18 research outputs found

    서울시 ‘따릉이’를 중심으로

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 건설환경공학부, 2022.2. 황준석.더욱 합리적이고 인간적인 공공자전거 서비스를 제공하기 위해서 공공자전거가 시스템 더 효율적으로 운영되고 서비스 이용자 만족도를 높이도록 한 가지 자전거 재배치 경로 최적화 목적으로 공공자전거 재배치 최적화 모델을 제시하였다. 기존 재배치 모델들의 속도 느림, 정확도 낮음 등 한계점을 개선하기 위해서, 본 논문에서 GA와 ACO 알고리즘을 조합돼서 GAACO-BSP(a Genetic Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Solving Bike-sharing Scheduling Problem) 알고리즘을 개발하였다. 그리고 성능 향상시키기 위하여 GA 수행횟수 제어 함수를 수립하여 두 알고리즘을 동적으로 연결하였다. 우선 GA가 스케줄링 가능한 초기해를 구하고, 그 다음으로 GA 수행횟수 제어 함수를 통해 최적 전환 시기를 파악해서 동적으로 ACO으로 전환한다. ACO가 GA에게서 초기화 필요한 페로몬을 얻고 최종 최적해를 찾는 것이다. 서울시 공공자전거 따릉이 사례로 결과를 검증하여, GAACO-BSP은 전통 단일 알고리즘보다 뛰어난 성능 우세로 대규모 자전거 시스템에 적용하고 더 짧은 시간 만에 재배치 거리를 더 많이 줄였다. 실험을 통해 GAACO-BSP가 실제 도시 공공자전거 시스템에서 적용할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있다.To improve the service efficiency and customer satisfaction degree of public bicycle, a bike-sharing scheduling model is proposed, which aims to get the shortest length of the bicycle scheduling. To address the slow solution speed of the existing algorithms, which is not conducive to real-time scheduling optimization, this paper designed a Genetic Hybrid Ant Colony System Algorithm for Solving Bike-sharing Scheduling Problem (GAACS-BSP). Genetic algorithm was used to search initial feasible scheme, which was used to initialize pheromone distribution of ant colony algorithm. It solved problem of lack initial pheromone, to improve the efficiency of bike-sharing scheduling tasks. There also proposed a genetic algorithm control function to control the appropriate combination opportunity of the two algorithms. Finally, the results show that compared with GA or ACS, it is more suitable for solving the problem of large-scale bike-sharing scheduling tasks, which shortens the scheduling distance in a short period.제 1 장 서 론 1 1.1. 연구의 배경 1 1.2. 연구의 내용 2 제 2 장 선행 연구 3 2.1. 기존 공공자전거 재배치에 관한 연구 3 2.2. 기존 GA-ACO 융합 알고리즘 5 제 3 장 모델 구축 방법론 8 3.1. BSP 문제의 수학적 해석 8 3.2. BSP 해결을 위한 GAACO-BSP 11 3.2.1. 기본 생각 11 3.2.2. 전체 프레임워크 11 제 4 장 GAACO-BSP 알고리즘 13 4.1. GA 부분의 규칙 14 4.1.1. 인코딩 방식 및 초기화 14 4.1.2. 선택 15 4.1.3. 교차 및 변이 15 4.1.4. 정지 조건 및 전환 16 4.2. ACO 부분의 규칙 17 4.2.1. ACO 초기화 17 4.2.2. 경로 선택 규칙 18 4.2.3. Pheromone 농도 조절 18 4.3. 알고리즘 흐름도 20 제 5 장 실험 및 결과 21 5.1. 데이터 전처리 21 5.2. 지역센터(배송팀) 재구분 26 5.3. 재배치 전략방안 도출 29 5.3.1. 수요현황 분석 29 5.3.2. 재배치 최적화 방안 도출 32 제 6 장 결 론 38 참고 문헌 41석

    A GRASP Algorithm Based on New Randomized Heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problem

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    This paper presents a novel GRASP algorithm based on a new randomized heuristic for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem, which characterized by using a fleet of homogenous vehicle capacity that will start from one depot, to serve a number of customers with demands that are less than the vehicle capacity. The proposed method is based on a new constructive heuristic and a simulated annealing procedure as an improvement phase. The new constructive heuristic uses four steps to generate feasible initial solutions, and the simulated annealing enhances these solutions found to reach the optimal one. We tested our algorithm on two sets of benchmark instances and the obtained results are very encouraging

    MATLAB tool for loading of boxes in 3L-CVRP problem

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    The Three-Dimensional Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, or 3L-CVRP, is one NP-Hard Problem in the logistics field. In the 3L-CVRP the length, width and height dimensions of items and vehicle are considered. Hence, each item must be sequentially loaded to avoid overlaps between items of different customers, fragile items must not support no fragile items. Items can be rotated in x-y axes. In this work, a MATLAB program for plotting the solutions obtained for 3L-CVRP is proposed as a technique to verify errors such as overlaps, intersections, not enough supporting area and the invalid combination of items

    A hybrid algorithm for a vehicle routing problem with realistic constraints

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    Proliferation of multi-national corporations and extremely competitive business environments have led to an unprecedented demand for third-party logistics services. However, recent studies on the vehicle routing problem (VRP) have considered only simple constraints. They also do not scale well to real-world problems that are encountered in the logistics industry. In this paper, we introduce a novel vehicle routing problem with time window and pallet loading constraints; this problem accounts for the actual needs of businesses in the logistics industry such as the delivery of consumer goods and agricultural products. To solve this new VRP, we propose a hybrid approach by combining Tabu search and the artificial bee colony algorithm. A new benchmark data set is generated to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm because the proposed VRP has never been reported in the literature. Experiments are performed for a data set of Solomon's 56 vehicle routing problem with time windows. Our approach is superior to a number of other heuristic algorithms in a comparison on Solomon's VRPTW instances. © 2017 Elsevier Inc

    Integrated mathematical model based on a heuristic method for loading and routing of vehicles: application in a tobacco company

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    The vehicle-routing problem (VRP) combined with freight-loading problem is a complex and relatively recent issue studied by the scientific literature. This paper presents the formulation of a mathematical model and a procedure to solve this problem in a Cuban tobacco company aiming to determine the quantity of merchandise to be loaded on vehicles and the best route to be taken. For this purpose, a decomposition’s heuristic method was used and it was integrated with multiobjective programming by-goals and mixed binary quadratic programming. This approach allowed simplifying the problem and offering a satisfactory solution based on the demand fulfillment, the vehicles’ rational use and for searching the local optimums of the traffic load indicator. The model was tested in a case study and its feasibility evaluated based on a real operational situation in a tobacco company. Although the results of the application of the developed model does not imply reaching the optimal solution to the problem studied, it represents an opportunity for company’s performance improvement and it could be adapted and applied to other institutions dedicated to the same activities

    Solving the Pickup and Delivery Problem with 3D Loading Constraints and Reloading Ban

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    In this paper, we extend the classical Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) to an integrated routing and three-dimensional loading problem, called PDP with 3D loading constraints (3L-PDP). A set of routes of minimum total length has to be determined such that each request is transported from a loading site to the corresponding unloading site. In the 3L-PDP, each request is given as a set of 3D rectangular items (boxes) and the vehicle capacity is replaced by a 3D loading space. This paper is the second one in a series of articles on 3L-PDP. In both articles we investigate which constraints will ensure that no reloading effort will occur, i.e. that no box is moved after loading and before unloading. In this paper, the focus is laid on the so-called reloading ban, a packing constraint that ensures identical placements of same boxes in different packing plans. We propose a hybrid algorithm for solving the 3L-PDP with reloading ban consisting of a routing and a packing procedure. The routing procedure modifies a well-known large neighborhood search for the 1D-PDP. A tree search heuristic is responsible for packing boxes. Computational experiments were carried out using 54 3L-PDP benchmark instances

    A Hybrid Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and 3D Loading Constraints

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    In this paper, we extend the classical Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) to an integrated routing and three-dimensional loading problem, called PDP with 3D loading constraints (3L-PDP). A set of routes of minimum total length has to be determined such that each request is transported from a loading site to the corresponding unloading site. In the 3L-PDP, each request is given as a set of 3D rectangular items (boxes) and the vehicle capacity is replaced by a 3D loading space. We investigate which constraints will ensure that no reloading effort will occur, i.e. that no box is moved after loading and before unloading. A spectrum of 3L-PDP variants is introduced with different characteristics in terms of reloading effort. We propose a hybrid algorithm for solving the 3L-PDP consisting of a routing and a packing procedure. The routing procedure modifies a well-known large neighborhood search for the 1D-PDP. A tree search heuristic is responsible for packing boxes. Computational experiments were carried out using 54 newly proposed 3L-PDP benchmark instances

    Container Loading Problems: A State-of-the-Art Review

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    Container loading is a pivotal function for operating supply chains efficiently. Underperformance results in unnecessary costs (e.g. cost of additional containers to be shipped) and in an unsatisfactory customer service (e.g. violation of deadlines agreed to or set by clients). Thus, it is not surprising that container loading problems have been dealt with frequently in the operations research literature. It has been claimed though that the proposed approaches are of limited practical value since they do not pay enough attention to constraints encountered in practice.In this paper, a review of the state-of-the-art in the field of container loading will be given. We will identify factors which - from a practical point of view - need to be considered when dealing with container loading problems and we will analyze whether and how these factors are represented in methods for the solution of such problems. Modeling approaches, as well as exact and heuristic algorithms will be reviewed. This will allow for assessing the practical relevance of the research which has been carried out in the field. We will also mention several issues which have not been dealt with satisfactorily so far and give an outlook on future research opportunities

    The split delivery vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints

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     The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem with three-dimensional loading constraints (3L-SDVRP) combines vehicle routing and three-dimensional loading with additional packing constraints. In the 3L-SDVRP splitting deliveries of customers is basically possible, i.e. a customer can be visited in two or more tours. We examine essential problem features and introduce two problem variants. In the first variant, called 3L-SDVRP with forced splitting, a delivery is only split if the demand of a customer cannot be transported by a single vehicle. In the second variant, termed 3L-SDVRP with optional splitting, splitting customer deliveries can be done any number of times. We propose a hybrid algorithm consisting of a local search algorithm for routing and a genetic algorithm and several construction heuristics for packing. Numerical experiments are conducted using three sets of instances with both industrial and academic origins. One of them was provided by an automotive logistics company in Shanghai; in this case some customers per instance have a total freight volume larger than the loading space of a vehicle. The results prove that splitting deliveries can be beneficial not only in the one-dimensional case but also when goods are modeled as three-dimensional items

    Hybrid Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery and Two-dimensional Loading Constraints

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    We extend the classical Pickup and Delivery Problem (PDP) to an integrated routing and two-dimensional loading problem, called PDP with two-dimensional loading constraints (2L-PDP). A set of routes of minimum total length has to be determined such that each request is transported from a loading site to the corresponding unloading site. Each request consists of a given set of 2D rectangular items with a certain weight. The vehicles have a weight capacity and a rectangular two-dimensional loading area. All loading and unloading operations must be done exclusively by movements parallel to the longitudinal axis of the loading area of a vehicle and without moving items of other requests. Furthermore, each item must not be moved after loading and before unloading. The problem is of interest for the transport of rectangular-shaped items that cannot be stacked one on top of the other because of their weight, fragility or large dimensions. The 2L-PDP also generalizes the well-known Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Two-dimensional Loading Constraints (2L-CVRP), in which the demand of each customer is to be transported from the depot to the customer’s unloading site.This paper proposes two hybrid algorithms for solving the 2L-PDP and each one consists of a routing and a packing procedure. Within both approaches, the routing procedure modifies a well-known large neighborhood search for the one-dimensional PDP and the packing procedure uses six different constructive heuristics for packing the items. Computational experiments were carried out using 60 newly proposed 2L-PDP benchmark instances with up to 150 requests