1,590 research outputs found

    Chunk Tagger - Statistical Recognition of Noun Phrases

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    We describe a stochastic approach to partial parsing, i.e., the recognition of syntactic structures of limited depth. The technique utilises Markov Models, but goes beyond usual bracketing approaches, since it is capable of recognising not only the boundaries, but also the internal structure and syntactic category of simple as well as complex NP's, PP's, AP's and adverbials. We compare tagging accuracy for different applications and encoding schemes.Comment: 7 pages, LaTe

    Learning Parse and Translation Decisions From Examples With Rich Context

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    We present a knowledge and context-based system for parsing and translating natural language and evaluate it on sentences from the Wall Street Journal. Applying machine learning techniques, the system uses parse action examples acquired under supervision to generate a deterministic shift-reduce parser in the form of a decision structure. It relies heavily on context, as encoded in features which describe the morphological, syntactic, semantic and other aspects of a given parse state.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures, uses aclap.st

    Mostly-Unsupervised Statistical Segmentation of Japanese Kanji Sequences

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    Given the lack of word delimiters in written Japanese, word segmentation is generally considered a crucial first step in processing Japanese texts. Typical Japanese segmentation algorithms rely either on a lexicon and syntactic analysis or on pre-segmented data; but these are labor-intensive, and the lexico-syntactic techniques are vulnerable to the unknown word problem. In contrast, we introduce a novel, more robust statistical method utilizing unsegmented training data. Despite its simplicity, the algorithm yields performance on long kanji sequences comparable to and sometimes surpassing that of state-of-the-art morphological analyzers over a variety of error metrics. The algorithm also outperforms another mostly-unsupervised statistical algorithm previously proposed for Chinese. Additionally, we present a two-level annotation scheme for Japanese to incorporate multiple segmentation granularities, and introduce two novel evaluation metrics, both based on the notion of a compatible bracket, that can account for multiple granularities simultaneously.Comment: 22 pages. To appear in Natural Language Engineerin

    Treebank-based acquisition of LFG resources for Chinese

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    This paper presents a method to automatically acquire wide-coverage, robust, probabilistic Lexical-Functional Grammar resources for Chinese from the Penn Chinese Treebank (CTB). Our starting point is the earlier, proofof- concept work of (Burke et al., 2004) on automatic f-structure annotation, LFG grammar acquisition and parsing for Chinese using the CTB version 2 (CTB2). We substantially extend and improve on this earlier research as regards coverage, robustness, quality and fine-grainedness of the resulting LFG resources. We achieve this through (i) improved LFG analyses for a number of core Chinese phenomena; (ii) a new automatic f-structure annotation architecture which involves an intermediate dependency representation; (iii) scaling the approach from 4.1K trees in CTB2 to 18.8K trees in CTB version 5.1 (CTB5.1) and (iv) developing a novel treebank-based approach to recovering non-local dependencies (NLDs) for Chinese parser output. Against a new 200-sentence good standard of manually constructed f-structures, the method achieves 96.00% f-score for f-structures automatically generated for the original CTB trees and 80.01%for NLD-recovered f-structures generated for the trees output by Bikel’s parser

    Investigating Genotype-Phenotype relationship extraction from biomedical text

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    During the last decade biomedicine has developed at a tremendous pace. Every day a lot of biomedical papers are published and a large amount of new information is produced. To help enable automated and human interaction in the multitude of applications of this biomedical data, the need for Natural Language Processing systems to process the vast amount of new information is increasing. Our main purpose in this research project is to extract the relationships between genotypes and phenotypes mentioned in the biomedical publications. Such a system provides important and up-to-date data for database construction and updating, and even text summarization. To achieve this goal we had to solve three main problems: finding genotype names, finding phenotype names, and finally extracting phenotype--genotype interactions. We consider all these required modules in a comprehensive system and propose a promising solution for each of them taking into account available tools and resources. BANNER, an open source biomedical named entity recognition system, which has achieved good results in detecting genotypes, has been used for the genotype name recognition task. We were the first group to start working on phenotype name recognition. We have developed two different systems (rule-based and machine-learning based) for extracting phenotype names from text. These systems incorporated the available knowledge from the Unified Medical Language System metathesaurus and the Human Phenotype Onotolgy (HPO). As there was no available annotated corpus for phenotype names, we created a valuable corpus with annotated phenotype names using information available in HPO and a self-training method which can be used for future research. To solve the final problem of this project i.e. , phenotype--genotype relationship extraction, a machine learning method has been proposed. As there was no corpus available for this task and it was not possible for us to annotate a sufficiently large corpus manually, a semi-automatic approach has been used to annotate a small corpus and a self-training method has been proposed to annotate more sentences and enlarge this corpus. A test set was manually annotated by an expert. In addition to having phenotype-genotype relationships annotated, the test set contains important comments about the nature of these relationships. The evaluation results related to each system demonstrate the significantly good performance of all the proposed methods

    Porting a lexicalized-grammar parser to the biomedical domain

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    AbstractThis paper introduces a state-of-the-art, linguistically motivated statistical parser to the biomedical text mining community, and proposes a method of adapting it to the biomedical domain requiring only limited resources for data annotation. The parser was originally developed using the Penn Treebank and is therefore tuned to newspaper text. Our approach takes advantage of a lexicalized grammar formalism, Combinatory Categorial Grammar (ccg), to train the parser at a lower level of representation than full syntactic derivations. The ccg parser uses three levels of representation: a first level consisting of part-of-speech (pos) tags; a second level consisting of more fine-grained ccg lexical categories; and a third, hierarchical level consisting of ccg derivations. We find that simply retraining the pos tagger on biomedical data leads to a large improvement in parsing performance, and that using annotated data at the intermediate lexical category level of representation improves parsing accuracy further. We describe the procedure involved in evaluating the parser, and obtain accuracies for biomedical data in the same range as those reported for newspaper text, and higher than those previously reported for the biomedical resource on which we evaluate. Our conclusion is that porting newspaper parsers to the biomedical domain, at least for parsers which use lexicalized grammars, may not be as difficult as first thought

    Statistical parsing of noun phrase structure

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    Noun phrases (NPs) are a crucial part of natural language, exhibiting in many cases an extremely complex structure. However, NP structure is largely ignored by the statistical parsing field, as the most widely-used corpus is not annotated with it. This lack of gold-standard data has restricted all previous efforts to parse NPs, making it impossible to perform the supervised experiments that have achieved high performance in so many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. We comprehensively solve this problem by manually annotating NP structure for the entire Wall Street Journal section of the Penn Treebank. The inter-annotator agreement scores that we attain refute the belief that the task is too difficult, and demonstrate that consistent NP annotation is possible. Our gold-standard NP data is now available and will be useful for all parsers. We present three statistical methods for parsing NP structure. Firstly, we apply the Collins (2003) model, and find that its recovery of NP structure is significantly worse than its overall performance. Through much experimentation, we determine that this is not a result of the special base-NP model used by the parser, but primarily caused by a lack of lexical information. Secondly, we construct a wide-coverage, large-scale NP Bracketing system, applying a supervised model to achieve excellent results. Our Penn Treebank data set, which is orders of magnitude larger than those used previously, makes this possible for the first time. We then implement and experiment with a wide variety of features in order to determine an optimal model. Having achieved this, we use the NP Bracketing system to reanalyse NPs outputted by the Collins (2003) parser. Our post-processor outperforms this state-of-the-art parser. For our third model, we convert the NP data to CCGbank (Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2007), a corpus that uses the Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) formalism. We experiment with a CCG parser and again, implement features that improve performance. We also evaluate the CCG parser against the Briscoe and Carroll (2006) reannotation of DepBank (King et al., 2003), another corpus that annotates NP structure. This supplies further evidence that parser performance is increased by improving the representation of NP structure. Finally, the error analysis we carry out on the CCG data shows that again, a lack of lexicalisation causes difficulties for the parser. We find that NPs are particularly reliant on this lexical information, due to their exceptional productivity and the reduced explicitness present in modifier sequences. Our results show that NP parsing is a significantly harder task than parsing in general. This thesis comprehensively analyses the NP parsing task. Our contributions allow wide-coverage, large-scale NP parsers to be constructed for the first time, and motivate further NP parsing research for the future. The results of our work can provide significant benefits for many NLP tasks, as the crucial information contained in NP structure is now available for all downstream systems

    Hungarian noun phrase extraction using rule-based and hybrid methods

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    We implement and revise Kornai's grammar of Hungarian NPs [11] to create a parser that identifies noun phrases in Hungarian text. After making several practical amendments to our morphological annotation system of choice, we proceed to formulate rules to account for some specific phenomena of the Hungarian language not covered by the original rule system. Although the performance of the final parser is still inferior to state-of-the-art machine learning methods, we use its output successfully to improve the performance of one such system