6 research outputs found

    Analytical Approach to Parameter Determination in Kaiser Function for Power-weighted Antenna Array Design

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    Window methods that are frequently used in the design of finite impulse response filters are also applicable to antenna array designs. This paper explores the application of a Kaiser function in a power-weighted antenna array design, focusing on the determination of the Kaiser function’s β parameter. The determination, which includes the calculation, optimization, and validation of the β parameter, was carried out based on a specific configuration of a linear antenna array design. The observation of this exploration emphasized the suppression of the sidelobe level (SLL) and the width of main lobe (WML) performance. By changing the β parameter, the Kaiser function is capable of approximating different window methods, since it plays an important role in defining the set of weighting coefficients for a specifically targeted SLL. Kaiser function application in power-weighted antenna array designs with a linear arrangement indicates the need of β parameter optimization because of the disagreement between the obtained SLL and the targeted SLL. The optimized β parameter produced a smaller SLL error for even and odd numbers of elements. From the validation, the average SLL error percentage for a targeted SLL of 25 dB, 35 dB, and 45 dB was 6%, 4.31%, 6.10%, respectively

    Analytical Approach to Parameter Determination in Kaiser Function for Power-weighted Antenna Array Design

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    Window methods that are frequently used in the design of finite impulse response filters are also applicable to antenna array designs. This paper explores the application of a Kaiser function in a power-weighted antenna array design, focusing on the determination of the Kaiser function’s β parameter. The determination, which includes the calculation, optimization, and validation of the β parameter, was carried out based on a specific configuration of a linear antenna array design. The observation of this exploration emphasized the suppression of the sidelobe level (SLL) and the width of main lobe (WML) performance. By changing the β parameter, the Kaiser function is capable of approximating different window methods, since it plays an important role in defining the set of weighting coefficients for a specifically targeted SLL. Kaiser function application in power-weighted antenna array designs with a linear arrangement indicates the need of β parameter optimization because of the disagreement between the obtained SLL and the targeted SLL. The optimized β parameter produced a smaller SLL error for even and odd numbers of elements. From the validation, the average SLL error percentage for a targeted SLL of 25 dB, 35 dB, and 45 dB was 6%, 4.31%, 6.10%, respectively

    Desenvolvimento de protótipo de consolidação bidimensional de carga

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    O setor dos transportes e logística onde os transitários se inserem, constitui uma vasta rede de indivíduos fulcral para um bom desempenho nos serviços prestados. Com a pandemia da COVID-19 e os seus efeitos a assolar a economia global, verificouse uma enorme escassez no número de contentores disponíveis face à procura do mercado, surgindo assim a necessidade de otimizar o carregamento dos equipamentos disponíveis como forma de evitar desperdícios e maximizar os proveitos em cada exportação. O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um protótipo com recurso a heurísticas já abordadas para problemas semelhantes e assim aumentar os lucros na Justlog. Para isso, foram criadas um conjunto de restrições que aplicadas em sinergia com o algoritmo GRG Não Linear, visam alocar as caixas em diferentes linhas consecutivas até formar uma parede, e, por conseguinte, essas paredes completarem o contentor. No final, foram apresentados 3 casos distintos nos quais o protótipo foi colocado em prática como forma de testar a sua utilidade, entre os quais foram criadas soluções de parede cujas ocupações rondam os 80% a 90% em situações reais ou de grande heterogeneidade entre caixas. Assim, podemos perspetivar uma grande utilidade futura deste protótipo nas tomadas de decisão relativas a serviços de consolidação de contentores, prestados pela Justlog.The transport and logistics sector, where freight forwarders are inserted, constitutes a vast network of individuals that is central to a good performance in the services provided. With the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects ravaging the global economy, there was a huge shortage in the number of containers available in the face of market demand, thus creating the need to optimize the loading of available equipment to avoid waste and maximize profits from each export. The present work aims to develop a prototype using heuristics already addressed for similar problems and thus increase profits at Justlog. For this, a set of restrictions were created that, applied in synergy with the Non-Linear GRG algorithm, aim to allocate the boxes in different consecutive lines until forming a wall, and, therefore, the walls complete the container. In the end, 3 different cases were presented in which the prototype was put into practice as a way of testing its usefulness, among which wall solutions were created whose occupations are around 80% to 90% in real situations or with great heterogeneity between boxes. Thus, we can foresee a great future use of this prototype in decision-making regarding container consolidation services provided by Justlog

    A Generalized Reduced Gradient Method for the Optimal Control of Very-Large-Scale Robotic Systems

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