8 research outputs found

    Monotonic Abstraction Techniques: from Parametric to Software Model Checking

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    Monotonic abstraction is a technique introduced in model checking parameterized distributed systems in order to cope with transitions containing global conditions within guards. The technique has been re-interpreted in a declarative setting in previous papers of ours and applied to the verification of fault tolerant systems under the so-called "stopping failures" model. The declarative reinterpretation consists in logical techniques (quantifier relativizations and, especially, quantifier instantiations) making sense in a broader context. In fact, we recently showed that such techniques can over-approximate array accelerations, so that they can be employed as a meaningful (and practically effective) component of CEGAR loops in software model checking too.Comment: In Proceedings MOD* 2014, arXiv:1411.345

    Structural Invariants for the Verification of Systems with Parameterized Architectures

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    We consider parameterized concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components, obtained by replicating a given set of finite state automata. Components communicate by executing atomic interactions whose participants update their states simultaneously. We introduce an interaction logic to specify both the type of interactions (e.g.\ rendez-vous, broadcast) and the topology of the system (e.g.\ pipeline, ring). The logic can be easily embedded in monadic second order logic of finitely many successors, and is therefore decidable. Proving safety properties of such a parameterized system, like deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires to infer an inductive invariant that contains all reachable states of all system instances, and no unsafe state. We present a method to automatically synthesize inductive invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions, without costly fixed point iterations. We experimentally prove that this invariant is strong enough to verify safety properties of a large number of systems including textbook examples (dining philosophers, synchronization schemes), classical mutual exclusion algorithms, cache-coherence protocols and self-stabilization algorithms, for an arbitrary number of components.Comment: preprint; to be published in the proceedings of TACAS2

    Structural Invariants for the Verification of Systems with Parameterized Architectures

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    We consider parameterized concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components, obtained by replicating a given set of finite state automata. Components communicate by executing atomic interactions whose participants update their states simultaneously. We introduce an interaction logic to specify both the type of interactions (e.g. rendezvous , broadcast) and the topology of the system (e.g. pipeline, ring). The logic can be easily embedded in monadic second logic of κ ≥ 1 successors (WSκS), and is therefore decidable. Proving safety properties of such a parameterized system, like deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires to infer an inductive invariant that contains all reachable states of all system instances, and no unsafe state. We present a method to automatically synthesize inductive invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions , without costly fixed point iterations. We experimentally prove that this invariant is strong enough to verify many textbook examples, such as dining philosophers, mutual exclusion protocols, and concurrent systems with preemption and priorities, for an arbitrary number of components

    Regular Abstractions for Array Systems

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    Verifying safety and liveness over array systems is a highly challenging problem. Array systems naturally capture parameterized systems such as distributed protocols with an unbounded number of processes. Such distributed protocols often exploit process IDs during their computation, resulting in array systems whose element values range over an infinite domain. In this paper, we develop a novel framework for proving safety and liveness over array systems. The crux of the framework is to overapproximate an array system as a string rewriting system (i.e. over a finite alphabet) by means of a new predicate abstraction that exploits the so-called indexed predicates. This allows us to tap into powerful verification methods for string rewriting systems that have been heavily developed in the last few decades (e.g. regular model checking). We demonstrate how our method yields simple, automatically verifiable proofs of safety and liveness properties for challenging examples, including Dijkstra's self-stabilizing protocol and the Chang-Roberts leader election protocol

    Structural Invariants for Parametric Verification of Systems with Almost Linear Architectures

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    We consider concurrent systems consisting of a finite but unknown number of components , that are replicated instances of a given set of finite state automata. The components communicate by executing interactions which are simultaneous atomic state changes of a set of components. We specify both the type of interactions (e.g. rendezvous , broadcast) and the topology (i.e. architecture) of the system (e.g. pipeline, ring) via a decidable interaction logic, which is embedded in the classical weak sequential calculus of one successor (WS1S). Proving correctness of such system for safety properties , such as deadlock freedom or mutual exclusion, requires the inference of an induc-tive invariant that subsumes the set of reachable states and avoids the unsafe states. Our method synthesizes such invariants directly from the formula describing the interactions , without costly fixed point iterations. We applied our technique to the verification of several textbook examples, such as dining philosophers, mutual exclusion protocols and concurrent systems with preemption and priorities

    A Framework for the Verification of Parameterized Infinite-state Systems

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    We present our framework for the verification of parameterized infinite-state systems. The framework has been successfully applied in the verification of heterogeneous systems, ranging from distributed fault-tolerant protocols to programs handling unbounded data-structures. In such application domains, being able to infer quantified invariants is a mandatory requirement for successful results. Our framework differentiates itself from the state-of-the-art solutions targeting the generation of quantified safe inductive invariants: instead of monolitically exploiting a single static analysis technique, it is based on the effective integration of several analysis strategies. The paper targets the description of the engineering strategies adopted for a successful implementation of such an integrated framework, and presents the extensive experimental evaluation demonstrating its effectiveness