868 research outputs found

    Learning in Description Logics with Fuzzy Concrete Domains

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    Description Logics (DLs) are a family of logic-based Knowledge Representation (KR) formalisms, which are particularly suitable for representing incomplete yet precise structured knowledge. Several fuzzy extensions of DLs have been proposed in the KR field in order to handle imprecise knowledge which is particularly pervading in those domains where entities could be better described in natural language. Among the many approaches to fuzzification in DLs, a simple yet interesting one involves the use of fuzzy concrete domains. In this paper, we present a method for learning within the KR framework of fuzzy DLs. The method induces fuzzy DL inclusion axioms from any crisp DL knowledge base. Notably, the induced axioms may contain fuzzy concepts automatically generated from numerical concrete domains during the learning process. We discuss the results obtained on a popular learning problem in comparison with state-of-the-art DL learning algorithms, and on a test bed in order to evaluate the classification performance

    FALCON: Faithful Neural Semantic Entailment over ALC Ontologies

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    Many ontologies, i.e., Description Logic (DL) knowledge bases, have been developed to provide rich knowledge about various domains, and a lot of them are based on ALC, i.e., a prototypical and expressive DL, or its extensions. The main task that explores ALC ontologies is to compute semantic entailment. We developed FALCON, a Fuzzy ALC Ontology Neural reasoner, which uses fuzzy logic operators to generate model structures for arbitrary ALC ontologies, and uses multiple model structures to compute faithful semantic entailments. Theoretical results show that FALCON faithfully approximates semantic entailment over ALC ontologies and therefore endows neural networks with world models and the ability to reason over them. Experimental results show that FALCON enables approximate reasoning, paraconsistent reasoning (reasoning with inconsistencies), and improves machine learning in the biomedical domain by incorporating knowledge expressed in ALC

    Standpoint Logic: A Logic for Handling Semantic Variability, with Applications to Forestry Information

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    It is widely accepted that most natural language expressions do not have precise universally agreed definitions that fix their meanings. Except in the case of certain technical terminology, humans use terms in a variety of ways that are adapted to different contexts and perspectives. Hence, even when conversation participants share the same vocabulary and agree on fundamental taxonomic relationships (such as subsumption and mutual exclusivity), their view on the specific meaning of terms may differ significantly. Moreover, even individuals themselves may not hold permanent points of view, but rather adopt different semantics depending on the particular features of the situation and what they wish to communicate. In this thesis, we analyse logical and representational aspects of the semantic variability of natural language terms. In particular, we aim to provide a formal language adequate for reasoning in settings where different agents may adopt particular standpoints or perspectives, thereby narrowing the semantic variability of the vague language predicates in different ways. For that purpose, we present standpoint logic, a framework for interpreting languages in the presence of semantic variability. We build on supervaluationist accounts of vagueness, which explain linguistic indeterminacy in terms of a collection of possible interpretations of the terms of the language (precisifications). This is extended by adding the notion of standpoint, which intuitively corresponds to a particular point of view on how to interpret vague terminology, and may be taken by a person or institution in a relevant context. A standpoint is modelled by sets of precisifications compatible with that point of view and does not need to be fully precise. In this way, standpoint logic allows one to articulate finely grained and structured stipulations of the varieties of interpretation that can be given to a vague concept or a set of related concepts and also provides means to express relationships between different systems of interpretation. After the specification of precisifications and standpoints and the consideration of the relevant notions of truth and validity, a multi-modal logic language for describing standpoints is presented. The language includes a modal operator for each standpoint, such that \standb{s}\phi means that a proposition ϕ\phi is unequivocally true according to the standpoint ss --- i.e.\ ϕ\phi is true at all precisifications compatible with ss. We provide the logic with a Kripke semantics and examine the characteristics of its intended models. Furthermore, we prove the soundness, completeness and decidability of standpoint logic with an underlying propositional language, and show that the satisfiability problem is NP-complete. We subsequently illustrate how this language can be used to represent logical properties and connections between alternative partial models of a domain and different accounts of the semantics of terms. As proof of concept, we explore the application of our formal framework to the domain of forestry, and in particular, we focus on the semantic variability of `forest'. In this scenario, the problematic arising of the assignation of different meanings has been repeatedly reported in the literature, and it is especially relevant in the context of the unprecedented scale of publicly available geographic data, where information and databases, even when ostensibly linked to ontologies, may present substantial semantic variation, which obstructs interoperability and confounds knowledge exchange

    Fuzzy Description Logics with General Concept Inclusions

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    Description logics (DLs) are used to represent knowledge of an application domain and provide standard reasoning services to infer consequences of this knowledge. However, classical DLs are not suited to represent vagueness in the description of the knowledge. We consider a combination of DLs and Fuzzy Logics to address this task. In particular, we consider the t-norm-based semantics for fuzzy DLs introduced by HĂĄjek in 2005. Since then, many tableau algorithms have been developed for reasoning in fuzzy DLs. Another popular approach is to reduce fuzzy ontologies to classical ones and use existing highly optimized classical reasoners to deal with them. However, a systematic study of the computational complexity of the different reasoning problems is so far missing from the literature on fuzzy DLs. Recently, some of the developed tableau algorithms have been shown to be incorrect in the presence of general concept inclusion axioms (GCIs). In some fuzzy DLs, reasoning with GCIs has even turned out to be undecidable. This work provides a rigorous analysis of the boundary between decidable and undecidable reasoning problems in t-norm-based fuzzy DLs, in particular for GCIs. Existing undecidability proofs are extended to cover large classes of fuzzy DLs, and decidability is shown for most of the remaining logics considered here. Additionally, the computational complexity of reasoning in fuzzy DLs with semantics based on finite lattices is analyzed. For most decidability results, tight complexity bounds can be derived
