12,944 research outputs found

    Algorithms on Ideal over Complex Multiplication order

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    We show in this paper that the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm for cyclotomic orders, previously revisited by Lenstra-Silverberg, can be extended to complex-multiplication (CM) orders, and even to a more general structure. This algorithm allows to test equality over the polarized ideal class group, and finds a generator of the polarized ideal in polynomial time. Also, the algorithm allows to solve the norm equation over CM orders and the recent reduction of principal ideals to the real suborder can also be performed in polynomial time. Furthermore, we can also compute in polynomial time a unit of an order of any number field given a (not very precise) approximation of it. Our description of the Gentry-Szydlo algorithm is different from the original and Lenstra- Silverberg's variant and we hope the simplifications made will allow a deeper understanding. Finally, we show that the well-known speed-up for enumeration and sieve algorithms for ideal lattices over power of two cyclotomics can be generalized to any number field with many roots of unity.Comment: Full version of a paper submitted to ANT

    Root numbers and the parity problem

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    Let E be a one-parameter family of elliptic curves over a number field. It is natural to expect the average root number of the curves in the family to be zero. All known counterexamples to this folk conjecture occur for families obeying a certain degeneracy condition. We prove that the average root number is zero for a large class of families of elliptic curves of fairly general type. Furthermore, we show that any non-degenerate family E has average root number 0, provided that two classical arithmetical conjectures hold for two homogeneous polynomials with integral coefficients constructed explicitly in terms of E. The first such conjecture -- commonly associated with Chowla -- asserts the equidistribution of the parity of the number of primes dividing the integers represented by a polynomial. We prove the conjecture for homogeneous polynomials of degree 3. The second conjecture used states that any non-constant homogeneous polynomial yields to a square-free sieve. We sharpen the existing bounds on the known cases by a sieve refinement and a new approach combining height functions, sphere packings and sieve methods.Comment: 291 pages, PhD thesi

    Forecasting time series with sieve bootstrap

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    In this paper we consider bootstrap methods for constructing nonparametric prediction intervals for a general class of linear processes. Our approach uses the sieve bootstrap procedure of Biihlmann (1997) based on residual resampling from an autoregressive approximation to the given process. We show that the sieve bootstrap provides consistent estimators of the conditional distribution of future values given the observed data, assuming that the order of the autoregressive approximation increases with the sample size at a suitable rate and some restrictions about polynomial decay of the coefficients ~ j t:o of the process MA(oo) representation. We present a Monte Carlo study comparing the finite sample properties of the sieve bootstrap with those of alternative methods. Finally, we illustrate the performance of the proposed method with real data examples

    Root optimization of polynomials in the number field sieve

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    The general number field sieve (GNFS) is the most efficient algorithm known for factoring large integers. It consists of several stages, the first one being polynomial selection. The quality of the chosen polynomials in polynomial selection can be modelled in terms of size and root properties. In this paper, we describe some algorithms for selecting polynomials with very good root properties.Comment: 16 pages, 18 reference

    The inverse sieve problem in high dimensions

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    We show that if a big set of integer points in [0,N]^d, d>1, occupies few residue classes mod p for many primes p, then it must essentially lie in the solution set of some polynomial equation of low degree. This answers a question of Helfgott and Venkatesh.Comment: 15 pages. Added more examples in Section 5 and some minor change