35 research outputs found

    Quantum complexities of ordered searching, sorting, and element distinctness

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    We consider the quantum complexities of the following three problems: searching an ordered list, sorting an un-ordered list, and deciding whether the numbers in a list are all distinct. Letting N be the number of elements in the input list, we prove a lower bound of \frac{1}{\pi}(\ln(N)-1) accesses to the list elements for ordered searching, a lower bound of \Omega(N\log{N}) binary comparisons for sorting, and a lower bound of \Omega(\sqrt{N}\log{N}) binary comparisons for element distinctness. The previously best known lower bounds are {1/12}\log_2(N) - O(1) due to Ambainis, \Omega(N), and \Omega(\sqrt{N}), respectively. Our proofs are based on a weighted all-pairs inner product argument. In addition to our lower bound results, we give a quantum algorithm for ordered searching using roughly 0.631 \log_2(N) oracle accesses. Our algorithm uses a quantum routine for traversing through a binary search tree faster than classically, and it is of a nature very different from a faster algorithm due to Farhi, Goldstone, Gutmann, and Sipser.Comment: This new version contains new results. To appear at ICALP '01. Some of the results have previously been presented at QIP '01. This paper subsumes the papers quant-ph/0009091 and quant-ph/000903

    Time-Space Tradeoffs for the Memory Game

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    A single-player game of Memory is played with nn distinct pairs of cards, with the cards in each pair bearing identical pictures. The cards are laid face-down. A move consists of revealing two cards, chosen adaptively. If these cards match, i.e., they bear the same picture, they are removed from play; otherwise, they are turned back to face down. The object of the game is to clear all cards while minimizing the number of moves. Past works have thoroughly studied the expected number of moves required, assuming optimal play by a player has that has perfect memory. In this work, we study the Memory game in a space-bounded setting. We prove two time-space tradeoff lower bounds on algorithms (strategies for the player) that clear all cards in TT moves while using at most SS bits of memory. First, in a simple model where the pictures on the cards may only be compared for equality, we prove that ST=Ω(n2logn)ST = \Omega(n^2 \log n). This is tight: it is easy to achieve ST=O(n2logn)ST = O(n^2 \log n) essentially everywhere on this tradeoff curve. Second, in a more general model that allows arbitrary computations, we prove that ST2=Ω(n3)ST^2 = \Omega(n^3). We prove this latter tradeoff by modeling strategies as branching programs and extending a classic counting argument of Borodin and Cook with a novel probabilistic argument. We conjecture that the stronger tradeoff ST=Ω~(n2)ST = \widetilde{\Omega}(n^2) in fact holds even in this general model

    Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space

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    We prove that any oblivious algorithm using space SS to find the median of a list of nn integers from {1,...,2n}\{1,...,2n\} requires time Ω(nloglogSn)\Omega(n \log\log_S n). This bound also applies to the problem of determining whether the median is odd or even. It is nearly optimal since Chan, following Munro and Raman, has shown that there is a (randomized) selection algorithm using only ss registers, each of which can store an input value or O(logn)O(\log n)-bit counter, that makes only O(loglogsn)O(\log\log_s n) passes over the input. The bound also implies a size lower bound for read-once branching programs computing the low order bit of the median and implies the analog of PNPcoNPP \ne NP \cap coNP for length o(nloglogn)o(n \log\log n) oblivious branching programs

    Priority queues and sorting for read-only data

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    Abstract. We revisit the random-access-machine model in which the input is given on a read-only random-access media, the output is to be produced to a write-only sequential-access media, and in addition there is a limited random-access workspace. The length of the input is N elements, the length of the output is limited by the computation itself, and the capacity of the workspace is O(S + w) bits, where S is a parameter specified by the user and w is the number of bits per machine word. We present a state-of-the-art priority queue-called an adjustable navigation pile-for this model. Under some reasonable assumptions, our priority queue supports minimum and insert in O(1) worst-case time and extract in O(N/S +lg S) worst-case time, where lg N ≤ S ≤ N/ lg N . We also show how to use this data structure to simplify the existing optimal O(N 2 /S + N lg S)-time sorting algorithm for this model

    Memory-Adjustable Navigation Piles with Applications to Sorting and Convex Hulls

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    We consider space-bounded computations on a random-access machine (RAM) where the input is given on a read-only random-access medium, the output is to be produced to a write-only sequential-access medium, and the available workspace allows random reads and writes but is of limited capacity. The length of the input is NN elements, the length of the output is limited by the computation, and the capacity of the workspace is O(S)O(S) bits for some predetermined parameter SS. We present a state-of-the-art priority queue---called an adjustable navigation pile---for this restricted RAM model. Under some reasonable assumptions, our priority queue supports minimum\mathit{minimum} and insert\mathit{insert} in O(1)O(1) worst-case time and extract\mathit{extract} in O(N/S+lgS)O(N/S + \lg{} S) worst-case time for any SlgNS \geq \lg{} N. We show how to use this data structure to sort NN elements and to compute the convex hull of NN points in the two-dimensional Euclidean space in O(N2/S+NlgS)O(N^2/S + N \lg{} S) worst-case time for any SlgNS \geq \lg{} N. Following a known lower bound for the space-time product of any branching program for finding unique elements, both our sorting and convex-hull algorithms are optimal. The adjustable navigation pile has turned out to be useful when designing other space-efficient algorithms, and we expect that it will find its way to yet other applications.Comment: 21 page

    Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs

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    A strong direct product theorem says that if we want to compute k independent instances of a function, using less than k times the resources needed for one instance, then our overall success probability will be exponentially small in k. We establish such theorems for the classical as well as quantum query complexity of the OR function. This implies slightly weaker direct product results for all total functions. We prove a similar result for quantum communication protocols computing k instances of the Disjointness function. Our direct product theorems imply a time-space tradeoff T^2*S=Omega(N^3) for sorting N items on a quantum computer, which is optimal up to polylog factors. They also give several tight time-space and communication-space tradeoffs for the problems of Boolean matrix-vector multiplication and matrix multiplication.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX. 2nd version: some parts rewritten, results are essentially the same. A shorter version will appear in IEEE FOCS 0