1,273 research outputs found

    Personnel recognition and gait classification based on multistatic micro-doppler signatures using deep convolutional neural networks

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    In this letter, we propose two methods for personnel recognition and gait classification using deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) based on multistatic radar micro-Doppler signatures. Previous DCNN-based schemes have mainly focused on monostatic scenarios, whereas directional diversity offered by multistatic radar is exploited in this letter to improve classification accuracy. We first propose the voted monostatic DCNN (VMo-DCNN) method, which trains DCNNs on each receiver node separately and fuses the results by binary voting. By merging the fusion step into the network architecture, we further propose the multistatic DCNN (Mul-DCNN) method, which performs slightly better than VMo-DCNN. These methods are validated on real data measured with a 2.4-GHz multistatic radar system. Experimental results show that the Mul-DCNN achieves over 99% accuracy in armed/unarmed gait classification using only 20% training data and similar performance in two-class personnel recognition using 50% training data, which are higher than the accuracy obtained by performing DCNN on a single radar node

    Borrow from Anywhere: Pseudo Multi-modal Object Detection in Thermal Imagery

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    Can we improve detection in the thermal domain by borrowing features from rich domains like visual RGB? In this paper, we propose a pseudo-multimodal object detector trained on natural image domain data to help improve the performance of object detection in thermal images. We assume access to a large-scale dataset in the visual RGB domain and relatively smaller dataset (in terms of instances) in the thermal domain, as is common today. We propose the use of well-known image-to-image translation frameworks to generate pseudo-RGB equivalents of a given thermal image and then use a multi-modal architecture for object detection in the thermal image. We show that our framework outperforms existing benchmarks without the explicit need for paired training examples from the two domains. We also show that our framework has the ability to learn with less data from thermal domain when using our approach. Our code and pre-trained models are made available at https://github.com/tdchaitanya/MMTODComment: Accepted at Perception Beyond Visible Spectrum Workshop, CVPR 201

    Gait recognition and understanding based on hierarchical temporal memory using 3D gait semantic folding

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    Gait recognition and understanding systems have shown a wide-ranging application prospect. However, their use of unstructured data from image and video has affected their performance, e.g., they are easily influenced by multi-views, occlusion, clothes, and object carrying conditions. This paper addresses these problems using a realistic 3-dimensional (3D) human structural data and sequential pattern learning framework with top-down attention modulating mechanism based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM). First, an accurate 2-dimensional (2D) to 3D human body pose and shape semantic parameters estimation method is proposed, which exploits the advantages of an instance-level body parsing model and a virtual dressing method. Second, by using gait semantic folding, the estimated body parameters are encoded using a sparse 2D matrix to construct the structural gait semantic image. In order to achieve time-based gait recognition, an HTM Network is constructed to obtain the sequence-level gait sparse distribution representations (SL-GSDRs). A top-down attention mechanism is introduced to deal with various conditions including multi-views by refining the SL-GSDRs, according to prior knowledge. The proposed gait learning model not only aids gait recognition tasks to overcome the difficulties in real application scenarios but also provides the structured gait semantic images for visual cognition. Experimental analyses on CMU MoBo, CASIA B, TUM-IITKGP, and KY4D datasets show a significant performance gain in terms of accuracy and robustness

    A deep learning solution for real-time human motion decoding in smart walkers

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (especialização em Eletrónica Médica)The treatment of gait impairments has increasingly relied on rehabilitation therapies which benefit from the use of smart walkers. These walkers still lack advanced and seamless Human-Robot Interaction, which intuitively understands the intentions of human motion, empowering the user’s recovery state and autonomy, while reducing the physician’s effort. This dissertation proposes the development of a deep learning solution to tackle the human motion decoding problematic in smart walkers, using only lower body vision information from a camera stream, mounted on the WALKit Smart Walker, a smart walker prototype for rehabilitation purposes. Different deep learning frameworks were designed for early human motion recognition and detec tion. A custom acquisition method, including a smart walker’s automatic driving algorithm and labelling procedure, was also designed to enable further training and evaluation of the proposed frameworks. Facing a 4-class (stop, walk, turn right/left) classification problem, a deep learning convolutional model with an attention mechanism achieved the best results: an offline f1-score of 99.61%, an online calibrated instantaneous precision higher than 97% and a human-centred focus slightly higher than 30%. Promising results were attained for early human motion detection, with enhancements in the focus of the proposed architectures. However, further improvements are still needed to achieve a more reliable solution for integration in a smart walker’s control strategy, based in the human motion intentions.O tratamento de distúrbios da marcha tem apostado cada vez mais em terapias de reabilitação que beneficiam do uso de andarilhos inteligentes. Estes ainda carecem de uma Interação Humano-Robô avançada e eficaz, capaz de entender, intuitivamente, as intenções do movimento humano, fortalecendo a recuperação autónoma do paciente e reduzindo o esforço médico. Esta dissertação propõe o desenvolvimento de uma solução de aprendizagem para o problema de descodificação de movimento humano em andarilhos inteligentes, usando apenas vídeos recolhidos pelo WALKit Smart Walker, um protótipo de andarilho inteligente usado para reabilitação. Foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de aprendizagem para o reconhecimento e detecção precoces de movimento humano. Um método de aquisição personalizado, incluindo um algoritmo de condução e labelização automatizados, foi projetado para permitir o conseguinte treino e avaliação dos algoritmos propostos. Perante a classificação de 4 ações (parar, andar, virar à direita/esquerda), um modelo convolucional com um mecanismo de atenção alcançou os melhores resultados: f1-score offline de 99,61%, precisão instantânea calibrada online de superior a 97 % e um foco centrado no ser humano ligeiramente superior a 30%. Com esta dissertação alcançaram-se resultados promissores para a detecção precoce de movimento humano, com aprimoramentos no foco dos algoritmos propostos. No entanto, ainda são necessárias melhorias adicionais para alcançar uma solução mais robusta para a integração na estratégia de controlo de um andarilho inteligente, com base nas intenções de movimento do utilizador