5,915 research outputs found

    A Log Domain Pulse Model for Parametric Speech Synthesis

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    Most of the degradation in current Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis (SPSS) results from the form of the vocoder. One of the main causes of degradation is the reconstruction of the noise. In this article, a new signal model is proposed that leads to a simple synthesizer, without the need for ad-hoc tuning of model parameters. The model is not based on the traditional additive linear source-filter model, it adopts a combination of speech components that are additive in the log domain. Also, the same representation for voiced and unvoiced segments is used, rather than relying on binary voicing decisions. This avoids voicing error discontinuities that can occur in many current vocoders. A simple binary mask is used to denote the presence of noise in the time-frequency domain, which is less sensitive to classification errors. Four experiments have been carried out to evaluate this new model. The first experiment examines the noise reconstruction issue. Three listening tests have also been carried out that demonstrate the advantages of this model: comparison with the STRAIGHT vocoder; the direct prediction of the binary noise mask by using a mixed output configuration; and partial improvements of creakiness using a mask correction mechanism.European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie; 10.13039/501100000266-EPSR

    Wavenet based low rate speech coding

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    Traditional parametric coding of speech facilitates low rate but provides poor reconstruction quality because of the inadequacy of the model used. We describe how a WaveNet generative speech model can be used to generate high quality speech from the bit stream of a standard parametric coder operating at 2.4 kb/s. We compare this parametric coder with a waveform coder based on the same generative model and show that approximating the signal waveform incurs a large rate penalty. Our experiments confirm the high performance of the WaveNet based coder and show that the speech produced by the system is able to additionally perform implicit bandwidth extension and does not significantly impair recognition of the original speaker for the human listener, even when that speaker has not been used during the training of the generative model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Speech Synthesis Based on Hidden Markov Models

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    A Comparison Between STRAIGHT, Glottal, an Sinusoidal Vocoding in Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis

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    Speech is a fundamental method of human communication that allows conveying information between people. Even though the linguistic content is commonly regarded as the main information in speech, the signal contains a richness of other information, such as prosodic cues that shape the intended meaning of a sentence. This information is largely generated by quasi-periodic glottal excitation, which is the acoustic speech excitation airflow originating from the lungs that makes the vocal folds oscillate in the production of voiced speech. By regulating the sub-glottal pressure and the tension of the vocal folds, humans learn to affect the characteristics of the glottal excitation in order to signal the emotional state of the speaker for example. Glottal inverse filtering (GIF) is an estimation method for the glottal excitation of a recorded speech signal. Various cues about the speech signal, such as the mode of phonation, can be detected and analyzed from an estimate of the glottal flow, both instantaneously and as a function of time. Aside from its use in fundamental speech research, such as phonetics, the recent advances in GIF and machine learning enable a wider variety of GIF applications, such as emotional speech synthesis and the detection of paralinguistic information. However, GIF is a difficult inverse problem where the target algorithm output is generally unattainable with direct measurements. Thus the algorithms and their evaluation need to rely on some prior assumptions about the properties of the speech signal. A common thread utilized in most of the studies in this thesis is the estimation of the vocal tract transfer function (the key problem in GIF) by temporally weighting the optimization criterion in GIF so that the effect of the main excitation peak is attenuated. This thesis studies GIF from various perspectives---including the development of two new GIF methods that improve GIF performance over the state-of-the-art methods---and furthers basic research in the automated estimation of glottal excitation. The estimation of the GIF-based vocal tract transfer function for formant tracking and perceptually weighted speech envelope estimation is also studied. The central speech technology application of GIF addressed in the thesis is the use of GIF-based spectral envelope models and glottal excitation waveforms as target training data for the generative neural network models used in statistical parametric speech synthesis. The obtained results show that even though the presented studies provide improvements to the previous methodology for all voice types, GIF-based speech processing continues to mainly benefit male voices in speech synthesis applications.Puhe on olennainen osa ihmistenvÀlistÀ informaation siirtoa. Vaikka kielellistÀ sisÀltöÀ pidetÀÀn yleisesti puheen tÀrkeimpÀnÀ ominaisuutena, puhesignaali sisÀltÀÀ myös runsaasti muuta informaatiota kuten prosodisia vihjeitÀ, jotka muokkaavat siirrettÀvÀn informaation merkitystÀ. TÀmÀ informaatio tuotetaan suurilta osin nÀennÀisjaksollisella glottisherÀtteellÀ, joka on puheen herÀtteenÀ toimiva akustinen virtaussignaali. SÀÀtÀmÀllÀ ÀÀnihuulten alapuolista painetta ja ÀÀnihuulten kireyttÀ ihmiset muuttavat glottisherÀtteen ominaisuuksia viestittÀÀkseen esimerkiksi tunnetilaa. Glottaalinen kÀÀnteissuodatus (GKS) on laskennallinen menetelmÀ glottisherÀtteen estimointiin nauhoitetusta puhesignaalista. GlottisherÀtteen perusteella puheen laadusta voidaan tunnistaa useita piirteitÀ kuten ÀÀntötapa, sekÀ hetkellisesti ettÀ ajan funktiona. Puheen perustutkimuksen, kuten fonetiikan, lisÀksi viimeaikaiset edistykset GKS:ssÀ ja koneoppimisessa ovat avaamassa mahdollisuuksia laajempaan GKS:n soveltamiseen puheteknologiassa, kuten puhesynteesissÀ ja puheen biopiirteistÀmisessÀ paralingvistisiÀ sovelluksia varten. Haasteena on kuitenkin se, ettÀ GKS on vaikea kÀÀnteisongelma, jossa todellista puhetta vastaavan glottisherÀtteen suora mittaus on mahdotonta. TÀstÀ johtuen GKS:ssÀ kÀytettÀvien algoritmien kehitystyö ja arviointi perustuu etukÀteisoletuksiin puhesignaalin ominaisuuksista. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa esitetyissÀ menetelmissÀ on yhteisenÀ oletuksena se, ettÀ ÀÀntövÀylÀn siirtofunktio voidaan arvioida (joka on GKS:n pÀÀongelma) aikapainottamalla GKS:n optimointikriteeriÀ niin, ettÀ glottisherÀtteen pÀÀeksitaatiopiikkin vaikutus vaimenee. TÀssÀ vÀitöskirjassa GKS:ta tutkitaan useasta eri nÀkökulmasta, jotka sisÀltÀvÀt kaksi uutta GKS-menetelmÀÀ, jotka parantavat arviointituloksia aikaisempiin menetelmiin verrattuna, sekÀ perustutkimusta kÀÀnteissuodatusprosessin automatisointiin liittyen. LisÀksi GKS-pohjaista ÀÀntövÀylÀn siirtofunktiota kÀytetÀÀn formanttiestimoinnissa sekÀ kuulohavaintopainotettuna versiona puheen spektrin verhokÀyrÀn arvioinnissa. TÀmÀn vÀitöskirjan keskeisin puheteknologiasovellus on GKS-pohjaisten puheen spektrin verhokÀyrÀmallien sekÀ glottisherÀteaaltomuotojen kÀyttö kohdedatana neuroverkkomalleille tilastollisessa parametrisessa puhesynteesissÀ. Saatujen tulosten perusteella kehitetyt menetelmÀt parantavat GKS-pohjaisten menetelmien laatua kaikilla ÀÀnityypeillÀ, mutta puhesynteesisovelluksissa GKS-pohjaiset ratkaisut hyödyttÀvÀt edelleen lÀhinnÀ matalia miesÀÀniÀ
