2 research outputs found

    Design, Implementation, and Verification of the Reliable Multicast Protocol

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    This document describes the Reliable Multicast Protocol (RMP) design, first implementation, and formal verification. RMP provides a totally ordered, reliable, atomic multicast service on top of an unreliable multicast datagram service. RMP is fully and symmetrically distributed so that no site bears an undue portion of the communications load. RMP provides a wide range of guarantees, from unreliable delivery to totally ordered delivery, to K-resilient, majority resilient, and totally resilient atomic delivery. These guarantees are selectable on a per message basis. RMP provides many communication options, including virtual synchrony, a publisher/subscriber model of message delivery, a client/server model of delivery, mutually exclusive handlers for messages, and mutually exclusive locks. It has been commonly believed that total ordering of messages can only be achieved at great performance expense. RMP discounts this. The first implementation of RMP has been shown to provide high throughput performance on Local Area Networks (LAN). For two or more destinations a single LAN, RMP provides higher throughput than any other protocol that does not use multicast or broadcast technology. The design, implementation, and verification activities of RMP have occurred concurrently. This has allowed the verification to maintain a high fidelity between design model, implementation model, and the verification model. The restrictions of implementation have influenced the design earlier than in normal sequential approaches. The protocol as a whole has matured smoother by the inclusion of several different perspectives into the product development

    Virtualization of network I/O on modern operating systems

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    Network I/O of modern operating systems is incomplete. In this networkage, users and their applications are still unable to control theirown traffic, even on their local host. Network I/O is a sharedresource of a host machine, and traditionally, to address problemswith a shared resource, system research has virtualized the resource.Therefore, it is reasonable to ask if the virtualization can providesolutions to problems in network I/O of modern operating systems, inthe same way as the other components of computer systems, such asmemory and CPU. With the aim of establishing the virtualization ofnetwork I/O as a design principle of operating systems, thisdissertation first presents a virtualization model, hierarchicalvirtualization of network interface. Systematic evaluation illustratesthat the virtualization model possesses desirable properties forvirtualization of network I/O, namely flexible control granularity,resource protection, partitioning of resource consumption, properaccess control and generality as a control model. The implementedprototype exhibits practical performance with expected functionality,and allowed flexible and dynamic network control by users andapplications, unlike existing systems designed solely for systemadministrators. However, because the implementation was hardcoded inkernel source code, the prototype was not perfect in its functionalcoverage and flexibility. Accordingly, this dissertation investigatedhow to decouple OS kernels and packet processing code throughvirtualization, and studied three degrees of code virtualization,namely, limited virtualization, partial virtualization, and completevirtualization. In this process, a novel programming model waspresented, based on embedded Java technology, and the prototypeimplementation exhibited the following characteristics, which aredesirable for network code virtualization. First, users program inJava to carry out safe and simple programming for packetprocessing. Second, anyone, even untrusted applications, can performinjection of packet processing code in the kernel, due to isolation ofcode execution. Third, the prototype implementation empirically provedthat such a virtualization does not jeopardize system performance.These cases illustrate advantages of virtualization, and suggest thatthe hierarchical virtualization of network interfaces can be aneffective solution to problems in network I/O of modern operatingsystems, both in the control model and in implementation