440 research outputs found

    HierSpeech++: Bridging the Gap between Semantic and Acoustic Representation of Speech by Hierarchical Variational Inference for Zero-shot Speech Synthesis

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    Large language models (LLM)-based speech synthesis has been widely adopted in zero-shot speech synthesis. However, they require a large-scale data and possess the same limitations as previous autoregressive speech models, including slow inference speed and lack of robustness. This paper proposes HierSpeech++, a fast and strong zero-shot speech synthesizer for text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC). We verified that hierarchical speech synthesis frameworks could significantly improve the robustness and expressiveness of the synthetic speech. Furthermore, we significantly improve the naturalness and speaker similarity of synthetic speech even in zero-shot speech synthesis scenarios. For text-to-speech, we adopt the text-to-vec framework, which generates a self-supervised speech representation and an F0 representation based on text representations and prosody prompts. Then, HierSpeech++ generates speech from the generated vector, F0, and voice prompt. We further introduce a high-efficient speech super-resolution framework from 16 kHz to 48 kHz. The experimental results demonstrated that the hierarchical variational autoencoder could be a strong zero-shot speech synthesizer given that it outperforms LLM-based and diffusion-based models. Moreover, we achieved the first human-level quality zero-shot speech synthesis. Audio samples and source code are available at https://github.com/sh-lee-prml/HierSpeechpp.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, 12 table

    Predicting phoneme-level prosody latents using AR and flow-based Prior Networks for expressive speech synthesis

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    A large part of the expressive speech synthesis literature focuses on learning prosodic representations of the speech signal which are then modeled by a prior distribution during inference. In this paper, we compare different prior architectures at the task of predicting phoneme level prosodic representations extracted with an unsupervised FVAE model. We use both subjective and objective metrics to show that normalizing flow based prior networks can result in more expressive speech at the cost of a slight drop in quality. Furthermore, we show that the synthesized speech has higher variability, for a given text, due to the nature of normalizing flows. We also propose a Dynamical VAE model, that can generate higher quality speech although with decreased expressiveness and variability compared to the flow based models.Comment: Submitted to ICASSP 202

    Prosody generation for text-to-speech synthesis

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    The absence of convincing intonation makes current parametric speech synthesis systems sound dull and lifeless, even when trained on expressive speech data. Typically, these systems use regression techniques to predict the fundamental frequency (F0) frame-by-frame. This approach leads to overlysmooth pitch contours and fails to construct an appropriate prosodic structure across the full utterance. In order to capture and reproduce larger-scale pitch patterns, we propose a template-based approach for automatic F0 generation, where per-syllable pitch-contour templates (from a small, automatically learned set) are predicted by a recurrent neural network (RNN). The use of syllable templates mitigates the over-smoothing problem and is able to reproduce pitch patterns observed in the data. The use of an RNN, paired with connectionist temporal classification (CTC), enables the prediction of structure in the pitch contour spanning the entire utterance. This novel F0 prediction system is used alongside separate LSTMs for predicting phone durations and the other acoustic features, to construct a complete text-to-speech system. Later, we investigate the benefits of including long-range dependencies in duration prediction at frame-level using uni-directional recurrent neural networks. Since prosody is a supra-segmental property, we consider an alternate approach to intonation generation which exploits long-term dependencies of F0 by effective modelling of linguistic features using recurrent neural networks. For this purpose, we propose a hierarchical encoder-decoder and multi-resolution parallel encoder where the encoder takes word and higher level linguistic features at the input and upsamples them to phone-level through a series of hidden layers and is integrated into a Hybrid system which is then submitted to Blizzard challenge workshop. We then highlight some of the issues in current approaches and a plan for future directions of investigation is outlined along with on-going work

    Zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis conditioned using self-supervised speech representation model

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    This paper proposes a zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) conditioned by a self-supervised speech-representation model acquired through self-supervised learning (SSL). Conventional methods with embedding vectors from x-vector or global style tokens still have a gap in reproducing the speaker characteristics of unseen speakers. A novel point of the proposed method is the direct use of the SSL model to obtain embedding vectors from speech representations trained with a large amount of data. We also introduce the separate conditioning of acoustic features and a phoneme duration predictor to obtain the disentangled embeddings between rhythm-based speaker characteristics and acoustic-feature-based ones. The disentangled embeddings will enable us to achieve better reproduction performance for unseen speakers and rhythm transfer conditioned by different speeches. Objective and subjective evaluations showed that the proposed method can synthesize speech with improved similarity and achieve speech-rhythm transfer.Comment: 5 pages,3 figures, Accepted to IEEE ICASSP 2023 workshop Self-supervision in Audio, Speech and Beyon

    Learning Human Motion Models for Long-term Predictions

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    We propose a new architecture for the learning of predictive spatio-temporal motion models from data alone. Our approach, dubbed the Dropout Autoencoder LSTM, is capable of synthesizing natural looking motion sequences over long time horizons without catastrophic drift or motion degradation. The model consists of two components, a 3-layer recurrent neural network to model temporal aspects and a novel auto-encoder that is trained to implicitly recover the spatial structure of the human skeleton via randomly removing information about joints during training time. This Dropout Autoencoder (D-AE) is then used to filter each predicted pose of the LSTM, reducing accumulation of error and hence drift over time. Furthermore, we propose new evaluation protocols to assess the quality of synthetic motion sequences even for which no ground truth data exists. The proposed protocols can be used to assess generated sequences of arbitrary length. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method on two of the largest motion-capture datasets available to date and show that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art on a variety of actions, including cyclic and acyclic motion, and that it can produce natural looking sequences over longer time horizons than previous methods

    VQTTS: High-Fidelity Text-to-Speech Synthesis with Self-Supervised VQ Acoustic Feature

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    The mainstream neural text-to-speech(TTS) pipeline is a cascade system, including an acoustic model(AM) that predicts acoustic feature from the input transcript and a vocoder that generates waveform according to the given acoustic feature. However, the acoustic feature in current TTS systems is typically mel-spectrogram, which is highly correlated along both time and frequency axes in a complicated way, leading to a great difficulty for the AM to predict. Although high-fidelity audio can be generated by recent neural vocoders from ground-truth(GT) mel-spectrogram, the gap between the GT and the predicted mel-spectrogram from AM degrades the performance of the entire TTS system. In this work, we propose VQTTS, consisting of an AM txt2vec and a vocoder vec2wav, which uses self-supervised vector-quantized(VQ) acoustic feature rather than mel-spectrogram. We redesign both the AM and the vocoder accordingly. In particular, txt2vec basically becomes a classification model instead of a traditional regression model while vec2wav uses an additional feature encoder before HifiGAN generator for smoothing the discontinuous quantized feature. Our experiments show that vec2wav achieves better reconstruction performance than HifiGAN when using self-supervised VQ acoustic feature. Moreover, our entire TTS system VQTTS achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of naturalness among all current publicly available TTS systems.Comment: This version has been removed by arXiv administrators because the submitter did not have the authority to assign the license at the time of submissio

    Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translation of Open Educational Resources

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    [ES] En los últimos años, el aprendizaje profundo ha cambiado significativamente el panorama en diversas áreas del campo de la inteligencia artificial, entre las que se incluyen la visión por computador, el procesamiento del lenguaje natural, robótica o teoría de juegos. En particular, el sorprendente éxito del aprendizaje profundo en múltiples aplicaciones del campo del procesamiento del lenguaje natural tales como el reconocimiento automático del habla (ASR), la traducción automática (MT) o la síntesis de voz (TTS), ha supuesto una mejora drástica en la precisión de estos sistemas, extendiendo así su implantación a un mayor rango de aplicaciones en la vida real. En este momento, es evidente que las tecnologías de reconocimiento automático del habla y traducción automática pueden ser empleadas para producir, de forma efectiva, subtítulos multilingües de alta calidad de contenidos audiovisuales. Esto es particularmente cierto en el contexto de los vídeos educativos, donde las condiciones acústicas son normalmente favorables para los sistemas de ASR y el discurso está gramaticalmente bien formado. Sin embargo, en el caso de TTS, aunque los sistemas basados en redes neuronales han demostrado ser capaces de sintetizar voz de un realismo y calidad sin precedentes, todavía debe comprobarse si esta tecnología está lo suficientemente madura como para mejorar la accesibilidad y la participación en el aprendizaje en línea. Además, existen diversas tareas en el campo de la síntesis de voz que todavía suponen un reto, como la clonación de voz inter-lingüe, la síntesis incremental o la adaptación zero-shot a nuevos locutores. Esta tesis aborda la mejora de las prestaciones de los sistemas actuales de síntesis de voz basados en redes neuronales, así como la extensión de su aplicación en diversos escenarios, en el contexto de mejorar la accesibilidad en el aprendizaje en línea. En este sentido, este trabajo presta especial atención a la adaptación a nuevos locutores y a la clonación de voz inter-lingüe, ya que los textos a sintetizar se corresponden, en este caso, a traducciones de intervenciones originalmente en otro idioma.[CA] Durant aquests darrers anys, l'aprenentatge profund ha canviat significativament el panorama en diverses àrees del camp de la intel·ligència artificial, entre les quals s'inclouen la visió per computador, el processament del llenguatge natural, robòtica o la teoria de jocs. En particular, el sorprenent èxit de l'aprenentatge profund en múltiples aplicacions del camp del processament del llenguatge natural, com ara el reconeixement automàtic de la parla (ASR), la traducció automàtica (MT) o la síntesi de veu (TTS), ha suposat una millora dràstica en la precisió i qualitat d'aquests sistemes, estenent així la seva implantació a un ventall més ampli a la vida real. En aquest moment, és evident que les tecnologies de reconeixement automàtic de la parla i traducció automàtica poden ser emprades per a produir, de forma efectiva, subtítols multilingües d'alta qualitat de continguts audiovisuals. Això és particularment cert en el context dels vídeos educatius, on les condicions acústiques són normalment favorables per als sistemes d'ASR i el discurs està gramaticalment ben format. No obstant això, al cas de TTS, encara que els sistemes basats en xarxes neuronals han demostrat ser capaços de sintetitzar veu d'un realisme i qualitat sense precedents, encara s'ha de comprovar si aquesta tecnologia és ja prou madura com per millorar l'accessibilitat i la participació en l'aprenentatge en línia. A més, hi ha diverses tasques al camp de la síntesi de veu que encara suposen un repte, com ara la clonació de veu inter-lingüe, la síntesi incremental o l'adaptació zero-shot a nous locutors. Aquesta tesi aborda la millora de les prestacions dels sistemes actuals de síntesi de veu basats en xarxes neuronals, així com l'extensió de la seva aplicació en diversos escenaris, en el context de millorar l'accessibilitat en l'aprenentatge en línia. En aquest sentit, aquest treball presta especial atenció a l'adaptació a nous locutors i a la clonació de veu interlingüe, ja que els textos a sintetitzar es corresponen, en aquest cas, a traduccions d'intervencions originalment en un altre idioma.[EN] In recent years, deep learning has fundamentally changed the landscapes of a number of areas in artificial intelligence, including computer vision, natural language processing, robotics, and game theory. In particular, the striking success of deep learning in a large variety of natural language processing (NLP) applications, including automatic speech recognition (ASR), machine translation (MT), and text-to-speech (TTS), has resulted in major accuracy improvements, thus widening the applicability of these technologies in real-life settings. At this point, it is clear that ASR and MT technologies can be utilized to produce cost-effective, high-quality multilingual subtitles of video contents of different kinds. This is particularly true in the case of transcription and translation of video lectures and other kinds of educational materials, in which the audio recording conditions are usually favorable for the ASR task, and there is a grammatically well-formed speech. However, although state-of-the-art neural approaches to TTS have shown to drastically improve the naturalness and quality of synthetic speech over conventional concatenative and parametric systems, it is still unclear whether this technology is already mature enough to improve accessibility and engagement in online learning, and particularly in the context of higher education. Furthermore, advanced topics in TTS such as cross-lingual voice cloning, incremental TTS or zero-shot speaker adaptation remain an open challenge in the field. This thesis is about enhancing the performance and widening the applicability of modern neural TTS technologies in real-life settings, both in offline and streaming conditions, in the context of improving accessibility and engagement in online learning. Thus, particular emphasis is placed on speaker adaptation and cross-lingual voice cloning, as the input text corresponds to a translated utterance in this context.Pérez González De Martos, AM. (2022). Deep Neural Networks for Automatic Speech-To-Speech Translation of Open Educational Resources [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184019TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale