3 research outputs found

    Designing digital technologies and learning activities for different geometries

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    This chapter focuses on digital technologies and geometry education, a combination of topics that provides a suitable avenue for analysing closely the issues and challenges involved in designing and utilizing digital technologies for learning mathematics. In revealing these issues and challenges, the chapter examines the design of digital technologies and related forms of learning activities for a range of geometries, including Euclidean and co-ordinate geometries in two and three dimensions, and non-Euclidean geometries such as spherical, hyperbolic and fractal geometry. This analysis reveals the decisions that designers take when designing for different geometries on the flat computer screen. Such decisions are not only about the geometry but also about the learner in terms of supporting their perceptions of what are the key features of geometry

    Affectivity in the use of NeoTrie Virtual Reality software as a resource in teaching / learning geometry

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    Abstract: In this Final Master's Project (FMP), a research design is presented that seeks to find out and analyze whether the use of innovative virtual reality software NeoTrie VR positively fosters the affectivity of Primary Education students in the geometry teaching-learning process. This is a relevant topic since technology has become a habitual aspect of the daily life of boys and girls. This research is within the qualitative paradigm and consists of a case study. Before starting with the design, a theoretical study has been carried out to analyze the state of the question to be investigated. In this, the different contributions of recognized authors about affectivity and its three components are discussed, as this stimulates motivation, influence of technologies in the affective field and on NeoTrie VR, which concludes with the problem statement, where it establishes the focus of the research. Next, state the research objectives, the methodology, the research collection instruments. Research is reaffirmed through confirmation and validity, followed by data analysis and conclusions. Resumen: En este Trabajo Final de Máster (TFM) se presenta un diseño de investigación, que pretende averiguar y analizar si el uso del innovador software de realidad virtual NeoTrie VR fomenta positivamente la afectividad del alumnado de Educación Primaria en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la geometría. Este es un tema relevante puesto que la tecnología se ha convertido en un aspecto habitual de la vida cotidiana de los niños y niñas. Esta investigación se encuentra dentro del paradigma cualitativo y consiste en un estudio de caso. Antes de comenzar con el diseño, se ha realizado un estudio teórico para analizar el estado de la cuestión a investigar, en el que se tratan las diferentes aportaciones de autores reconocidos acerca de la afectividad y sus tres componentes, sobre como estimula la motivación, la influencia de las tecnologías en el ámbito afectivo y sobre NeoTrie VR. Este diseño de investigación y sus instrumentos van dirigidos al caso concreto de 15 niños y niñas de quinto de primaria, de entre diez y once años, estudiantes de un centro educativo público en el municipio almeriense de Balanegra, cuya tutora ha mostrado interés en llevar a cabo sus sesiones de geometría con NeoTrie VR