24,776 research outputs found

    Keyframe-based monocular SLAM: design, survey, and future directions

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    Extensive research in the field of monocular SLAM for the past fifteen years has yielded workable systems that found their way into various applications in robotics and augmented reality. Although filter-based monocular SLAM systems were common at some time, the more efficient keyframe-based solutions are becoming the de facto methodology for building a monocular SLAM system. The objective of this paper is threefold: first, the paper serves as a guideline for people seeking to design their own monocular SLAM according to specific environmental constraints. Second, it presents a survey that covers the various keyframe-based monocular SLAM systems in the literature, detailing the components of their implementation, and critically assessing the specific strategies made in each proposed solution. Third, the paper provides insight into the direction of future research in this field, to address the major limitations still facing monocular SLAM; namely, in the issues of illumination changes, initialization, highly dynamic motion, poorly textured scenes, repetitive textures, map maintenance, and failure recovery

    Skeleton-based Action Recognition of People Handling Objects

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    In visual surveillance systems, it is necessary to recognize the behavior of people handling objects such as a phone, a cup, or a plastic bag. In this paper, to address this problem, we propose a new framework for recognizing object-related human actions by graph convolutional networks using human and object poses. In this framework, we construct skeletal graphs of reliable human poses by selectively sampling the informative frames in a video, which include human joints with high confidence scores obtained in pose estimation. The skeletal graphs generated from the sampled frames represent human poses related to the object position in both the spatial and temporal domains, and these graphs are used as inputs to the graph convolutional networks. Through experiments over an open benchmark and our own data sets, we verify the validity of our framework in that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method for skeleton-based action recognition.Comment: Accepted in WACV 201

    Lucid Data Dreaming for Video Object Segmentation

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    Convolutional networks reach top quality in pixel-level video object segmentation but require a large amount of training data (1k~100k) to deliver such results. We propose a new training strategy which achieves state-of-the-art results across three evaluation datasets while using 20x~1000x less annotated data than competing methods. Our approach is suitable for both single and multiple object segmentation. Instead of using large training sets hoping to generalize across domains, we generate in-domain training data using the provided annotation on the first frame of each video to synthesize ("lucid dream") plausible future video frames. In-domain per-video training data allows us to train high quality appearance- and motion-based models, as well as tune the post-processing stage. This approach allows to reach competitive results even when training from only a single annotated frame, without ImageNet pre-training. Our results indicate that using a larger training set is not automatically better, and that for the video object segmentation task a smaller training set that is closer to the target domain is more effective. This changes the mindset regarding how many training samples and general "objectness" knowledge are required for the video object segmentation task.Comment: Accepted in International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV

    CNN for Very Fast Ground Segmentation in Velodyne LiDAR Data

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    This paper presents a novel method for ground segmentation in Velodyne point clouds. We propose an encoding of sparse 3D data from the Velodyne sensor suitable for training a convolutional neural network (CNN). This general purpose approach is used for segmentation of the sparse point cloud into ground and non-ground points. The LiDAR data are represented as a multi-channel 2D signal where the horizontal axis corresponds to the rotation angle and the vertical axis the indexes channels (i.e. laser beams). Multiple topologies of relatively shallow CNNs (i.e. 3-5 convolutional layers) are trained and evaluated using a manually annotated dataset we prepared. The results show significant improvement of performance over the state-of-the-art method by Zhang et al. in terms of speed and also minor improvements in terms of accuracy.Comment: ICRA 2018 submissio
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