4 research outputs found

    A Framework for Planning a Unified Wired and Wireless ICT Infrastructure

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    Empirical Analysis and Modelling of Information and Communications Technology in Agriculture for Southern Ontario, Canada

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    Information and communications technology (ICT) represents an important enabling technology for on-farm operations that helps to maximise yield and minimise on-farm inputs. This study investigates the adoption factors and coverage characteristics of ICT in Southern Ontario. A set of eight site and situation adoption factors were identified explaining 57% of the variation in agricultural high-speed Internet utilisation for Southern Ontario. ICT coverage was assessed through service carrier and band factors, and their presence in rural settlements. Findings of the research indicate that there exists a digital divide among settlements in Southern Ontario and recommendations for targeted policy and investment in infrastructure are proposed to bridge the gap

    Redes de acesso: evolução e ferramentas de apoio à tomada de decisão

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO presente trabalho propõe-se examinar as actuais redes de acesso em telecomunicações numa perspectiva de progresso e evolução. São tocados os aspectos e problemáticas tecnológicas, operacionais, políticas, regulamentares e sócio-geográficas que dão uma visão global e interdisciplinar das mesmas. A isto associa-se uma enorme necessidade de desenvolvimento e expõe-se a importância do processo de tomada de decisões. Examinam-se por fim instrumentos de apoio à tomada de decisão que simulam possíveis desenlaces num ambiente concorrencial.This study intends to examine the current access networks in telecommunications from the perspective of progress and evolution. Technological, operational, political, regulatory and socio-geographic aspects and issues are covered providing a global and interdisciplinary point-of-view. Associated with this is an enormous need of developing and so the importance of the decision making process is exposed. Ultimately, tools that support decision making and simulate possible outcomes in a competitive environment are examined