311 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Geodesic Models in Diffeomorphisms

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    Hierarchical linear models (HLMs) are a standard approach for analyzing data where individuals are measured repeatedly over time. However, such models are only applicable to longitudinal studies of Euclidean data. This paper develops the theory of hierarchical geodesic models (HGMs), which generalize HLMs to the manifold setting. Our proposed model quantifies longitudinal trends in shapes as a hierarchy of geodesics in the group of diffeomorphisms. First, individual-level geodesics represent the trajectory of shape changes within individuals. Second, a group-level geodesic represents the average trajectory of shape changes for the population. Our proposed HGM is applicable to longitudinal data from unbalanced designs, i.e., varying numbers of timepoints for individuals, which is typical in medical studies. We derive the solution of HGMs on diffeomorphisms to estimate individual-level geodesics, the group geodesic, and the residual diffeomorphisms. We also propose an efficient parallel algorithm that easily scales to solve HGMs on a large collection of 3D images of several individuals. Finally, we present an effective model selection procedure based on cross validation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of HGMs for longitudinal analysis of synthetically generated shapes and 3D MRI brain scans

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationAn important aspect of medical research is the understanding of anatomy and its relation to function in the human body. For instance, identifying changes in the brain associated with cognitive decline helps in understanding the process of aging and age-related neurological disorders. The field of computational anatomy provides a rich mathematical setting for statistical analysis of complex geometrical structures seen in 3D medical images. At its core, computational anatomy is based on the representation of anatomical shape and its variability as elements of nonflat manifold of diffeomorphisms with an associated Riemannian structure. Although such manifolds effectively represent natural biological variability, intrinsic methods of statistical analysis within these spaces remain deficient at large. This dissertation contributes two critical missing pieces for statistics in diffeomorphisms: (1) multivariate regression models for cross-sectional study of shapes, and (2) generalization of classical Euclidean, mixed-effects models to manifolds for longitudinal studies. These models are based on the principle that statistics on manifold-valued information must respect the intrinsic geometry of that space. The multivariate regression methods provide statistical descriptors of the relationships of anatomy with clinical indicators. The novel theory of hierarchical geodesic models (HGMs) is developed as a natural generalization of hierarchical linear models (HLMs) to describe longitudinal data on curved manifolds. Using a hierarchy of geodesics, the HGMs address the challenge of modeling the shape-data with unbalanced designs typically arising as a result of follow-up medical studies. More generally, this research establishes a mathematical foundation to study dynamics of changes in anatomy and the associated clinical progression with time. This dissertation also provides efficient algorithms that utilize state-of-the-art high performance computing architectures to solve models on large-scale, longitudinal imaging data. These manifold-based methods are applied to predictive modeling of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Overall, this dissertation enables clinicians and researchers to better utilize the structural information available in medical images

    Learning distributions of shape trajectories from longitudinal datasets: a hierarchical model on a manifold of diffeomorphisms

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    We propose a method to learn a distribution of shape trajectories from longitudinal data, i.e. the collection of individual objects repeatedly observed at multiple time-points. The method allows to compute an average spatiotemporal trajectory of shape changes at the group level, and the individual variations of this trajectory both in terms of geometry and time dynamics. First, we formulate a non-linear mixed-effects statistical model as the combination of a generic statistical model for manifold-valued longitudinal data, a deformation model defining shape trajectories via the action of a finite-dimensional set of diffeomorphisms with a manifold structure, and an efficient numerical scheme to compute parallel transport on this manifold. Second, we introduce a MCMC-SAEM algorithm with a specific approach to shape sampling, an adaptive scheme for proposal variances, and a log-likelihood tempering strategy to estimate our model. Third, we validate our algorithm on 2D simulated data, and then estimate a scenario of alteration of the shape of the hippocampus 3D brain structure during the course of Alzheimer's disease. The method shows for instance that hippocampal atrophy progresses more quickly in female subjects, and occurs earlier in APOE4 mutation carriers. We finally illustrate the potential of our method for classifying pathological trajectories versus normal ageing

    A model of brain morphological changes related to aging and Alzheimer's disease from cross-sectional assessments

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    In this study we propose a deformation-based framework to jointly model the influence of aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD) on the brain morphological evolution. Our approach combines a spatio-temporal description of both processes into a generative model. A reference morphology is deformed along specific trajectories to match subject specific morphologies. It is used to define two imaging progression markers: 1) a morphological age and 2) a disease score. These markers can be computed locally in any brain region. The approach is evaluated on brain structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) from the ADNI database. The generative model is first estimated on a control population, then, for each subject, the markers are computed for each acquisition. The longitudinal evolution of these markers is then studied in relation with the clinical diagnosis of the subjects and used to generate possible morphological evolution. In the model, the morphological changes associated with normal aging are mainly found around the ventricles, while the Alzheimer's disease specific changes are more located in the temporal lobe and the hippocampal area. The statistical analysis of these markers highlights differences between clinical conditions even though the inter-subject variability is quiet high. In this context, the model can be used to generate plausible morphological trajectories associated with the disease. Our method gives two interpretable scalar imaging biomarkers assessing the effects of aging and disease on brain morphology at the individual and population level. These markers confirm an acceleration of apparent aging for Alzheimer's subjects and can help discriminate clinical conditions even in prodromal stages. More generally, the joint modeling of normal and pathological evolutions shows promising results to describe age-related brain diseases over long time scales.Comment: NeuroImage, Elsevier, In pres

    Predicting infant cortical surface development using a 4D varifold-based learning framework and local topography-based shape morphing

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    Longitudinal neuroimaging analysis methods have remarkably advanced our understanding of early postnatal brain development. However, learning predictive models to trace forth the evolution trajectories of both normal and abnormal cortical shapes remains broadly absent. To fill this critical gap, we pioneered the first prediction model for longitudinal developing cortical surfaces in infants using a spatiotemporal current-based learning framework solely from the baseline cortical surface. In this paper, we detail this prediction model and even further improve its performance by introducing two key variants. First, we use the varifold metric to overcome the limitations of the current metric for surface registration that was used in our preliminary study. We also extend the conventional varifold-based surface registration model for pairwise registration to a spatiotemporal surface regression model. Second, we propose a morphing process of the baseline surface using its topographic attributes such as normal direction and principal curvature sign. Specifically, our method learns from longitudinal data both the geometric (vertices positions) and dynamic (temporal evolution trajectories) features of the infant cortical surface, comprising a training stage and a prediction stage. In the training stage, we use the proposed varifold-based shape regression model to estimate geodesic cortical shape evolution trajectories for each training subject. We then build an empirical mean spatiotemporal surface atlas. In the prediction stage, given an infant, we select the best learnt features from training subjects to simultaneously predict the cortical surface shapes at all later timepoints, based on similarity metrics between this baseline surface and the learnt baseline population average surface atlas. We used a leave-one-out cross validation method to predict the inner cortical surface shape at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months of age from the baseline cortical surface shape at birth. Our method attained a higher prediction accuracy and better captured the spatiotemporal dynamic change of the highly folded cortical surface than the previous proposed prediction method

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

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    dissertationAn important area of medical imaging research is studying anatomical diffeomorphic shape changes and detecting their relationship to disease processes. For example, neurodegenerative disorders change the shape of the brain, thus identifying differences between the healthy control subjects and patients affected by these diseases can help with understanding the disease processes. Previous research proposed a variety of mathematical approaches for statistical analysis of geometrical brain structure in three-dimensional (3D) medical imaging, including atlas building, brain variability quantification, regression, etc. The critical component in these statistical models is that the geometrical structure is represented by transformations rather than the actual image data. Despite the fact that such statistical models effectively provide a way for analyzing shape variation, none of them have a truly probabilistic interpretation. This dissertation contributes a novel Bayesian framework of statistical shape analysis for generic manifold data and its application to shape variability and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). After we carefully define the distributions on manifolds, we then build Bayesian models for analyzing the intrinsic variability of manifold data, involving the mean point, principal modes, and parameter estimation. Because there is no closed-form solution for Bayesian inference of these models on manifolds, we develop a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to sample the hidden variables from the distribution. The main advantages of these Bayesian approaches are that they provide parameter estimation and automatic dimensionality reduction for analyzing generic manifold-valued data, such as diffeomorphisms. Modeling the mean point of a group of images in a Bayesian manner allows for learning the regularity parameter from data directly rather than having to set it manually, which eliminates the effort of cross validation for parameter selection. In population studies, our Bayesian model of principal modes analysis (1) automatically extracts a low-dimensional, second-order statistics of manifold data variability and (2) gives a better geometric data fit than nonprobabilistic models. To make this Bayesian framework computationally more efficient for high-dimensional diffeomorphisms, this dissertation presents an algorithm, FLASH (finite-dimensional Lie algebras for shooting), that hugely speeds up the diffeomorphic image registration. Instead of formulating diffeomorphisms in a continuous variational problem, Flash defines a completely new discrete reparameterization of diffeomorphisms in a low-dimensional bandlimited velocity space, which results in the Bayesian inference via sampling on the space of diffeomorphisms being more feasible in time. Our entire Bayesian framework in this dissertation is used for statistical analysis of shape data and brain MRIs. It has the potential to improve hypothesis testing, classification, and mixture models

    Analysis of longitudinal shape variability via subject specific growth modeling

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    pre-printStatistical analysis of longitudinal imaging data is crucial for understanding normal anatomical development as well as disease progression. This fundamental task is challenging due to the difficulty in modeling longitudinal changes, such as growth, and comparing changes across different populations. We propose a new approach for analyzing shape variability over time, and for quantifying spatiotemporal population differences. Our approach estimates 4D anatomical growth models for a reference population (an average model) and for individuals in different groups. We define a reference 4D space for our analysis as the average population model and measure shape variability through diffeomorphisms that map the reference to the individuals. Conducting our analysis on this 4D space enables straightforward statistical analysis of deformations as they are parameterized by momenta vectors that are located at homologous locations in space and time. We evaluate our method on a synthetic shape database and clinical data from a study that seeks to quantify brain growth differences in infants at risk for autism

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationStatistical analysis of time dependent imaging data is crucial for understanding normal anatomical development as well as disease progression. The most promising studies are of longitudinal design, where repeated observations are obtained from the same subjects. Analysis in this case is challenging due to the difficulty in modeling longitudinal changes, such as growth, and comparing changes across different populations. In any case, the study of anatomical change over time has the potential to further our understanding of many dynamic processes. What is needed are accurate computational models to capture, describe, and quantify anatomical change over time. Anatomical shape is encoded in a variety of representations, such as medical imaging data and derived geometric information extracted as points, curves, and/or surfaces. By considering various shape representations embedded into the same ambient space as a shape complex, either in 2D or 3D, we obtain a more comprehensive description of the anatomy than provided by an single isolated shape. In this dissertation, we develop spatiotemporal models of anatomical change designed to leverage multiple shape representations simultaneously. Rather than study directly the geometric changes to a shape itself, we instead consider how the ambient space deforms, which allows all embedded shapes to be included simultaneously in model estimation. Around this idea, we develop two complementary spatiotemporal models: a flexible nonparametric model designed to capture complex anatomical trajectories, and a generative model designed as a compact statistical representation of anatomical change. We present several ways spatiotemporal models can support the statistical analysis of scalar measurements, such as volume, extracted from shape. Finally, we cover the statistical analysis of higher dimensional shape features to take better advantage of the rich morphometric information provided by shape, as well as the trajectory of change captured by spatiotemporal models