7,149 research outputs found

    A Logic for Parametric Polymorphism

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    In this paper we introduce a logic for parametric polymorphism. Just as LCF is a logic for the simply-typed -calculus with recursion and arithmetic, our logic is a logic for System F. The logic permits the formal presentation and use of relational parametricity. Parametricity yields—for example—encodings of initial algebras, final co-algebras and abstract datatypes, with corresponding proof principles of induction, co-induction and simulation

    Subtyping and Parametricity

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    In this paper we study the interaction of subtyping and parametricity. We describe a logic for a programming language with parametric polymorphism and subtyping. The logic supports the formal definition and use of relational parametricity. We give two models for it, and compare it with other formal systems for the same language. In particular, we examine the "Penn interpretation" of subtyping as implicit coercion. Without subtyping, parametricity yields, for example, an encoding of abstract types and of initial algebras, with the corresponding proof principles of simulation and induction. With subtyping, we obtain partially abstract types and certain initial order-sorted algebras, and may derive proof principles for them. 1 Introduction A function is polymorphic if it works on inputs of several types. We may distinguish various notions of polymorphism, particularly parametric polymorphism (e.g. [Rey83]) and subtype polymorphism (e.g. [CW85]). These may exist in isolation, as in ML [MT..

    A logic for parametric polymorphism with effects

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    Abstract. We present a logic for reasoning about parametric polymorphism in combination with arbitrary computational effects (nondeterminism, exceptions, continuations, side-effects etc.). As examples of reasoning in the logic, we show how to verify correctness of polymorphic type encodings in the presence of effects.

    Relational Parametricity and Control

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    We study the equational theory of Parigot's second-order λμ-calculus in connection with a call-by-name continuation-passing style (CPS) translation into a fragment of the second-order λ-calculus. It is observed that the relational parametricity on the target calculus induces a natural notion of equivalence on the λμ-terms. On the other hand, the unconstrained relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus turns out to be inconsistent with this CPS semantics. Following these facts, we propose to formulate the relational parametricity on the λμ-calculus in a constrained way, which might be called ``focal parametricity''.Comment: 22 pages, for Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Relational Parametricity for Computational Effects

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    According to Strachey, a polymorphic program is parametric if it applies a uniform algorithm independently of the type instantiations at which it is applied. The notion of relational parametricity, introduced by Reynolds, is one possible mathematical formulation of this idea. Relational parametricity provides a powerful tool for establishing data abstraction properties, proving equivalences of datatypes, and establishing equalities of programs. Such properties have been well studied in a pure functional setting. Many programs, however, exhibit computational effects, and are not accounted for by the standard theory of relational parametricity. In this paper, we develop a foundational framework for extending the notion of relational parametricity to programming languages with effects.Comment: 31 pages, appears in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Proofs and Refutations for Intuitionistic and Second-Order Logic

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    The ?^{PRK}-calculus is a typed ?-calculus that exploits the duality between the notions of proof and refutation to provide a computational interpretation for classical propositional logic. In this work, we extend ?^{PRK} to encompass classical second-order logic, by incorporating parametric polymorphism and existential types. The system is shown to enjoy good computational properties, such as type preservation, confluence, and strong normalization, which is established by means of a reducibility argument. We identify a syntactic restriction on proofs that characterizes exactly the intuitionistic fragment of second-order ?^{PRK}, and we study canonicity results

    Relational parametricity for higher kinds

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    Reynolds’ notion of relational parametricity has been extremely influential and well studied for polymorphic programming languages and type theories based on System F. The extension of relational parametricity to higher kinded polymorphism, which allows quantification over type operators as well as types, has not received as much attention. We present a model of relational parametricity for System Fω, within the impredicative Calculus of Inductive Constructions, and show how it forms an instance of a general class of models defined by Hasegawa. We investigate some of the consequences of our model and show that it supports the definition of inductive types, indexed by an arbitrary kind, and with reasoning principles provided by initiality
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