54,913 research outputs found

    A Framework for Organizational Compliance Management Tactics

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    Abstract. Organizational compliance with laws, industrial standards, procedures and enterprise architectures has become a highly relevant topic for both practitio-ners and academics. However, both the fundamental insights into compliance as a concept and the tactics for bringing an organization into a compliant state have been described in a fragmented manner. Using literature from various disciplines, this paper presents two contributions. First, it describes the fundamental concepts regarding compliance. Second, it presents a framework in which the various tactics for achieving organizational compliance can be positioned

    Managing engagement behaviors in a network of customers and stakeholders: evidence from the nursing home sector

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    Firms striving for long-term profitability need to build stronger customer-firm relationships by getting their customers more engaged with the firm. One path to this end is introducing practices to manage different forms of customer engagement behaviors (CEBs). To develop more effective and efficient CEB management practices, this research proposes and empirically tests a theoretical model on managerial and psychological processes to encourage CEBs that are embedded in a broader network of customers and stakeholders. Based on qualitative and quantitative studies in nursing homes, we demonstrate that organizational support and overall service quality toward significant others influence some forms of CEBs—more particularly feedback and positive word of mouth (WOM) behaviors—through customer affect toward the organization. It is interesting to note that customer affect toward the organization encouragesWOMbehaviors, while it discourages feedback behaviors. Conversely, managerial processes that increase customer role readiness—such as organizational socialization and support from other customers—were found to have a positive impact on all forms of CEBs. This research helps managers of nursing homes and other services with a broad network of customers and stakeholders to improve existing CEB management practices and develop new CEB management practices that are beneficial for the firm and its stakeholders

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    The competences of command cadre of the airport fire service on the example of safety assurance of Warsaw Okęcie Airport

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    The globalization process in almost all spheres of our life causes a possibility of making equal living standards in all countries of the world. An introduction to globalization was undoubtedly the development of air transport which greatly accelerated the possibility of travelling on all continents. Along with the development of technology, airplanes used for carrying people and cargo become much better, quicker, but they also become more and more complicated in respect of their construction. This also gives rise to requirements that airports have to comply with, i.e. in order to receive super modern machines they must be equipped with modern navigational facilities, modern equipment for surface handling of airplanes and passengers. This, in turn, requires a continuous development of knowledge and competence from airport staff to be flexible in the constantly modernized environment. In consideration of a rapid development of air transport, and consequently its increasing importance for the world economy countries face a problem how to assure the high quality of aviation services, its access for a man-in-the-street, and first of all safety in its broad meaning, which is a synonym of quality in air transport. Nowadays, this is the main problem in air transport which has priority before the comfort of a traveller. Safety in aviation is approached in two dimensions – prevention of occurrence events and removal of results of unforeseeable incidents, accidents or catastrophes. A special part in this area is performed by the airport rescue and firefighting service, commonly called the Airport Fire Service (AFS). The main requirement for airport rescuers set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is conducting rescue and firefighting operations in case of an aircraft or airport incident (disaster) [...]

    Negotiating Relationally: The Dynamics of the Relational Self In Negotiations

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    Although negotiation research is thriving, it has been criticized as having an arelational bias—emphasizing autonomy, competition, and rationality over interdependence, cooperation, and relationality. In this article, we advance a new model of relationality in negotiation. Drawing on research in social psychology, we describe the construct of relational self-construals (RSC) and present a temporal model of RSC and negotiation. After delineating the conditions through which RSC becomes accessible in negotiation and conditions that inhibit its use, we discuss how RSC affects negotiators\u27 pre-negotiation psychological states, early and later tactics, and negotiation outcomes. We illustrate a number of distinct relational dynamics that can occur based on the dyadic composition of RSC, each of which brings distinct benefits and costs to the negotiation table. Implications for the science and practice of negotiation are discussed

    Talking Up: Study of Upward Influence Strategies

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    In organizations with emphasis on transparency, flexibility, informal talks and open door policies, subordinate-superior relationships and communication patterns are a significant deviation from the norm. This study analyzes transcripts of 23 pieces of interviews for identification of Upward Influence (UI) strategies in a multi-national FMCG company, with aforementioned cultural traits. Extensively discussed strategies like, imitation, reason and logic, and upward appeal, were identified through conversation analysis. Two new strategies, emerged in the course of the analysis, viz. reasoned aggression and nonchalance. The study describes the choice and use of UI strategies in this particular organization. It proceeds to discuss the need for improved understanding of UI strategies in isolation and combination, and in relation to culture, team affiliations, and interpersonal relationships.
