7,923 research outputs found

    Graph Embeddings and Simplicial Maps

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    An undirected graph is viewed as a simplicial complex. The notion of a graph embedding of a guest graph in a host graph is generalized to the realm of simplicial maps. Dilation is redefined in this more general setting. Lower bounds on dilation for various guest and host graphs are considered. Of particular interest are graphs that have been proposed as communication networks for parallel architectures. Bhatt et al. provide a lower bound on dilation for embedding a planar guest graph in a butterfly host graph. Here, this lower bound is extended in two directions. First, a lower bound that applies to arbitrary guest graphs is derived, using tools from algebraic topology. Second, this lower bound is shown to apply to arbitrary host graphs through a new graph-theoretic measure, called bidecomposability. Bounds on the bidecomposability of the butterfly graph and of the k-dimensional torus are determined. As corollaries to the main lower bound theorem, lower bounds are derived for embedding arbitrary planar graphs, genus g graphs, and k-dimensional meshes in a butterfly host graph

    Embedding Schemes for Interconnection Networks.

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    Graph embeddings play an important role in interconnection network and VLSI design. Designing efficient embedding strategies for simulating one network by another and determining the number of layers required to build a VLSI chip are just two of the many areas in which graph embeddings are used. In the area of network simulation we develop efficient, small dilation embeddings of a butterfly network into a different size and/or type of butterfly network. The genus of a graph gives an indication of how many layers are required to build a circuit. We have determined the exact genus for the permutation network called the star graph, and have given a lower bound for the genus of the permutation network called the pancake graph. The star graph has been proposed as an alternative to the binary hypercube and, therefore, we compare the genus of the star graph with that of the binary hypercube. Another type of embedding that is helpful in determining the number of layers is a book embedding. We develop upper and lower bounds on the pagenumber of a book embedding of the k-ary hypercube along with an upper bound on the cumulative pagewidth

    On the Effect of Quantum Interaction Distance on Quantum Addition Circuits

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    We investigate the theoretical limits of the effect of the quantum interaction distance on the speed of exact quantum addition circuits. For this study, we exploit graph embedding for quantum circuit analysis. We study a logical mapping of qubits and gates of any Ω(log⁑n)\Omega(\log n)-depth quantum adder circuit for two nn-qubit registers onto a practical architecture, which limits interaction distance to the nearest neighbors only and supports only one- and two-qubit logical gates. Unfortunately, on the chosen kk-dimensional practical architecture, we prove that the depth lower bound of any exact quantum addition circuits is no longer Ω(log⁑n)\Omega(\log {n}), but Ω(nk)\Omega(\sqrt[k]{n}). This result, the first application of graph embedding to quantum circuits and devices, provides a new tool for compiler development, emphasizes the impact of quantum computer architecture on performance, and acts as a cautionary note when evaluating the time performance of quantum algorithms.Comment: accepted for ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

    Embedding multidimensional grids into optimal hypercubes

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    Let GG and HH be graphs, with ∣V(H)∣β‰₯∣V(G)∣|V(H)|\geq |V(G)| , and f:V(G)β†’V(H)f:V(G)\rightarrow V(H) a one to one map of their vertices. Let dilation(f)=max{distH(f(x),f(y)):xy∈E(G)}dilation(f) = max\{ dist_{H}(f(x),f(y)): xy\in E(G) \}, where distH(v,w)dist_{H}(v,w) is the distance between vertices vv and ww of HH. Now let B(G,H)B(G,H) = minf{dilation(f)}min_{f}\{ dilation(f) \}, over all such maps ff. The parameter B(G,H)B(G,H) is a generalization of the classic and well studied "bandwidth" of GG, defined as B(G,P(n))B(G,P(n)), where P(n)P(n) is the path on nn points and n=∣V(G)∣n = |V(G)|. Let [a1Γ—a2Γ—β‹―Γ—ak][a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] be the kk-dimensional grid graph with integer values 11 through aia_{i} in the ii'th coordinate. In this paper, we study B(G,H)B(G,H) in the case when G=[a1Γ—a2Γ—β‹―Γ—ak]G = [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ] and HH is the hypercube QnQ_{n} of dimension n=⌈log2(∣V(G)∣)βŒ‰n = \lceil log_{2}(|V(G)|) \rceil, the hypercube of smallest dimension having at least as many points as GG. Our main result is that B([a1Γ—a2Γ—β‹―Γ—ak],Qn)≀3k,B( [a_{1}\times a_{2}\times \cdots \times a_{k} ],Q_{n}) \le 3k, provided aiβ‰₯222a_{i} \geq 2^{22} for each 1≀i≀k1\le i\le k. For such GG, the bound 3k3k improves on the previous best upper bound 4k+O(1)4k+O(1). Our methods include an application of Knuth's result on two-way rounding and of the existence of spanning regular cyclic caterpillars in the hypercube.Comment: 47 pages, 8 figure
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