21 research outputs found

    A Privacy-Preserving Secure Framework for Electric Vehicles in IoT using Matching Market and Signcryption

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    The present world of vehicle technology is inclined to develop Electric Vehicles (EVs) with various optimized features. These vehicles need frequent charging which takes a longer time to charge up. Therefore, scheduling of vehicles in charging stations is required. esides, the information of the EVs and its location is also stored by the charging stations and therefore creates a concern of EV privacy. Various researches are going on to solve these problems; however, an efficient privacy-preserving solution is less practiced till date. In this paper, a framework for Electric Vehicle (EV) charging is discussed. The framework uses the concept of Matching Market to identify a charging station and uses the lattice-based cryptography for secure communications. The matching market considers multiple factors to provide the best allocation of charging station and cryptography ensures security and privacy preservation. The use of lattice-based cryptographic hash SWIFFT avoids heavy computation. This usage of matching market and lattice cryptography, more specifically signcryption for EV charging framework are the highlights of the solution and add-ons to the novel features. Overall, the presented framework is efficient in terms of computation and communication cost, satisfaction ratio, slot ratio, charging latency and load balancing index. The performance metrics are compared with recent developments in this field

    Identity-Based Matchmaking Encryption, Revisited: Strong Security and Practical Constructions from Standard Classical and Post-Quantum Assumptions

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    Identity-based matchmaking encryption (IB-ME) [Ateniese et al. Crypto 2019] allows users to communicate privately in an anonymous and authenticated manner. After the seminal paper by Ateniese et al., a lot of work has been done on the security and construction of IB-ME. In this work, we revisit the security definitions and construction of IB-ME and provide the following three contributions. -- First, we embark on the task of classifying the existing security notions of IB-ME. We systematically categorize privacy into three core categories (CPA, CCA, and privacy in the case of mismatch) and authenticity into four categories (NMA and CMA both against insiders and outsiders). In particular, we reconsider privacy when the sender\u27s identity is mismatched during decryption, considered as ``enhanced privacy\u27\u27~[Francati et al., INDOCRYPT 2021], and provide a new simple security game, called mismatch security, that captures the essence of it. This structured framework not only facilitates more precise comparisons between different IB-ME schemes, but also serves as a valuable tool for evaluating the security of newly proposed schemes. -- Second, we propose a highly efficient and strongly secure IB-ME scheme from the bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. The scheme is based on the Ateniese et al. scheme, but we introduce several techniques to improve its security and efficiency. Especially, we found that the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation enhances not only privacy but also authenticity. As a result, we obtain a scheme that offers a more compact decryption key and ciphertext than the Ateniese et al. scheme, while achieving CCA and CMA, and mismatch security. -- Third, we propose a new generic construction of IB-ME from anonymous identity-based encryption, identity-based signature, and reusable extractors. Our construction not only achieves CCA, CMA, and mismatch security, but is also the most efficient among existing generic constructions. Through this construction, we obtain various IB-ME schemes from both classical and post-quantum assumptions. For example, we obtain a more efficient scheme from the symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption in the standard model, and a practical scheme from lattices in the quantum random oracle model whose secret keys and ciphertexts are less than 5 kilobytes. Moreover, our generic construction produces the first pairing-free IB-ME scheme in the standard model and the first tightly secure lattice-based IB-ME scheme in the quantum random oracle model

    Lightweight identity based online/offline signature scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    Data security is one of the issues during data exchange between two sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSN). While information flows across naturally exposed communication channels, cybercriminals may access sensitive information. Multiple traditional reliable encryption methods like RSA encryption-decryption and Diffie–Hellman key exchange face a crisis of computational resources due to limited storage, low computational ability, and insufficient power in lightweight WSNs. The complexity of these security mechanisms reduces the network lifespan, and an online/offline strategy is one way to overcome this problem. This study proposed an improved identity-based online/offline signature scheme using Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) encryption. The lightweight calculations were conducted during the online phase, and in the offline phase, the encryption, point multiplication, and other heavy measures were pre-processed using powerful devices. The proposed scheme uniquely combined the Inverse Collusion Attack Algorithm (CAA) with lightweight ECC to generate secure identitybased signatures. The suggested scheme was analyzed for security and success probability under Random Oracle Model (ROM). The analysis concluded that the generated signatures were immune to even the worst Chosen Message Attack. The most important, resource-effective, and extensively used on-demand function was the verification of the signatures. The low-cost verification algorithm of the scheme saved a significant number of valued resources and increased the overall network’s lifespan. The results for encryption/decryption time, computation difficulty, and key generation time for various data sizes showed the proposed solution was ideal for lightweight devices as it accelerated data transmission speed and consumed the least resources. The hybrid method obtained an average of 66.77% less time consumption and up to 12% lower computational cost than previous schemes like the dynamic IDB-ECC two-factor authentication key exchange protocol, lightweight IBE scheme (IDB-Lite), and Korean certification-based signature standard using the ECC. The proposed scheme had a smaller key size and signature size of 160 bits. Overall, the energy consumption was also reduced to 0.53 mJ for 1312 bits of offline storage. The hybrid framework of identity-based signatures, online/offline phases, ECC, CAA, and low-cost algorithms enhances overall performance by having less complexity, time, and memory consumption. Thus, the proposed hybrid scheme is ideally suited for a lightweight WSN

    Compact Attribute-Based Encryption and Signcryption for General Circuits from Multilinear Maps

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    Designing attribute-based systems supporting highly expressive access policies has been one of the principal focus of research in attribute-based cryptography. While attribute-based encryption (ABE) enables fine-grained access control over encrypted data in a multi-user environment, attribute-based signature (ABS) provides a powerful tool for preserving signer anonymity. Attributebased signcryption (ABSC), on the other hand, is a combination of ABE and ABS into a unified cost-effective primitive. In this paper, we start by presenting a key-policy ABE supporting general polynomial-size circuit realizable decryption policies and featuring compactness. More specifically, our ABE construction exhibits short ciphertexts and shorter decryption keys compared to existing similar works. We then proceed to design a key-policy ABSC scheme which enjoys several interesting properties that were never achievable before. It supports arbitrary polynomial-size circuits, thereby handles highly sophisticated control over signing and decryption rights. Besides, it generates short ciphertext as well. Our ABE construction employs multilinear map of level n+l+1n + l + 1, while that used for our ABSC scheme has level n+n2˘7+l+1n + n\u27 + l + 1, where nn, n2˘7n\u27, and ll represent respectively the input length of decryption policy circuits, input size of signing policy circuits, and depth of both kinds of circuits. Selective security of our constructions are proven in the standard model under the Multilinear Decisional Diffie-Hellman and Multilinear Computational Diffie-Hellman assumptions which are standard complexity assumptions in the multilinear map setting. Our key-policy constructions can be converted to the corresponding ciphertext-policy variants achieving short ciphertext by utilizing the technique of universal circuits

    Research Philosophy of Modern Cryptography

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    Proposing novel cryptography schemes (e.g., encryption, signatures, and protocols) is one of the main research goals in modern cryptography. In this paper, based on more than 800 research papers since 1976 that we have surveyed, we introduce the research philosophy of cryptography behind these papers. We use ``benefits and ``novelty as the keywords to introduce the research philosophy of proposing new schemes, assuming that there is already one scheme proposed for a cryptography notion. Next, we introduce how benefits were explored in the literature and we have categorized the methodology into 3 ways for benefits, 6 types of benefits, and 17 benefit areas. As examples, we introduce 40 research strategies within these benefit areas that were invented in the literature. The introduced research strategies have covered most cryptography schemes published in top-tier cryptography conferences

    An Approach to Guide Users Towards Less Revealing Internet Browsers

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    When browsing the Internet, HTTP headers enable both clients and servers send extra data in their requests or responses such as the User-Agent string. This string contains information related to the sender’s device, browser, and operating system. Previous research has shown that there are numerous privacy and security risks result from exposing sensitive information in the User-Agent string. For example, it enables device and browser fingerprinting and user tracking and identification. Our large analysis of thousands of User-Agent strings shows that browsers differ tremendously in the amount of information they include in their User-Agent strings. As such, our work aims at guiding users towards using less exposing browsers. In doing so, we propose to assign an exposure score to browsers based on the information they expose and vulnerability records. Thus, our contribution in this work is as follows: first, provide a full implementation that is ready to be deployed and used by users. Second, conduct a user study to identify the effectiveness and limitations of our proposed approach. Our implementation is based on using more than 52 thousand unique browsers. Our performance and validation analysis show that our solution is accurate and efficient. The source code and data set are publicly available and the solution has been deployed

    Using Predicate Extension for Predicate Encryption to Generically Obtain Chosen-Ciphertext Security and Signatures

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    Predicate encryption (PE) is a type of public-key encryption that captures many useful primitives such as attribute-based encryption (ABE). Although much progress has been made to generically achieve security against chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) efficiently, in practice, we also require security against chosen-ciphertext attacks (CCA). Because achieving CCA-security on a case-by-case basis is a complicated task, several generic conversion methods have been proposed, which typically target different subclasses of PE such as ciphertext-policy ABE. As is common, such conversion methods may sacrifice some efficiency. Notably, for ciphertext-policy ABE, all proposed generic transformations incur a significant decryption overhead. Furthermore, depending on the setting in which PE is used, we may also want to require that messages are signed. To do this, predicate signature schemes can be used. However, such schemes provide a strong notion of privacy for the signer, which may be stronger than necessary for some practical settings at the cost of efficiency. In this work, we propose the notion of predicate extension, which transforms the predicate used in a PE scheme to include one additional attribute, in both the keys and the ciphertexts. Using predicate extension, we can generically obtain CCA-security and signatures from a CPA-secure PE scheme. For the CCA-security transform, we observe that predicate extension implies a two-step approach to achieving CCA-security. This insight broadens the applicability of existing transforms for specific subclasses of PE to cover all PE. We also propose a new transform that incurs slightly less overhead than existing transforms. Furthermore, we show that predicate extension allows us to create a new type of signatures, which we call PE-based signatures. PE-based signatures are weaker than typical predicate signatures in the sense that they do not provide privacy for the signer. Nevertheless, such signatures may be more suitable for some practical settings owing to their efficiency or reduced interactivity. Lastly, to show that predicate extensions may facilitate a more efficient way to achieve CCA-security generically than existing methods, we propose a novel predicate-extension transformation for a large class of pairing-based PE, covered by the pair and predicate encodings frameworks. In particular, this yields the most efficient generic CCA-conversion for ciphertext-policy ABE

    Enabling Data Confidentiality with Public Blockchains

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    Blockchain technology is apt to facilitate the automation of multi-party cooperations among various players in a decentralized setting, especially in cases where trust among participants is limited. Transactions are stored in a ledger, a replica of which is retained by every node of the blockchain network. The operations saved thereby are thus publicly accessible. While this aspect enhances transparency, reliability, and persistence, it hinders the utilization of public blockchains for process automation as it violates typical confidentiality requirements in corporate settings. To overcome this issue, we propose our approach named Multi-Authority Approach to Transaction Systems for Interoperating Applications (MARTSIA). Based on Multi-Authority Attribute-Based Encryption (MA-ABE), MARTSIA enables read-access control over shared data at the level of message parts. User-defined policies determine whether an actor can interpret the publicly stored information or not, depending on the actor's attributes declared by a consortium of certifiers. Still, all nodes in the blockchain network can attest to the publication of the (encrypted) data. We provide a formal analysis of the security guarantees of MARTSIA, and illustrate the proof-of-concept implementation over multiple blockchain platforms. To demonstrate its interoperability, we showcase its usage in ensemble with a state-of-the-art blockchain-based engine for multi-party process execution, and three real-world decentralized applications in the context of NFT markets, supply chain, and retail.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2303.1797

    A Survey of Research Progress and Development Tendency of Attribute-Based Encryption

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    With the development of cryptography, the attribute-based encryption (ABE) draws widespread attention of the researchers in recent years. The ABE scheme, which belongs to the public key encryption mechanism, takes attributes as public key and associates them with the ciphertext or the user’s secret key. It is an efficient way to solve open problems in access control scenarios, for example, how to provide data confidentiality and expressive access control at the same time. In this paper, we survey the basic ABE scheme and its two variants: the key-policy ABE (KP-ABE) scheme and the ciphertext-policy ABE (CP-ABE) scheme. We also pay attention to other researches relating to the ABE schemes, including multiauthority, user/attribute revocation, accountability, and proxy reencryption, with an extensive comparison of their functionality and performance. Finally, possible future works and some conclusions are pointed out

    PHOABE : securely outsourcing multi-authority attribute based encryption with policy hidden for cloud assisted IoT

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    Attribute based encryption (ABE) is an encrypted access control mechanism that ensures efficient data sharing among dynamic group of users. Nevertheless, this encryption technique presents two main drawbacks, namely high decryption cost and publicly shared access policies, thus leading to possible users’ privacy leakage. In this paper, we introduce PHOABE, a Policy-Hidden Outsourced ABE scheme. Our construction presents several advantages. First, it is a multi-attribute authority ABE scheme. Second, the expensive computations for the ABE decryption process is partially delegated to a Semi Trusted Cloud Server. Third, users’ privacy is protected thanks to a hidden access policy. Fourth, PHOABE is proven to be selectively secure, verifiable and policy privacy preserving under the random oracle model. Five, estimation of the processing overhead proves its feasibility in IoT constrained environments