4 research outputs found

    Sistem Penentuan Lokasi Pusat Layanan Terpadu Bagi Penderita Penyakit Demam Berdarah Dengan Menggunakan K-Means Clustering

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    Puskesmas is a functional organizational unit that organizes comprehensive, integrated, equitable health efforts that are acceptable and affordable to the community. The function of the puskesmas is to provide health services to the community through the Community Health Efforts (UKM) and Individual Health Efforts (UKP) programs which are at the forefront of providing health services to the community, especially the prevention and treatment of diseases. The disease is divided into 3 types namely infectious diseases or diseases caused by germs that attack the human body. This research will attempt to handle infectious diseases, namely dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Dengue fever or dengue fever (abbreviated as DHF) is an infection caused by dengue virus. Mosquitoes or some types of mosquitoes transmit (or spread) dengue virus. Then a computerized analysis using data mining software that supports the flow of data and information in accordance with the needs of handling dengue fever from these processes and the selection of a more suitable method is used that is using K-Means clustering.Keywords : The location determination system, dengue faver, K-Means Clusterrin

    K-Means clustering of optimized wireless network sensor using genetic algorithm

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    Wireless sensor network is one of the main technology trends that used in several different applications for collecting, processing, and distributing a vast range of data. It becomes an essential core technology for many applications related to sense surrounding environment. In this paper, a two-dimensional WSN scheme was utilized for obtaining various WSN models that intended to be optimized by genetic algorithm for achieving optimized WSN models. Such optimized WSN models might contain two cluster heads that are close to each other, in which the distance between them included in the sensing range, and this demonstrates the presence of a redundant number of cluster heads. This problem exceeded by reapplying the clustering of all sensors found in the WSN model. The distance measure was used to detect handled problem, while K-means clustering was used to redistributing sensors around the alternative cluster head. The result was extremely encouraging in rearranging the dispersion of sensors in the detecting region with a conservative method of modest number of cluster heads that acknowledge the association for all sensors nearby

    Mining Aircraft Telemetry Data With Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The Ganged Phased Array Radar - Risk Mitigation System (GPAR-RMS) was a mobile ground-based sense-and-avoid system for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operations developed by the University of North Dakota. GPAR-RMS detected proximate aircraft with various sensor systems, including a 2D radar and an Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) receiver. Information about those aircraft was then displayed to UAS operators via visualization software developed by the University of North Dakota. The Risk Mitigation (RM) subsystem for GPAR-RMS was designed to estimate the current risk of midair collision, between the Unmanned Aircraft (UA) and a General Aviation (GA) aircraft flying under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in the surrounding airspace, for UAS operations in Class E airspace (i.e. below 18,000 feet MSL). However, accurate probabilistic models for the behavior of pilots of GA aircraft flying under VFR in Class E airspace were needed before the RM subsystem could be implemented. In this dissertation the author presents the results of data mining an aircraft telemetry data set from a consecutive nine month period in 2011. This aircraft telemetry data set consisted of Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) data obtained from Garmin G1000 devices onboard every Cessna 172 in the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet. Data from aircraft which were potentially within the controlled airspace surrounding controlled airports were excluded. Also, GA aircraft in the FDM data flying in Class E airspace were assumed to be flying under VFR, which is usually a valid assumption. Complex subpaths were discovered from the aircraft telemetry data set using a novel application of an ant colony algorithm. Then, probabilistic models were data mined from those subpaths using extensions of the Genetic K-Means (GKA) and Expectation- Maximization (EM) algorithms. The results obtained from the subpath discovery and data mining suggest a pilot flying a GA aircraft near to an uncontrolled airport will perform different maneuvers than a pilot flying a GA aircraft far from an uncontrolled airport, irrespective of the altitude of the GA aircraft. However, since only aircraft telemetry data from the University of North Dakota\u27s training fleet were data mined, these results are not likely to be applicable to GA aircraft operating in a non-training environment

    A Genetic K-means Clustering Algorithm Based on the Optimized Initial Centers

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