11,839 research outputs found

    Ubiquitousness of link-density and link-pattern communities in real-world networks

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    Community structure appears to be an intrinsic property of many complex real-world networks. However, recent work shows that real-world networks reveal even more sophisticated modules than classical cohesive (link-density) communities. In particular, networks can also be naturally partitioned according to similar patterns of connectedness among the nodes, revealing link-pattern communities. We here propose a propagation based algorithm that can extract both link-density and link-pattern communities, without any prior knowledge of the true structure. The algorithm was first validated on different classes of synthetic benchmark networks with community structure, and also on random networks. We have further applied the algorithm to different social, information, technological and biological networks, where it indeed reveals meaningful (composites of) link-density and link-pattern communities. The results thus seem to imply that, similarly as link-density counterparts, link-pattern communities appear ubiquitous in nature and design

    Community Detection in Dynamic Networks via Adaptive Label Propagation

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    An adaptive label propagation algorithm (ALPA) is proposed to detect and monitor communities in dynamic networks. Unlike the traditional methods by re-computing the whole community decomposition after each modification of the network, ALPA takes into account the information of historical communities and updates its solution according to the network modifications via a local label propagation process, which generally affects only a small portion of the network. This makes it respond to network changes at low computational cost. The effectiveness of ALPA has been tested on both synthetic and real-world networks, which shows that it can successfully identify and track dynamic communities. Moreover, ALPA could detect communities with high quality and accuracy compared to other methods. Therefore, being low-complexity and parameter-free, ALPA is a scalable and promising solution for some real-world applications of community detection in dynamic networks.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    DEMON: a Local-First Discovery Method for Overlapping Communities

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    Community discovery in complex networks is an interesting problem with a number of applications, especially in the knowledge extraction task in social and information networks. However, many large networks often lack a particular community organization at a global level. In these cases, traditional graph partitioning algorithms fail to let the latent knowledge embedded in modular structure emerge, because they impose a top-down global view of a network. We propose here a simple local-first approach to community discovery, able to unveil the modular organization of real complex networks. This is achieved by democratically letting each node vote for the communities it sees surrounding it in its limited view of the global system, i.e. its ego neighborhood, using a label propagation algorithm; finally, the local communities are merged into a global collection. We tested this intuition against the state-of-the-art overlapping and non-overlapping community discovery methods, and found that our new method clearly outperforms the others in the quality of the obtained communities, evaluated by using the extracted communities to predict the metadata about the nodes of several real world networks. We also show how our method is deterministic, fully incremental, and has a limited time complexity, so that it can be used on web-scale real networks.Comment: 9 pages; Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Beijing, China, August 12-16, 201

    POISED: Spotting Twitter Spam Off the Beaten Paths

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    Cybercriminals have found in online social networks a propitious medium to spread spam and malicious content. Existing techniques for detecting spam include predicting the trustworthiness of accounts and analyzing the content of these messages. However, advanced attackers can still successfully evade these defenses. Online social networks bring people who have personal connections or share common interests to form communities. In this paper, we first show that users within a networked community share some topics of interest. Moreover, content shared on these social network tend to propagate according to the interests of people. Dissemination paths may emerge where some communities post similar messages, based on the interests of those communities. Spam and other malicious content, on the other hand, follow different spreading patterns. In this paper, we follow this insight and present POISED, a system that leverages the differences in propagation between benign and malicious messages on social networks to identify spam and other unwanted content. We test our system on a dataset of 1.3M tweets collected from 64K users, and we show that our approach is effective in detecting malicious messages, reaching 91% precision and 93% recall. We also show that POISED's detection is more comprehensive than previous systems, by comparing it to three state-of-the-art spam detection systems that have been proposed by the research community in the past. POISED significantly outperforms each of these systems. Moreover, through simulations, we show how POISED is effective in the early detection of spam messages and how it is resilient against two well-known adversarial machine learning attacks
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