991 research outputs found

    Chapter One – An Overview of Architecture-Level Power- and Energy-Efficient Design Techniques

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    Power dissipation and energy consumption became the primary design constraint for almost all computer systems in the last 15 years. Both computer architects and circuit designers intent to reduce power and energy (without a performance degradation) at all design levels, as it is currently the main obstacle to continue with further scaling according to Moore's law. The aim of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of power- and energy-efficient “state-of-the-art” techniques. We classify techniques by component where they apply to, which is the most natural way from a designer point of view. We further divide the techniques by the component of power/energy they optimize (static or dynamic), covering in that way complete low-power design flow at the architectural level. At the end, we conclude that only a holistic approach that assumes optimizations at all design levels can lead to significant savings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cross-Layer Approaches for an Aging-Aware Design of Nanoscale Microprocessors

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    Thanks to aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions, computers have revolutionized our life. However, the increasing unreliability of devices fabricated in nanoscale technologies emerged as a major threat for the future success of computers. In particular, accelerated transistor aging is of great importance, as it reduces the lifetime of digital systems. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing new methods to model, analyze and mitigate aging at microarchitecture-level and above

    Vector processing-aware advanced clock-gating techniques for low-power fused multiply-add

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    The need for power efficiency is driving a rethink of design decisions in processor architectures. While vector processors succeeded in the high-performance market in the past, they need a retailoring for the mobile market that they are entering now. Floating-point (FP) fused multiply-add (FMA), being a functional unit with high power consumption, deserves special attention. Although clock gating is a well-known method to reduce switching power in synchronous designs, there are unexplored opportunities for its application to vector processors, especially when considering active operating mode. In this research, we comprehensively identify, propose, and evaluate the most suitable clock-gating techniques for vector FMA units (VFUs). These techniques ensure power savings without jeopardizing the timing. We evaluate the proposed techniques using both synthetic and “real-world” application-based benchmarking. Using vector masking and vector multilane-aware clock gating, we report power reductions of up to 52%, assuming active VFU operating at the peak performance. Among other findings, we observe that vector instruction-based clock-gating techniques achieve power savings for all vector FP instructions. Finally, when evaluating all techniques together, using “real-world” benchmarking, the power reductions are up to 80%. Additionally, in accordance with processor design trends, we perform this research in a fully parameterizable and automated fashion.The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant GA 321253 and is supported in part by the European Union (FEDER funds) under contract TTIN2015-65316-P. The work of I. Ratkovic was supported by a FPU research grant from the Spanish MECD.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Thermal/performance trade-off in network-on-chip architectures

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    Multi-core architectures are a promising paradigm to exploit the huge integration density reached by high-performance systems. Indeed, integration density and technology scaling are causing undesirable operating temperatures, having net impact on reduced reliability and increased cooling costs. Dynamic Thermal Management (DTM) approaches have been proposed in literature to control temperature profile at run-time, while design-time approaches generally provide floorplan-driven solutions to cope with temperature constraints. Nevertheless, a suitable approach to collect performance, thermal and reliability metrics has not been proposed, yet. This work presents a novel methodology to jointly optimize temperature/performance trade-off in reliable high-performance parallel architectures with security constraints achieved by workload physical isolation on each core. The proposed methodology is based on a linear formal model relating temperature and duty-cycle on one side, and performance and duty-cycle on the other side. Extensive experimental results on real-world use-case scenarios show the goodness of the proposed model, suitable for design-time system-wide optimization to be used in conjunction with DTM technique

    A design concept for radiation hardened RADFET readout system for space applications

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    Instruments for measuring the absorbed dose and dose rate under radiation exposure, known as radiation dosimeters, are indispensable in space missions. They are composed of radiation sensors that generate current or voltage response when exposed to ionizing radiation, and processing electronics for computing the absorbed dose and dose rate. Among a wide range of existing radiation sensors, the Radiation Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (RADFETs) have unique advantages for absorbed dose measurement, and a proven record of successful exploitation in space missions. It has been shown that the RADFETs may be also used for the dose rate monitoring. In that regard, we propose a unique design concept that supports the simultaneous operation of a single RADFET as absorbed dose and dose rate monitor. This enables to reduce the cost of implementation, since the need for other types of radiation sensors can be minimized or eliminated. For processing the RADFET's response we propose a readout system composed of analog signal conditioner (ASC) and a self-adaptive multiprocessing system-on-chip (MPSoC). The soft error rate of MPSoC is monitored in real time with embedded sensors, allowing the autonomous switching between three operating modes (high-performance, de-stress and fault-tolerant), according to the application requirements and radiation conditions

    Power optimized programmable embedded controller

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    Now a days, power has become a primary consideration in hardware design, and is critical in computer systems especially for portable devices with high performance and more functionality. Clock-gating is the most common technique used for reducing processor's power. In this work clock gating technique is applied to optimize the power of fully programmable Embedded Controller (PEC) employing RISC architecture. The CPU designed supports i) smart instruction set, ii) I/O port, UART iii) on-chip clocking to provide a range of frequencies , iv) RISC as well as controller concepts. The whole design is captured using VHDL and is implemented on FPGA chip using Xilinx .The architecture and clock gating technique together is found to reduce the power consumption by 33.33% of total power consumed by this chip.Comment: 11 pages,11 figures,International Journal Publicatio

    An Energy and Performance Exploration of Network-on-Chip Architectures

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    In this paper, we explore the designs of a circuit-switched router, a wormhole router, a quality-of-service (QoS) supporting virtual channel router and a speculative virtual channel router and accurately evaluate the energy-performance tradeoffs they offer. Power results from the designs placed and routed in a 90-nm CMOS process show that all the architectures dissipate significant idle state power. The additional energy required to route a packet through the router is then shown to be dominated by the data path. This leads to the key result that, if this trend continues, the use of more elaborate control can be justified and will not be immediately limited by the energy budget. A performance analysis also shows that dynamic resource allocation leads to the lowest network latencies, while static allocation may be used to meet QoS goals. Combining the power and performance figures then allows an energy-latency product to be calculated to judge the efficiency of each of the networks. The speculative virtual channel router was shown to have a very similar efficiency to the wormhole router, while providing a better performance, supporting its use for general purpose designs. Finally, area metrics are also presented to allow a comparison of implementation costs

    Optimizing SIMD execution in HW/SW co-designed processors

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    SIMD accelerators are ubiquitous in microprocessors from different computing domains. Their high compute power and hardware simplicity improve overall performance in an energy efficient manner. Moreover, their replicated functional units and simple control mechanism make them amenable to scaling to higher vector lengths. However, code generation for these accelerators has been a challenge from the days of their inception. Compilers generate vector code conservatively to ensure correctness. As a result they lose significant vectorization opportunities and fail to extract maximum benefits out of SIMD accelerators. This thesis proposes to vectorize the program binary at runtime in a speculative manner, in addition to the compile time static vectorization. There are different environments that support runtime profiling and optimization support required for dynamic vectorization, one of most prominent ones being: 1) Dynamic Binary Translators and Optimizers (DBTO) and 2) Hardware/Software (HW/SW) Co-designed Processors. HW/SW co-designed environment provides several advantages over DBTOs like transparent incorporations of new hardware features, binary compatibility, etc. Therefore, we use HW/SW co-designed environment to assess the potential of speculative dynamic vectorization. Furthermore, we analyze vector code generation for wider vector units and find out that even though SIMD accelerators are amenable to scaling from the hardware point of view, vector code generation at higher vector length is even more challenging. The two major factors impeding vectorization for wider SIMD units are: 1) Reduced dynamic instruction stream coverage for vectorization and 2) Large number of permutation instructions. To solve the first problem we propose Variable Length Vectorization that iteratively vectorizes for multiple vector lengths to improve dynamic instruction stream coverage. Secondly, to reduce the number of permutation instructions we propose Selective Writing that selectively writes to different parts of a vector register and avoids permutations. Finally, we tackle the problem of leakage energy in SIMD accelerators. Since SIMD accelerators consume significant amount of real estate on the chip, they become the principle source of leakage if not utilized judiciously. Power gating is one of the most widely used techniques to reduce leakage energy of functional units. However, power gating has its own energy and performance overhead associated with it. We propose to selectively devectorize the vector code when higher SIMD lanes are used intermittently. This selective devectorization keeps the higher SIMD lanes idle and power gated for maximum duration. Therefore, resulting in overall leakage energy reduction.Postprint (published version

    Energy challenges for ICT

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    The energy consumption from the expanding use of information and communications technology (ICT) is unsustainable with present drivers, and it will impact heavily on the future climate change. However, ICT devices have the potential to contribute signi - cantly to the reduction of CO2 emission and enhance resource e ciency in other sectors, e.g., transportation (through intelligent transportation and advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving vehicles), heating (through smart building control), and manu- facturing (through digital automation based on smart autonomous sensors). To address the energy sustainability of ICT and capture the full potential of ICT in resource e - ciency, a multidisciplinary ICT-energy community needs to be brought together cover- ing devices, microarchitectures, ultra large-scale integration (ULSI), high-performance computing (HPC), energy harvesting, energy storage, system design, embedded sys- tems, e cient electronics, static analysis, and computation. In this chapter, we introduce challenges and opportunities in this emerging eld and a common framework to strive towards energy-sustainable ICT