8 research outputs found

    A Kernel Stein Test for Comparing Latent Variable Models

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    We propose a kernel-based nonparametric test of relative goodness of fit, where the goal is to compare two models, both of which may have unobserved latent variables, such that the marginal distribution of the observed variables is intractable. The proposed test generalises the recently proposed kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) tests (Liu et al., 2016, Chwialkowski et al., 2016, Yang et al., 2018) to the case of latent variable models, a much more general class than the fully observed models treated previously. As our main theoretical contribution, we prove that the new test, with a properly calibrated threshold, has a well-controlled type-I error. In the case of models with low-dimensional latent structure and high-dimensional observations, our test significantly outperforms the relative Maximum Mean Discrepancy test, which cannot exploit the latent structure.Comment: update test statistic (MCMC version

    Kernelized Stein Discrepancy Tests of Goodness-of-fit for Time-to-Event Data

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    Survival Analysis and Reliability Theory are concerned with the analysis of time-to-event data, in which observations correspond to waiting times until an event of interest such as death from a particular disease or failure of a component in a mechanical system. This type of data is unique due to the presence of censoring, a type of missing data that occurs when we do not observe the actual time of the event of interest but, instead, we have access to an approximation for it given by random interval in which the observation is known to belong. Most traditional methods are not designed to deal with censoring, and thus we need to adapt them to censored time-to-event data. In this paper, we focus on non-parametric goodness-of-fit testing procedures based on combining the Stein's method and kernelized discrepancies. While for uncensored data, there is a natural way of implementing a kernelized Stein discrepancy test, for censored data there are several options, each of them with different advantages and disadvantages. In this paper, we propose a collection of kernelized Stein discrepancy tests for time-to-event data, and we study each of them theoretically and empirically; our experimental results show that our proposed methods perform better than existing tests, including previous tests based on a kernelized maximum mean discrepancy.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning, 202

    Statistical Model Evaluation Using Reproducing Kernels and Stein’s method

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    Advances in computing have enabled us to develop increasingly complex statistical models. However, their complexity poses challenges in their evaluation. The central theme of the thesis is addressing intractability and interpretability in model evaluations. The key tools considered in the thesis are kernel and Stein's methods: Kernel methods provide flexible means of specifying features for comparing models, and Stein's method further allows us to incorporate model structures in evaluation. The first part of the thesis addresses the question of intractability. The focus is on latent variable models, a large class of models used in practice, including factor models, topic models for text, and hidden Markov models. The kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD), a kernel-based discrepancy, is extended to deal with this model class. Based on this extension, a statistical hypothesis test of relative goodness of fit is developed, enabling us to compare competing latent variable models that are known up to normalization. The second part of the thesis concerns the question of interpretability with two contributed works. First, interpretable relative goodness-of-fit tests are developed using kernel-based discrepancies developed in Chwialkowski et al. (2015); Jitkrittum et al. (2016); Jitkrittum et al. (2017). These tests allow the user to choose features for comparison and discover aspects distinguishing two models. Second, a convergence property of the KSD is established. Specifically, the KSD is shown to control an integral probability metric defined by a class of polynomially growing continuous functions. In particular, this development allows us to evaluate both unnormalized statistical models and sample approximations to posterior distributions in terms of moments

    Advances in Non-parametric Hypothesis Testing with Kernels

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    Non-parametric statistical hypothesis testing procedures aim to distinguish the null hypothesis against the alternative with minimal assumptions on the model distributions. In recent years, the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) has been developed as a measure to compare two distributions, which is applicable to two-sample problems and independence tests. With the aid of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) that are rich-enough, MMD enjoys desirable statistical properties including characteristics, consistency, and maximal test power. Moreover, MMD receives empirical successes in complex tasks such as training and comparing generative models. Stein’s method also provides an elegant probabilistic tool to compare unnormalised distributions, which commonly appear in practical machine learning tasks. Combined with rich-enough RKHS, the kernel Stein discrepancy (KSD) has been developed as a proper discrepancy measure between distributions, which can be used to tackle one-sample problems (or goodness-of-fit tests). The existing development of KSD applies to a limited choice of domains, such as Euclidean space or finite discrete sets, and requires complete data observations, while the current MMD constructions are limited by the choice of simple kernels where the power of the tests suffer, e.g. high-dimensional image data. The main focus of this thesis is on the further advancement of kernel-based statistics for hypothesis testings. Firstly, Stein operators are developed that are compatible with broader data domains to perform the corresponding goodness-of-fit tests. Goodness-of-fit tests for general unnormalised densities on Riemannian manifolds, which are of the non-Euclidean topology, have been developed. In addition, novel non-parametric goodness-of-fit tests for data with censoring are studied. Then the tests for data observations with left truncation are studied, e.g. times of entering the hospital always happen before death time in the hospital, and we say the death time is truncated by the entering time. We test the notion of independence beyond truncation by proposing a kernelised measure for quasi-independence. Finally, we study the deep kernel architectures to improve the two-sample testing performances