19,392 research outputs found

    Neutrality and Many-Valued Logics

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    In this book, we consider various many-valued logics: standard, linear, hyperbolic, parabolic, non-Archimedean, p-adic, interval, neutrosophic, etc. We survey also results which show the tree different proof-theoretic frameworks for many-valued logics, e.g. frameworks of the following deductive calculi: Hilbert's style, sequent, and hypersequent. We present a general way that allows to construct systematically analytic calculi for a large family of non-Archimedean many-valued logics: hyperrational-valued, hyperreal-valued, and p-adic valued logics characterized by a special format of semantics with an appropriate rejection of Archimedes' axiom. These logics are built as different extensions of standard many-valued logics (namely, Lukasiewicz's, Goedel's, Product, and Post's logics). The informal sense of Archimedes' axiom is that anything can be measured by a ruler. Also logical multiple-validity without Archimedes' axiom consists in that the set of truth values is infinite and it is not well-founded and well-ordered. On the base of non-Archimedean valued logics, we construct non-Archimedean valued interval neutrosophic logic INL by which we can describe neutrality phenomena.Comment: 119 page

    Enumeration and Asymptotic Formulas for Rectangular Partitions of the Hypercube

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    We study a two-parameter generalization of the Catalan numbers: Cd,p(n)C_{d,p}(n) is the number of ways to subdivide the dd-dimensional hypercube into nn rectangular blocks using orthogonal partitions of fixed arity pp. Bremner \& Dotsenko introduced Cd,p(n)C_{d,p}(n) in their work on Boardman--Vogt tensor products of operads; they used homological algebra to prove a recursive formula and a functional equation. We express Cd,p(n)C_{d,p}(n) as simple finite sums, and determine their growth rate and asymptotic behaviour. We give an elementary proof of the functional equation, using a bijection between hypercube decompositions and a family of full pp-ary trees. Our results generalize the well-known correspondence between Catalan numbers and full binary trees

    A dynamical point of view on the set of B-free integers

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    We extend the study of the square-free flow, recently introduced by Sarnak, to the more general context of B-free integers, that is to say integers with no factor in a given family B of pairwise relatively prime integers, the sum of whose reciprocals is finite. Relying on dynamical arguments, we prove in particular that the distribution of patterns in the characteristic function of the B-free integers follows a shift-invariant probability measure, and gives rise to a measurable dynamical system isomorphic to a specific minimal rotation on a compact group. As a by-product, we get the abundance of twin B-free integers. Moreover, we show that the distribution of patterns in small intervals also conforms to the same measure. When elements of B are squares, we introduce a generalization of the M\"obius function, and discuss a conjecture of Chowla in this broader context

    A Survey on Fixed Divisors

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    In this article, we compile the work done by various mathematicians on the topic of the fixed divisor of a polynomial. This article explains most of the results concisely and is intended to be an exhaustive survey. We present the results on fixed divisors in various algebraic settings as well as the applications of fixed divisors to various algebraic and number theoretic problems. The work is presented in an orderly fashion so as to start from the simplest case of Z,\Z, progressively leading up to the case of Dedekind domains. We also ask a few open questions according to their context, which may give impetus to the reader to work further in this direction. We describe various bounds for fixed divisors as well as the connection of fixed divisors with different notions in the ring of integer-valued polynomials. Finally, we suggest how the generalization of the ring of integer-valued polynomials in the case of the ring of n×nn \times n matrices over Z\Z (or Dedekind domain) could lead to the generalization of fixed divisors in that setting.Comment: Accepted for publication in Confluentes Mathematic
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