2 research outputs found

    A fuzzy reverse logistics inventory system integrating economic order/production quantity models

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    This paper develops a reverse inventory model where the recoverable manufacturing process is affected by the learning theory. We propose the inclusion of the fuzzy demand rate of the serviceable products and the fuzzy collection rate of the recoverable products from customers in the total cost function of the model. Two popular defuzzification methods, namely the signed distance technique, a ranking method for fuzzy numbers, and the graded mean integration representation method are employed to find the estimate of the total cost function per unit time in the fuzzy sense. We provide a comprehensive numerical example to illustrate and compare the results obtained by the two mentioned defuzzification methods. This is one of the only few attempts in the related literature comparing the performance of these methods with the effect of the fuzziness of both of the demand and the collection rate in the presence of the learning simultaneously. The results indicate that deciding on which method could be used depends on the target strategy that could focus on the total cost, ordering lot size, or recovery lot size

    A Fuzzy Order Promising Model With Non-Uniform Finished Goods

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    [EN] In this paper, in order to reliably meet the homogeneity required by customers, a fuzzy model is proposed to support the promising process in LHP contexts after taking into account uncertainty in planned homoge- neous sublots. The fuzzy model is translated into an alpha- parametric equivalent crisp model. Here, it is important to highlight another important novelty of the paper related to the proposed methodology to analyse the suitability of the minimum degree of possibility (the a-cut), by an adapted TOPSIS-based fuzzy procedure. Finally, the experimental design, which is inspired in the ceramic sector, proves both the validity of the model and a better performance of the fuzzy model compared to the deterministic one, in several executions with forecasts of the real size of homogeneous sublots.This research is partly supported by: The Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of the of Costa Rica Government (MICITT), through the Programme of Innovation and Human Capital for Competitiveness (PINN)(Contract No. PED-019-2015-1); and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Projects "Methods and models for operations planning and order management in supply chains characterised by uncertainty in production due to the lack of product uniformity'' (PLANGES-FHP) (Ref. DPI2011-23597) and "Operations design and Management of Global Supply Chains'' (GLOBOP) (Ref. DPI2012-38061-C02-01).Grillo-Espinoza, H.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Ortiz Bas, Á.; Mula, J. (2018). 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