15,092 research outputs found

    Semantic Information G Theory and Logical Bayesian Inference for Machine Learning

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    An important problem with machine learning is that when label number n\u3e2, it is very difficult to construct and optimize a group of learning functions, and we wish that optimized learning functions are still useful when prior distribution P(x) (where x is an instance) is changed. To resolve this problem, the semantic information G theory, Logical Bayesian Inference (LBI), and a group of Channel Matching (CM) algorithms together form a systematic solution. MultilabelMultilabel A semantic channel in the G theory consists of a group of truth functions or membership functions. In comparison with likelihood functions, Bayesian posteriors, and Logistic functions used by popular methods, membership functions can be more conveniently used as learning functions without the above problem. In Logical Bayesian Inference (LBI), every label’s learning is independent. For Multilabel learning, we can directly obtain a group of optimized membership functions from a big enough sample with labels, without preparing different samples for different labels. A group of Channel Matching (CM) algorithms are developed for machine learning. For the Maximum Mutual Information (MMI) classification of three classes with Gaussian distributions on a two-dimensional feature space, 2-3 iterations can make mutual information between three classes and three labels surpass 99% of the MMI for most initial partitions. For mixture models, the Expectation-Maxmization (EM) algorithm is improved and becomes the CM-EM algorithm, which can outperform the EM algorithm when mixture ratios are imbalanced, or local convergence exists. The CM iteration algorithm needs to combine neural networks for MMI classifications on high-dimensional feature spaces. LBI needs further studies for the unification of statistics and logic

    Normal Factor Graphs and Holographic Transformations

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    This paper stands at the intersection of two distinct lines of research. One line is "holographic algorithms," a powerful approach introduced by Valiant for solving various counting problems in computer science; the other is "normal factor graphs," an elegant framework proposed by Forney for representing codes defined on graphs. We introduce the notion of holographic transformations for normal factor graphs, and establish a very general theorem, called the generalized Holant theorem, which relates a normal factor graph to its holographic transformation. We show that the generalized Holant theorem on the one hand underlies the principle of holographic algorithms, and on the other hand reduces to a general duality theorem for normal factor graphs, a special case of which was first proved by Forney. In the course of our development, we formalize a new semantics for normal factor graphs, which highlights various linear algebraic properties that potentially enable the use of normal factor graphs as a linear algebraic tool.Comment: To appear IEEE Trans. Inform. Theor

    Unguarded Recursion on Coinductive Resumptions

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    We study a model of side-effecting processes obtained by starting from a monad modelling base effects and adjoining free operations using a cofree coalgebra construction; one thus arrives at what one may think of as types of non-wellfounded side-effecting trees, generalizing the infinite resumption monad. Correspondingly, the arising monad transformer has been termed the coinductive generalized resumption transformer. Monads of this kind have received some attention in the recent literature; in particular, it has been shown that they admit guarded iteration. Here, we show that they also admit unguarded iteration, i.e. form complete Elgot monads, provided that the underlying base effect supports unguarded iteration. Moreover, we provide a universal characterization of the coinductive resumption monad transformer in terms of coproducts of complete Elgot monads.Comment: 47 pages, extended version of http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S157106611500079

    Automatic Probabilistic Program Verification through Random Variable Abstraction

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    The weakest pre-expectation calculus has been proved to be a mature theory to analyze quantitative properties of probabilistic and nondeterministic programs. We present an automatic method for proving quantitative linear properties on any denumerable state space using iterative backwards fixed point calculation in the general framework of abstract interpretation. In order to accomplish this task we present the technique of random variable abstraction (RVA) and we also postulate a sufficient condition to achieve exact fixed point computation in the abstract domain. The feasibility of our approach is shown with two examples, one obtaining the expected running time of a probabilistic program, and the other the expected gain of a gambling strategy. Our method works on general guarded probabilistic and nondeterministic transition systems instead of plain pGCL programs, allowing us to easily model a wide range of systems including distributed ones and unstructured programs. We present the operational and weakest precondition semantics for this programs and prove its equivalence

    Using parametric set constraints for locating errors in CLP programs

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    This paper introduces a framework of parametric descriptive directional types for constraint logic programming (CLP). It proposes a method for locating type errors in CLP programs and presents a prototype debugging tool. The main technique used is checking correctness of programs w.r.t. type specifications. The approach is based on a generalization of known methods for proving correctness of logic programs to the case of parametric specifications. Set-constraint techniques are used for formulating and checking verification conditions for (parametric) polymorphic type specifications. The specifications are expressed in a parametric extension of the formalism of term grammars. The soundness of the method is proved and the prototype debugging tool supporting the proposed approach is illustrated on examples. The paper is a substantial extension of the previous work by the same authors concerning monomorphic directional types.Comment: 64 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programmin