the seminal paper of Bakhvalov (1959) and end with new results on the curse of dimension and on the complexity of oscillatory integrals. Some small errors of earlier versions are corrected