450 research outputs found

    Model-based integration and testing of high-tech multi-disciplinary systems

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    JTorX: Exploring Model-Based Testing

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    The overall goal of the work described in this thesis is: ``To design a flexible tool for state-of-the-art model-based derivation and automatic application of black-box tests for reactive systems, usable both for education and outside an academic context.'' From this goal, we derive functional and non-functional design requirements. The core of the thesis is a discussion of the design, in which we show how the functional requirements are fulfilled. In addition, we provide evidence to validate the non-functional requirements, in the form of case studies and responses to a tool user questionnaire. We describe the overall architecture of our tool, and discuss three usage scenarios which are necessary to fulfill the functional requirements: random on-line testing, guided on-line testing, and off-line test derivation and execution. With on-line testing, test derivation and test execution takes place in an integrated manner: a next test step is only derived when it is necessary for execution. With random testing, during test derivation a random walk through the model is done. With guided testing, during test derivation additional (guidance) information is used, to guide the derivation through specific paths in the model. With off-line testing, test derivation and test execution take place as separate activities. In our architecture we identify two major components: a test derivation engine, which synthesizes test primitives from a given model and from optional test guidance information, and a test execution engine, which contains the functionality to connect the test tool to the system under test. We refer to this latter functionality as the ``adapter''. In the description of the test derivation engine, we look at the same three usage scenarios, and we discuss support for visualization, and for dealing with divergence in the model. In the description of the test execution engine, we discuss three example adapter instances, and then generalise this to a general adapter design. We conclude with a description of extensions to deal with symbolic treatment of data and time

    Time At Your Service: Schedulability Analysis of Real-Time and Distributed Services

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    The software today is distributed over several processing units. At a large scale this may span over the globe via the internet, or at the micro scale, a software may be distributed on several small processing units embedded in one device. Real-time distributed software and services need to be timely and respond to the requests in time. The Quality of Service of real time software depends on how it schedules its tasks to be executed. The state of the art in programming distributed software, like in Java, the scheduling is left to the underlying infrastructure and in particular the operating system, which is not anymore in the control of the applications. In this thesis, we introduce a software paradigm based on object orientation in which real-time concurrent objects are enabled to specify their own scheduling strategy. We developed high-level formal models for specifying distributed software based on this paradigm in which the quality of service requirements are specified as deadlines on performing and finishing tasks. At this level we developed techniques to verify that these requirements are satisfied. This research has opened the way to a new approach to modeling and analysis of a range of applications such as continuous planning in the context of logistics software in a dynamic environment as well as developing software for multi-core systems. Industrial companies (DEAL services) and research centers (the Uppsala Programming for Multicore Architectures Resrearch Center UPMARC) have already shown interest in the results of this thesis.LEI Universiteit LeidenFoundations of Software Technolog

    A virtual factory for smart city service integration

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Informática (MAP-i)In the context of smart cities, governments are investing efforts on creating public value through the development of digital public services (DPS) focusing on specific policy areas, such as transport. Main motivations to deliver DPS include reducing administrative burdens and costs, increasing effectiveness and efficiency of government processes, and improving citizens’ quality of life through enhanced services and simplified interactions with governments. To ensure effective planning and design of DPS in a given domain, governments face several challenges, like the need of specialized tools to facilitate the effective planning and the rapid development of DPS, as well as, tools for service integration, affording high development costs, and ensuring DPS conform with laws and regulations. These challenges are exacerbated by the fact that many public administrations develop tailored DPS, disregarding the fact that services share common functionality and business processes. To address the above challenges, this thesis focuses on leveraging the similarities of DPS and on applying a Software Product Line (SPL) approach combined with formal methods techniques for specifying service models and verifying their behavioural properties. In particular, the proposed solution introduces the concept of a virtual factory for the planning and rapid development of DPS in a given smart city domain. The virtual factory comprises a framework including software tools, guidelines, practices, models, and other artefacts to assist engineers to automate and make more efficient the development of a family of DPS. In this work the virtual factory is populated with tools for government officials and software developers to plan and design smart mobility services, and to rapidly model DPS relying on SPLs and components-base development techniques. Specific contributions of the thesis include: 1) the concept of virtual factory; 2) a taxonomy for planning and designing smart mobility services; 3) an ontology to fix a common vocabulary for a specific family of DPS; 4) a compositional formalism to model SPLs, to serve as a specification language for DPS; and 5) a variable semantics for a coordination language to simplify coordination of services in the context of SPLs.No contexto das cidades inteligentes, os governos investem esforços na criação de valor público através do desenvolvimento de serviços públicos digitais (DPS), concentrandose em áreas políticas específicas, como os transportes. As principais motivações para entregar o DPS incluem a redução de custos administrativos, o aumento da eficácia dos processos do governo e a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos através de serviços melhorados e interações simplificadas com os governos. Para garantir um planeamento efetivo do DPS num determinado domínio, os governos enfrentam vários desafios, como a necessidade de ferramentas especializadas para facilitar o planeamento eficaz e o rápido desenvolvimento do DPS, bem como ferramentas para integração de DPS, reduzindo altos custos de desenvolvimento e garantindo que os DPS estejam em conformidade com as leis e regulamentos. Esses desafios são exacerbados pelo fato de que muitas administrações públicas desenvolvem o DPS sob medida, desconsiderando o fato de que os serviços compartilham funcionalidade e processos de negócios comuns. Para enfrentar os desafios, esta tese concentra-se em aproveitar as semelhanças dos DPS aplicando uma abordagem de Software Product Lines (SPL) combinada com métodos formais para especificar modelos de DPS e verificar propriedades. Em particular, introduz o conceito de uma fábrica virtual (VF) para o planeamento e desenvolvimento rápido de DPS num domínio de cidade inteligente. A VF compreende ferramentas de software, diretrizes, modelos e outros artefatos para auxiliar os engenheiros a automatizar e tornar mais eficiente o desenvolvimento de uma família de DPS. Neste trabalho, a VF é preenchida com ferramentas para várias partes para planear e projetar serviços de mobilidade inteligente (MI), e modelar rapidamente o DPS com base em SPLs e técnicas de desenvolvimento baseadas em componentes. Contribuições específicas da tese incluem: 1) o conceito de VF; 2) uma taxonomia para planear serviços de MI; 3) uma ontologia para fixar um vocabulário comum para uma família específica de DPS; 4) um formalismo composicional para modelar SPLs, e servir como uma linguagem de especificação para DPS; e 5) uma semântica variável para uma linguagem de coordenação para simplificar a coordenação.This work was funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, through the Operational Programme for Human Capital (POCH). Grant reference: PD/BD/52238/201

    An executable Theory of Multi-Agent Systems Refinement

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    Complex applications such as incident management, social simulations, manufacturing applications, electronic auctions, e-institutions, and business to business applications are pervasive and important nowadays. Agent-oriented methodology is an advance in abstractionwhich can be used by software developers to naturally model and develop systems for suchapplications. In general, with respect to design methodologies, what it may be important tostress is that control structures should be added at later stages of design, in a natural top-downmanner going from specifications to implementations, by refinement. Too much detail (be itfor the sake of efficiency) in specifications often turns out to be harmful. To paraphrase D.E.Knuth, “Premature optimization is the root of all evil” (quoted in ‘The Unix ProgrammingEnvironment’ by Kernighan and Pine, p. 91).The aim of this thesis is to adapt formal techniques to the agent-oriented methodologyinto an executable theory of refinement. The justification for doing so is to provide correctagent-based software by design. The underlying logical framework of the theory we proposeis based on rewriting logic, thus the theory is executable in the same sense as rewriting logicis. The storyline is as follows. We first motivate and explain constituting elements of agentlanguages chosen to represent both abstract and concrete levels of design. We then proposea definition of refinement between agents written in such languages. This notion of refinement ensures that concrete agents are correct with respect to the abstract ones. The advantageof the definition is that it easily leads to formulating a proof technique for refinement viathe classical notion of simulation. This makes it possible to effectively verify refinement bymodel-checking. Additionally, we propose a weakest precondition calculus as a deductivemethod based on assertions which allow to prove correctness of infinite state agents. Wegeneralise the refinement relation from single agents to multi-agent systems in order to ensure that concrete multi-agent systems refine their abstractions. We see multi-agent systemsas collections of coordinated agents, and we consider coordination artefacts as being basedeither on actions or on normative rules. We integrate these two orthogonal coordinationmechanisms within the same refinement theory extended to a timed framework. Finally, wediscuss implementation aspects.LEI Universiteit LeidenFoundations of Software Technolog

    Scenario-based verification and validation of dynamic UML specifications

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    The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is the result of the unification process of earlier object oriented models and notations. Verification and validation (V&V) tasks, as applied to UML specifications, enable early detection of analysis and design flaws prior to implementation. In this work, we address four V&V analysis methods for UML dynamic specifications, namely: Timing analysis and automatic V&V of timing constraints, automated Architectural-level Risk assessment, Performance Modeling and Fault Injection analysis. For each we present: approaches, methods and/or automated techniques. We use two case studies: a Cardiac Pacemaker and a simplified Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) banking subsystem, for illustrating the developed techniques

    Conception et vérification d'exigences de sûreté temporisées à base de contrats dans les modèles SysML

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    De nos jours, les systèmes informatiques croissent en taille et en complexité. Intégrés dans des dispositifs de différents domaines tels que l'avionique, l'aéronautique, l'électronique grand public, etc., ils sont souvent considérés comme critiques à l'égard de la vie humaine, des coûts et de l'environnement. Concevoir des systèmes embarqués temps-réel critiques sûrs et fiables est une tâche difficile, étant donné que leurs modèles sont souvent source d'erreurs. Une façon pour les concepteurs de contourner cette difficulté consiste à s'appuyer sur la modélisation compositionnelle de composants logiciels pilotée par les exigences. Le raisonnement à base de contrats permet de construire des composants sûrs à partir des exigences globales du système en interposant des spécifications abstraites et partielles entre les besoins du système et les composants eux-mêmes. Informellement, un contrat modélise le comportement abstrait d'un composant du point de vue de l'exigence à satisfaire (c.a.d garantie) dans un contexte donné (c.a.d. hypothèse). Les contrats peuvent être exploités pour décomposer et tracer les exigences au cours d'un développement itératif, mais aussi pour effectuer une vérification compositionnelle de la satisfaction des exigences. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthodologie de raisonnement à base de contrats pour la conception et la vérification de systèmes sûrs développés en SysML. Ainsi, nous définissons en UML/SysML la syntaxe des contrats et des relations de raffinement entre contrats et/ou composants qui sont utilisées pour prouver la correction du système par rapport aux exigences. Ensuite, nous proposons un cadre formel qui modélise la sémantique d'un modèle UML/SysML étendu par des contrats selon une variante d'automates temporisés entrée/sortie et nous définissons la correspondance entre ces concepts. Nous formalisons les relations de raffinement par la relation d'inclusion de traces et nous prouvons leurs propriétés compositionnelles ce qui assure la correction de la méthodologie. L'approche est instanciée pour le profil OMEGA et la boîte à outils IFx2 qui génère partiellement les obligations de preuve. Finalement, plusieurs études de cas dont une issue de l'industrie complètent la théorie pour évaluer l'approche à base de contrats et ses résultats et les comparer aux méthodes classiques de model-checking.Nowadays computer systems grow larger in size and more complex. Embedded in devices from different domains like avionics, aeronautics, consumer electronics, etc., they are often considered critical with respect to human life, costs and environment. A development that results in safe and reliable critical real-time embedded systems is a challenging task, considering that errors are accidentally inserted in the design. A way for system designers to tackle this issue is to use a compositional design technique based on components and driven by requirements: it allows to infer from global requirements, component properties that must locally hold. Contract-based reasoning allows to compositionally derive correct components from global system requirements by interposing abstract and partial specifications for components. Informally, a contract models the abstract behavior a component exhibits from the point of view of the requirement to be satisfied (i.e. guarantee) in a given context (i.e. assumption). Contracts can be used to decompose and trace requirements during iterative design, but also to perform compositional verification of requirement satisfaction. In this thesis, we present a methodology for reasoning with contracts during system design and verification within SysML. Thus, we define the syntax for contracts in UML/SysML, as well as a set of refinement relations between contracts and/or components in order to prove the system's correctness with respect to requirements. Next, we provide a formal framework that models the semantics of a UML/SysML model extended with contracts as a mapping of the language concepts to a variant of Timed Input/Output Automata. The refinement relations are formalized based on the trace inclusion relation and compositional properties are proved to hold which ensures the soundness of the methodology. The approach is instantiated for the OMEGA Profile and IFx2 toolset with partial automatic generation of proof obligations. Finally, the approach is applied on several case studies, including an industry-grade system model, which show its efficiency by comparative verification results

    A conformance test framework for the DeviceNet fieldbus

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    The DeviceNet fieldbus technology is introduced and discussed. DeviceNet is an open standard fieldbus which uses the proven Controller Area Network technology. As an open standard fieldbus, the device conformance is extremely important to ensure smooth operation. The error management in DeviceNet protocol is highlighted and an error injection technique is devised to test the implementation under test for the correct error-recovery conformance. The designed Error Frame Generator prototype allows the error management and recovery of DeviceNet implementations to be conformance tested. The Error Frame Generator can also be used in other Controller Area Network based protocols. In addition, an automated Conformance Test Engine framework has been defined for realising the conformance testing of DeviceNet implementations. Automated conformance test is used to achieve consistent and reliable test results, apart from the benefits in time and personnel savings. This involves the investigations and feasibility studies in adapting the ISO 9646 conformance test standards for use in DeviceNet fieldbus. The Unique Input/Output sequences method is used for the generation of DeviceNet conformance tests. The Unique Input/Output method does not require a fully specified protocol specification and gives shorter test sequences, since only specific state information is needed. As conformance testing addresses only the protocol verification, it is foreseen that formal method validation of the DeviceNet protocol must be performed at some stage to validate the DeviceNet specification