10 research outputs found

    Probabilistic existence of regular combinatorial structures

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    We show the existence of regular combinatorial objects which previously were not known to exist. Specifically, for a wide range of the underlying parameters, we show the existence of non-trivial orthogonal arrays, t-designs, and t-wise permutations. In all cases, the sizes of the objects are optimal up to polynomial overhead. The proof of existence is probabilistic. We show that a randomly chosen structure has the required properties with positive yet tiny probability. Our method allows also to give rather precise estimates on the number of objects of a given size and this is applied to count the number of orthogonal arrays, t-designs and regular hypergraphs. The main technical ingredient is a special local central limit theorem for suitable lattice random walks with finitely many steps.Comment: An extended abstract of this work [arXiv:1111.0492] appeared in STOC 2012. This version expands the literature discussio


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    A complex Hadamard matrix is a square matrix H ∈ M N (C) whose entries are on the unit circle, |H ij | = 1, and whose rows and pairwise orthogonal. The main example is the Fourier matrix, F N = (w ij) with w = e 2πi/N. We discuss here the basic theory of such matrices, with emphasis on geometric and analytic aspects. CONTENT