6 research outputs found

    Інфологічне моделювання інформаційної системи контролю витрат ресурсів

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    Інфологічне моделювання даних є невід’ємною складовою процесу розробки інформаційної системи контролю витрат ресурсів. Звичайні чіткі високорівневі моделі даних не дозволяють враховувати недосконалу інформацію, яка міститься в описі різних видів ресурсів та процесів їх використання. На основі аналізу видів недосконалої інформації системи розроблено узагальнену інфологічну модель шляхом розширення ER-моделі представленням нечітких атрибутів. Запропонована модель дозволяє одночасне представлення чітких та нечітких атрибутів сутностей та відношень і може бути використана при проектуванні даталогічної моделі даних з урахуванням особливостей виробничих процесів конкретного підприємства.Infological modeling of data is an integral part of the resource supervising information system developing process. Ordinary crisp high-level data models do not allow to consider the imperfect information contained in the description of various types of resources and their use processes. On the basis of the analysis of the system imperfect information types, a generalized infological model was developed by extending the ER-model with the representation of fuzzy attributes. The proposed model can allow the simultaneous presentation of crisp and fuzzy attributes of entities and relationships and can be used in datalogical modeling taking into account the features of the specific enterprise production processes

    Impact of Fuzzy Logic in Object-Oriented Database Through Blockchain

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    In this article, we show that applying fuzzy reasoning to an object-arranged data set produces noticeably better results than applying it to a social data set by applying it to both social and object-situated data sets. A Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) product structure offers a practical and efficient way to locate, store, and retrieve accurate data included inside a data collection. In any case, clients typically have to make vague, ambiguous, or fanciful requests. Our work allows clients the freedom to utilise FRDB to examine the database in everyday language, enabling us to provide a range of solutions that would benefit clients in a variety of ways. Given that the degree of attributes in a fuzzy knowledge base goes from 0 to 1, the term "fuzzy" was coined. This is due to the base's fictitious formalization's reliance on fuzzy reasoning. In order to lessen the fuzziness of the fuzzy social data set as a result of the abundance of uncertainty and vulnerabilities in clinical medical services information, a fuzzy article located information base is designed here for the Health-Care space. In order to validate the presentation and sufficiency of the fuzzy logic on both data sets, certain fuzzy questions are thus posed of the fuzzy social data set and the fuzzy item-situated information base.

    Construcción dinámica de consultas difusas sobre una base de datos de proyectos

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    In this paper an application for evaluation and control of software projects is presented. The novelty of this application is that it has been developed using an extended database management system with fuzzy logic. In addition to the usual tasks of a project control tool, this application allows to evaluate the management of a project, taking into consideration the benefits of fuzzy queries.En este trabajo se presenta una aplicación para evaluación y control de proyectos de software. La novedad de esta aplicación es que ha sido desarrollada usando un sistema gestor de bases de datos extendido con lógica difusa. Además de las tareas habituales de una herramienta de control de proyectos, esta aplicación permite evaluar la gestión de un proyecto, aprovechando las bondades de consultas difusas

    Consultas difusas en asistencia al diagnóstico médico

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    This paper proposes the utilization of a fuzzy database engine for supporting medical diagnoses. Expert know how is stored in a relational database and then it is modeled diagnoses rules with fuzzy queries that pulls out the most accurate information related to the sickness and therefore supporting doctors with the medical diagnostic. A solution prototype has been developed with information related to respiratory disease characterization and it is built with fuzzy queries using SQLf. This case study can be used to define a roadmap for future developments in medical diagnosis supported on fuzzy databases. As always, the diagnosis can only be given by a specialist, these systems only provide help in their work task.Este artículo propone el uso de un motor de base de datos difuso para ayudar en el diagnóstico médico. El conocimiento experto se almacena en una base de datos relacional y luego se modela mediante reglas de diagnóstico con consultas difusa que extraen la información más precisa relacionada con la enfermedad y, por lo tanto, apoyan a los médicos con el diagnóstico médico. Hemos construido un prototipo de sistema con una base de datos que almacena la caracterización de enfermedades respiratorias. Esta aplicación se ha creado utilizando un sistema de gestión de bases de datos que admite el lenguaje de consulta difusa SQLf. Este trabajo encamina desarrollos futuros en el diagnóstico médico soportado sobre bases de datos difusas. Como siempre, el diagnóstico solo puede ser dado por un especialista, estos sistemas solo brindan ayuda en su labor médica