3 research outputs found

    Sistem Cerdas Permainan Papan The Battle Of Honor dengan Decision Making dan Machine Learning

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    Abstract. Intelligent System of the Battle of Honor Board Game with Decision Making and Machine Learning. The Battle of Honor is a board game where 2 players face each other to bring down their opponent's flag. This game requires a third party to act as the referee because the players cannot see each other's pawns during the game. The solution to this is to implement Rule-Based Systems (RBS) on a system developed with Unity to support the referee's role in making decisions based on the rules of the game. Researchers also develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) as opposed to applying Case-Based reasoning (CBR). The application of CBR is supported by the nearest neighbor algorithm to find cases that have a high degree of similarity. In the basic test, the results of the CBR test were obtained with the highest formulated accuracy of the 3 examiners, namely 97.101%. In testing the AI scenario as a referee, it is analyzed through colliding pieces and gives the right decision in determining victoryKeywords: The Battle of Honor, CBR, RBS, unity, AIAbstrak. The Battle of Honor merupakan permainan papan dimana 2 pemain saling berhadapan untuk menjatuhkan bendera lawannya. Permainan ini membutuhkan pihak ketiga yang berperan sebagai wasit karena pemain yang saling berhadapan tidak dapat saling melihat bidak lawannya. Solusi dari hal tersebut yaitu mengimplementasikan Rule-Based Systems (RBS) pada sistem yang dikembangkan dengan Unity untuk mendukung peran wasit dalam memberikan keputusan berdasarkan aturan permainan. Peneliti juga mengembangkan Artificial Intelligence (AI) sebagai lawan dengan menerapkan Case-Based reasoning (CBR). Penerapan CBR didukung dengan algoritma nearest neighbour untuk mencari kasus yang memiliki tingkat kemiripan yang tinggi. Pada pengujian dasar didapatkan hasil uji CBR dengan accuracy yang dirumuskan tertinggi dari 3 penguji yaitu 97,101%. Pada pengujian skenario AI sebagai wasit dianalisis lewat bidak yang bertabrakan dan memberikan keputusan yang tepat dalam menentukan kemenangan.Kata Kunci: The Battle of Honor, CBR, RBS, unity, A

    Risk Evaluation in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Based on D Numbers Theory

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    Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) is a useful technology for identifying the potential faults or errors in system, and simultaneously preventing them from occurring. In FMEA, risk evaluation is a vital procedure. Many methods are proposed to address this issue but they have some deficiencies, such as the complex calculation and two adjacent evaluation ratings being considered to be mutually exclusive. Aiming at these problems, in this paper, A novel method to risk evaluation based on D numbers theory is proposed. In the proposed method, for one thing, the assessments of each failure mode are aggregated through D numbers theory. For another, the combination usage of risk priority number (RPN) and the risk coefficient newly defined not only achieve less computation complexity compared with other methods, but also overcome the shortcomings of classical RPN. Furthermore, a numerical example is illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method