3 research outputs found

    Support Vector Machine optimization with fractional gradient descent for data classification

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    Data classification has several problems one of which is a large amount of data that will reduce computing time. SVM is a reliable linear classifier for linear or non-linear data, for large-scale data, there are computational time constraints. The Fractional gradient descent method is an unconstrained optimization algorithm to train classifiers with support vector machines that have convex problems. Compared to the classic integer-order model, a model built with fractional calculus has a significant advantage to accelerate computing time. In this research, it is to conduct investigate the current state of this new optimization method fractional derivatives that can be implemented in the classifier algorithm. The results of the SVM Classifier with fractional gradient descent optimization, it reaches a convergence point of approximately 50 iterations smaller than SVM-SGD. The process of updating or fixing the model is smaller in fractional because the multiplier value is less than 1 or in the form of fractions. The SVM-Fractional SGD algorithm is proven to be an effective method for rainfall forecast decisions

    Evaluasi Kinerja MLLIB APACHE SPARK pada Klasifikasi Berita Palsu dalam Bahasa Indonesia

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    Machine learning digunakan untuk menganalisis, mengklasifikasikan, atau memprediksi data. Untuk melakukan tugas dari machine learning diperlukan alat bantu dengan kinerja serta lingkungan yang kuat demi mendapatkan akurasi dan efisiensi waktu yang baik. MLlib Apache Spark adalah library machine learning yang memiliki kemampuan dan kecepatan yang sangat baik. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam melakukan pemrosesan data, MLlib berjalan di atas memori. Penelitian ini menggunakan MLlib Apache Spark untuk melakukan klasifikasi berita palsu berbahasa Indonesia dengan jumlah data sebanyak 1786 yang diperoleh dari situs penyedia berita palsu dan fakta, yaitu TurnBackHoax.id. Algoritma klasifikasi yang diterapkan adalah Naïve Bayes, Gradient-Boosted Tree, SVM dan Logistic Regression. Keempat algoritma dipilih karena kemampuannya yang sudah terbukti baik dalam melakukan klasifikasi dan beberapa algoritma yang jarang digunakan namun memiliki kemampuan yang baik juga dalam hal klasifikasi. Tahap pengolahan data diantaranya adalah preprocessing, feature extraction, penerapan algoritma. Evaluasi dilakukan berdasarkan accuracy, test error, f1-score, confusion matrix, dan running time. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa MLlib Apache Spark terbukti memiliki kinerja yang cepat dan baik karena dalam melakukan pemrosesan machine learning, running time tercepat yang didapat adalah 6.46 detik dengan menggunakan algoritma Logistic Regression. Akurasi yang didapat juga cukup baik dengan rata-rata test error dari keempat algoritma hanya 0.180. F1-score yang diperoleh pada keempat algoritma juga cukup baik dengan rata-rata sebesar 0.818. Confusion matrix yang dihasilkan juga baik, karena jumlah prediksi benar jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan jumlah yang salah. AbstractMachine learning is used to analyze, classify, or predict data. To do the task of machine learning, we need tools with a strong performance and environment to get good accuracy and time efficiency. MLlib Apache Spark is a machine learning library that has excellent capabilities and speed. This is because in performing data processing, MLlib runs on memory. This research uses MLlib Apache Spark to classify fake news in Indonesian language with 1786 data that were obtained from fake news and fact provider sites, TurnBackHoax.id. The classification algorithm applied was Naïve Bayes, Gradient-Boosted Tree, SVM and Logistic Regression. The four algorithms were chosen because of their proven ability to classify and several algorithms that are rarely used but have good abilities in terms of classification. Data processing stages include preprocessing, feature extraction, and algorithm implementation.  Evaluation was done based on accuracy, error test, f1-score, confusion matrix, and running time.  The results showed that MLlib Apache Spark was proven to have a fast and good performance because in doing machine learning processing, the fastest running time was 6.46 seconds using the Logistic Regression algorithm. The accuracy obtained was also quite good with an average test error of the four algorithms of only 0.180.  F1-scores obtained on the four algorithms were also quite good with an average of 0.818. The result of confusion matrix was also good, because the number of correct predictions was far more than the number of incorrect ones