3 research outputs found

    Accuracy of a markerless acquisition technique for studying speech articulators. In Interspeech 2015

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    International audienceThe main disadvantages of the existing methods for studying speech articulators (such as electromagnetic and optoelectronic systems) are the high cost and the discomfort to participants or patients. The aim of this work is to introduce a completely markerless low-cost 3D tracking technique in the context of speech articulation, and then compare it with a well-established marker-based one to evaluate the performances. A Kinect-like device was used in conjunction with an existing face tracking algorithm to track lips movements in 3D without markers. The method was tested on two subjects uttering 200 words and 100 sentences. For most of points of the lips the RMSE ranged between 1 and 3 mm. Although the image resolution used in this experiment was low, these results are very promising. Nevertheless, further studies should consider higher video resolutions in order to obtain better results

    Apraxia World: Deploying a Mobile Game and Automatic Speech Recognition for Independent Child Speech Therapy

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    Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. Children with speech sound disorders typically improve pronunciation quality by undergoing speech therapy, which must be delivered frequently and with high intensity to be effective. As such, clinic sessions are supplemented with home practice, often under caregiver supervision. However, traditional home practice can grow boring for children due to monotony. Furthermore, practice frequency is limited by caregiver availability, making it difficult for some children to reach therapy dosage. To address these issues, this dissertation presents a novel speech therapy game to increase engagement, and explores automatic pronunciation evaluation techniques to afford children independent practice. The therapy game, called Apraxia World, delivers customizable, repetition-based speech therapy while children play through platformer-style levels using typical on-screen tablet controls; children complete in-game speech exercises to collect assets required to progress through the levels. Additionally, Apraxia World provides pronunciation feedback according to an automated pronunciation evaluation system running locally on the tablet. Apraxia World offers two advantages over current commercial and research speech therapy games; first, the game provides extended gameplay to support long therapy treatments; second, it affords some therapy practice independence via automatic pronunciation evaluation, allowing caregivers to lightly supervise instead of directly administer the practice. Pilot testing indicated that children enjoyed the game-based therapy much more than traditional practice and that the exercises did not interfere with gameplay. During a longitudinal study, children made clinically-significant pronunciation improvements while playing Apraxia World at home. Furthermore, children remained engaged in the game-based therapy over the two-month testing period and some even wanted to continue playing post-study. The second part of the dissertation explores word- and phoneme-level pronunciation verification for child speech therapy applications. Word-level pronunciation verification is accomplished using a child-specific template-matching framework, where an utterance is compared against correctly and incorrectly pronounced examples of the word. This framework identified mispronounced words better than both a standard automated baseline and co-located caregivers. Phoneme-level mispronunciation detection is investigated using a technique from the second-language learning literature: training phoneme-specific classifiers with phonetic posterior features. This method also outperformed the standard baseline, but more significantly, identified mispronunciations better than student clinicians

    Development of Markerless Systems for Automatic Analysis of Movements and Facial Expressions: Applications in Neurophysiology

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    This project is focused on the development of markerless methods for studying facial expressions and movements in neurology, focusing on Parkinson’s disease (PD) and disorders of consciousness (DOC). PD is a neurodegenerative illness that affects around 2% of the population over 65 years old. Impairments of voice/speech are among the main signs of PD. This set of impairments is called hypokinetic dysarthria, because of the reduced range of movements involved in speech. This reduction can be visible also in other facial muscles, leading to a hypomimia. Despite the high percentage of patients that suffer from dysarthria and hypomimia, only a few of them undergo speech therapy with the aim to improve the dynamic of articulatory/facial movements. The main reason is the lack of low cost methodologies that could be implemented at home. DOC after coma are Vegetative State (VS), characterized by the absence of self-awareness and awareness of the environment, and Minimally Conscious State (MCS), in which certain behaviors are sufficiently reproducible to be distinguished from reflex responses. The differential diagnosis between VS and MCS can be hard and prone to a high rate of misdiagnosis (~40%). This differential diagnosis is mainly based on neuro-behavioral scales. A key role to plan the rehabilitation in DOC patients is played by the first diagnosis after coma. In fact, MCS patients are more prone to a consciousness recovery than VS patients. Concerning PD the aim is the development of contactless systems that could be used to study symptoms related to speech and facial movements/expressions. The methods proposed here, based on acoustical analysis and video processing techniques could support patients during speech therapy also at home. Concerning DOC patients the project is focused on the assessment of reflex and cognitive responses to standardized stimuli. This would allow objectifying the perceptual analysis performed by clinicians