14 research outputs found

    Perceptual error optimization for Monte Carlo rendering

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    Realistic image synthesis involves computing high-dimensional light transport integrals which in practice are numerically estimated using Monte Carlo integration. The error of this estimation manifests itself in the image as visually displeasing aliasing or noise. To ameliorate this, we develop a theoretical framework for optimizing screen-space error distribution. Our model is flexible and works for arbitrary target error power spectra. We focus on perceptual error optimization by leveraging models of the human visual system's (HVS) point spread function (PSF) from halftoning literature. This results in a specific optimization problem whose solution distributes the error as visually pleasing blue noise in image space. We develop a set of algorithms that provide a trade-off between quality and speed, showing substantial improvements over prior state of the art. We perform evaluations using both quantitative and perceptual error metrics to support our analysis, and provide extensive supplemental material to help evaluate the perceptual improvements achieved by our methods

    Perceptual Error Optimization for {Monte Carlo} Rendering

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    Realistic image synthesis involves computing high-dimensional light transport integrals which in practice are numerically estimated using Monte Carlo integration. The error of this estimation manifests itself in the image as visually displeasing aliasing or noise. To ameliorate this, we develop a theoretical framework for optimizing screen-space error distribution. Our model is flexible and works for arbitrary target error power spectra. We focus on perceptual error optimization by leveraging models of the human visual system's (HVS) point spread function (PSF) from halftoning literature. This results in a specific optimization problem whose solution distributes the error as visually pleasing blue noise in image space. We develop a set of algorithms that provide a trade-off between quality and speed, showing substantial improvements over prior state of the art. We perform evaluations using both quantitative and perceptual error metrics to support our analysis, and provide extensive supplemental material to help evaluate the perceptual improvements achieved by our methods

    Perceptually inspired image estimation and enhancement

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, 2009.Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-144).In this thesis, we present three image estimation and enhancement algorithms inspired by human vision. In the first part of the thesis, we propose an algorithm for mapping one image to another based on the statistics of a training set. Many vision problems can be cast as image mapping problems, such as, estimating reflectance from luminance, estimating shape from shading, separating signal and noise, etc. Such problems are typically under-constrained, and yet humans are remarkably good at solving them. Classic computational theories about the ability of the human visual system to solve such under-constrained problems attribute this feat to the use of some intuitive regularities of the world, e.g., surfaces tend to be piecewise constant. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in deriving more sophisticated statistical constraints from natural images, but because of the high-dimensional nature of images, representing and utilizing the learned models remains a challenge. Our techniques produce models that are very easy to store and to query. We show these techniques to be effective for a number of applications: removing noise from images, estimating a sharp image from a blurry one, decomposing an image into reflectance and illumination, and interpreting lightness illusions. In the second part of the thesis, we present an algorithm for compressing the dynamic range of an image while retaining important visual detail. The human visual system confronts a serious challenge with dynamic range, in that the physical world has an extremely high dynamic range, while neurons have low dynamic ranges.(cont.) The human visual system performs dynamic range compression by applying automatic gain control, in both the retina and the visual cortex. Taking inspiration from that, we designed techniques that involve multi-scale subband transforms and smooth gain control on subband coefficients, and resemble the contrast gain control mechanism in the visual cortex. We show our techniques to be successful in producing dynamic-range-compressed images without compromising the visibility of detail or introducing artifacts. We also show that the techniques can be adapted for the related problem of "companding", in which a high dynamic range image is converted to a low dynamic range image and saved using fewer bits, and later expanded back to high dynamic range with minimal loss of visual quality. In the third part of the thesis, we propose a technique that enables a user to easily localize image and video editing by drawing a small number of rough scribbles. Image segmentation, usually treated as an unsupervised clustering problem, is extremely difficult to solve. With a minimal degree of user supervision, however, we are able to generate selection masks with good quality. Our technique learns a classifier using the user-scribbled pixels as training examples, and uses the classifier to classify the rest of the pixels into distinct classes. It then uses the classification results as per-pixel data terms, combines them with a smoothness term that respects color discontinuities, and generates better results than state-of-art algorithms for interactive segmentation.by Yuanzhen Li.Ph.D

    Illustrative Flow Visualization of 4D PC-MRI Blood Flow and CFD Data

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    Das zentrale Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung illustrativer Methoden auf zwei bisher ungelöste Probleme der Strömungsvisualisierung. Das Ziel der Strömungsvisualisierung ist die Bereitstellung von Software, die Experten beim Auswerten ihrer Strömungsdaten und damit beim Erkenntnisgewinn unterstützt. Bei der illustrativen Visualisierung handelt es sich um einen Zweig der Visualisierung, der sich an der künstlerischen Arbeit von Illustratoren orientiert. Letztere sind darauf spezialisiert komplizierte Zusammenhänge verständlich und ansprechend zu vermitteln. Die angewendeten Techniken werden in der illustrativen Visualisierung auf reale Daten übertragen, um die Effektivität der Darstellung zu erhöhen. Das erste Problem, das im Rahmen dieser Dissertation bearbeitet wurde, ist die eingeschränkte Verständlichkeit von komplexen Stromflächen. Selbstverdeckungen oder Aufrollungen behindern die Form- und Strömungswahrnehmung und machen diese Flächen gerade in interessanten Strömungssituationen wenig nützlich. Auf Basis von handgezeichneten Strömungsdarstellungen haben wir ein Flächenrendering entwickelt, das Silhouetten, nicht-photorealistische Beleuchtung und illustrative Stromlinien verwendet. Interaktive Flächenschnitte erlauben die Exploration der Flächen und der Strömungen, die sie repräsentieren. Angewendet auf verschiedene Stromflächen ließ sich zeigen, dass die Methoden die Verständlichkeit erhöhen, v.a. in Bereichen komplexer Strömung mit Aufwicklungen oder Singularitäten. Das zweite Problem ist die Strömungsanalyse des Blutes aus 4D PC-MRI-Daten. An diese relativ neue Datenmodalität werden hohe Erwartungen für die Erforschung und Behandlung kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten geknüpft, da sie erstmals ein dreidimensionales, zeitlich aufgelöstes Abbild der Hämodynamik liefert. Bisher werden 4D PC-MRI-Daten meist mit Werkzeugen der klassischen Strömungsvisualisierung verarbeitet. Diese werden den besonderen Ansprüchen der medizinischen Anwender jedoch nicht gerecht, die in kurzer Zeit eine übersichtliche Darstellung der relevanten Strömungsaspekte erhalten möchten. Wir haben ein Werkzeug zur visuellen Analyse der Blutströmung entwickelt, welches eine einfache Detektion von markanten Strömungsmustern erlaubt, wie z.B. Jets, Wirbel oder Bereiche mit hoher Blutverweildauer. Die Grundidee ist hierbei aus vorberechneten Integrallinien mit Hilfe speziell definierter Linienprädikate die relevanten, d.h. am gefragten Strömungsmuster, beteiligten Linien ausgewählt werden. Um eine intuitive Darstellung der Resultate zu erreichen, haben wir uns von Blutflußillustrationen inspirieren lassen und präsentieren eine abstrakte Linienbündel- und Wirbeldarstellung. Die Linienprädikatmethode sowie die abstrakte Darstellung der Strömungsmuster wurden an 4D PC-MRI-Daten von gesunden und pathologischen Aorten- und Herzdaten erfolgreich getestet. Auch die Evaluierung durch Experten zeigt die Nützlichkeit der Methode und ihr Potential für den Einsatz in der Forschung und der Klinik.This thesis’ central theme is the use of illustrative methods to solve flow visualization problems. The goal of flow visualization is to provide users with software tools supporting them analyzing and extracting knowledge from their fluid dynamics data. This fluid dynamics data is produced in large amounts by simulations or measurements to answer diverse questions in application fields like engineering or medicine. This thesis deals with two unsolved problems in flow visualization and tackles them with methods of illustrative visualization. The latter is a subbranch of visualization whose methods are inspired by the art work of professional illustrators. They are specialized in the comprehensible and esthetic representation of complex knowledge. With illustrative visualization, their techniques are applied to real data to enhance their representation. The first problem dealt with in this thesis is the limited shape and flow perception of complex stream surfaces. Self-occlusion and wrap-ups hinder their effective use in the most interesting flow situations. On the basis of hand-drawn flow illustrations, a surface rendering method was designed that uses silhouettes, non-photorealistic shading, and illustrative surface stream lines. Additionally, geometrical and flow-based surface cuts allow the user an interactive exploration of the surface and the flow it represents. By applying this illustrative technique to various stream surfaces and collecting expert feedback, we could show that the comprehensibility of the stream surfaces was enhanced – especially in complex areas with surface wrap-ups and singularities. The second problem tackled in this thesis is the analysis of blood flow from 4D PC-MRI data. From this rather young data modality, medical experts expect many advances in the research of cardiovascular diseases because it delivers a three-dimensional and time-resolved image of the hemodynamics. However, 4D PC-MRI data are mainly processed with standard flow visualizaton tools, which do not fulfill the requirements of medical users. They need a quick and easy-to-understand display of the relevant blood flow aspects. We developed a tool for the visual analysis of blood flow that allows a fast detection of distinctive flow patterns, such as high-velocity jets, vortices, or areas with high residence times. The basic idea is to precalculate integral lines and use specifically designed line predicates to select and display only lines involved in the pattern of interest. Traditional blood flow illustrations inspired us to an abstract and comprehensible depiction of the resulting line bundles and vortices. The line predicate method and the illustrative flow pattern representation were successfully tested with 4D PC-MRI data of healthy and pathological aortae and hearts. Also, the feedback of several medical experts confirmed the usefulness of our methods and their capabilities for a future application in the clinical research and routine


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    Connected Attribute Filtering Based on Contour Smoothness

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    Connected Attribute Filtering Based on Contour Smoothness

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    A new attribute measuring the contour smoothness of 2-D objects is presented in the context of morphological attribute filtering. The attribute is based on the ratio of the circularity and non-compactness, and has a maximum of 1 for a perfect circle. It decreases as the object boundary becomes irregular. Computation on hierarchical image representation structures relies on five auxiliary data members and is rapid. Contour smoothness is a suitable descriptor for detecting and discriminating man-made structures from other image features. An example is demonstrated on a very-high-resolution satellite image using connected pattern spectra and the switchboard platform

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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    Connecting mathematical models for image processing and neural networks

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    This thesis deals with the connections between mathematical models for image processing and deep learning. While data-driven deep learning models such as neural networks are flexible and well performing, they are often used as a black box. This makes it hard to provide theoretical model guarantees and scientific insights. On the other hand, more traditional, model-driven approaches such as diffusion, wavelet shrinkage, and variational models offer a rich set of mathematical foundations. Our goal is to transfer these foundations to neural networks. To this end, we pursue three strategies. First, we design trainable variants of traditional models and reduce their parameter set after training to obtain transparent and adaptive models. Moreover, we investigate the architectural design of numerical solvers for partial differential equations and translate them into building blocks of popular neural network architectures. This yields criteria for stable networks and inspires novel design concepts. Lastly, we present novel hybrid models for inpainting that rely on our theoretical findings. These strategies provide three ways for combining the best of the two worlds of model- and data-driven approaches. Our work contributes to the overarching goal of closing the gap between these worlds that still exists in performance and understanding.Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Zusammenhänge zwischen mathematischen Modellen zur Bildverarbeitung und Deep Learning. Während datengetriebene Modelle des Deep Learning wie z.B. neuronale Netze flexibel sind und gute Ergebnisse liefern, werden sie oft als Black Box eingesetzt. Das macht es schwierig, theoretische Modellgarantien zu liefern und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im Gegensatz dazu bieten traditionellere, modellgetriebene Ansätze wie Diffusion, Wavelet Shrinkage und Variationsansätze eine Fülle von mathematischen Grundlagen. Unser Ziel ist es, diese auf neuronale Netze zu übertragen. Zu diesem Zweck verfolgen wir drei Strategien. Zunächst entwerfen wir trainierbare Varianten von traditionellen Modellen und reduzieren ihren Parametersatz, um transparente und adaptive Modelle zu erhalten. Außerdem untersuchen wir die Architekturen von numerischen Lösern für partielle Differentialgleichungen und übersetzen sie in Bausteine von populären neuronalen Netzwerken. Daraus ergeben sich Kriterien für stabile Netzwerke und neue Designkonzepte. Schließlich präsentieren wir neuartige hybride Modelle für Inpainting, die auf unseren theoretischen Erkenntnissen beruhen. Diese Strategien bieten drei Möglichkeiten, das Beste aus den beiden Welten der modell- und datengetriebenen Ansätzen zu vereinen. Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum übergeordneten Ziel, die Lücke zwischen den zwei Welten zu schließen, die noch in Bezug auf Leistung und Modellverständnis besteht.ERC Advanced Grant INCOVI