18 research outputs found

    Upper Bounds for the Davenport Constant

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    We prove that for all but a certain number of abelian groups of order n its Davenport constant is atmost n/k+k-1 for k=1,2,..,7. For groups of order three we improve on the existing bound involving the Alon-Dubiner constant.Comment: article soumis, decembre 200

    Some Results on Zero Sum Sequences in Zp3Z_p^3

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    Kemnitz Conjecture [9] states that if we take a sequence of elements in Zp2Z_{p}^{2} of length 4p−34p-3, pp is a prime number, then it has a subsequence of length pp, whose sum is 00 modulo pp. It is known that in Zp3Z_{p}^{3} to get a similar result we have to take a sequence of length atleast 9p−89p-8 . In this paper we will show that if we add a condition on the chosen sequence, then we can get a good upper and a lower bound for which similar results hold.Comment: This was a part of my master thesis under Prof. Gautami Bhowmi

    On the zero-sum constant, the Davenport constant and their analogues

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    Let D(G)D(G) be the Davenport constant of a finite Abelian group GG. For a positive integer mm (the case m=1m = 1, is the classical one) let Em(G){\mathsf E}_m(G) (or ηm(G)\eta_m(G), respectively) be the least positive integer tt such that every sequence of length tt in GG contains mm disjoint zero-sum sequences, each of length ∣G∣|G| (or of length ≤exp(G)\le exp(G) respectively). In this paper, we prove that if GG is an~Abelian group, then Em(G)=D(G)−1+m∣G∣{\mathsf E}_m(G)=D(G)-1+m|G|, which generalizes Gao's relation. We investigate also the non-Abelian case. Moreover, we examine the asymptotic behavior of the sequences (Em(G))m≥1({\mathsf E}_m(G))_{m\ge 1} and (ηm(G))m≥1.(\eta_m(G))_{m\ge 1}. We prove a~generalization of Kemnitz's conjecture. The paper also contains a result of independent interest, which is a stronger version of a result by Ch. Delorme, O. Ordaz, D. Quiroz. At the and we apply the Davenport constant to smooth numbers and make a natural conjecture in the non-Abelian case.Comment: 16 page

    On a combinatorial problem of Erdos, Kleitman and Lemke

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    In this paper, we study a combinatorial problem originating in the following conjecture of Erdos and Lemke: given any sequence of n divisors of n, repetitions being allowed, there exists a subsequence the elements of which are summing to n. This conjecture was proved by Kleitman and Lemke, who then extended the original question to a problem on a zero-sum invariant in the framework of finite Abelian groups. Building among others on earlier works by Alon and Dubiner and by the author, our main theorem gives a new upper bound for this invariant in the general case, and provides its right order of magnitude.Comment: 15 page

    Note on a Zero-Sum Problem

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    The structure of maximal zero-sum free Sequences

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    Let n be an integer, and consider finite sequences of elements of the group Z/nZ x Z/nZ. Such a sequence is called zero-sum free, if no subsequence has sum zero. It is known that the maximal length of such a zero-sum free sequence is 2n-2, and Gao and Geroldinger conjectured that every zero-sum free sequence of this length contains an element with multiplicity at least n-2. By recent results of Gao, Geroldinger and Grynkiewicz, it essentially suffices to verify the conjecture for n prime. Now fix a sequence (a_i) of length 2n-2 with maximal multiplicity of elements at most n-3. There are different approeaches to show that (a_i) contains a zero-sum; some work well when (a_i) does contain elements with high multiplicity, others work well when all multiplicities are small. The aim of this article is to initiate a systematic approach to property B via the highest occurring multiplicities. Our main results are the following: denote by m_1 >= m_2 the two maximal multiplicities of (a_i), and suppose that n is sufficiently big and prime. Then (a_i) contains a zero-sum in any of the following cases: when m_2 >= 2/3n, when m_1 > (1-c)n, and when m_2 < cn, for some constant c > 0 not depending on anything.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure