24 research outputs found

    Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling for Visual Question Answering and Visual Grounding

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    Modeling textual or visual information with vector representations trained from large language or visual datasets has been successfully explored in recent years. However, tasks such as visual question answering require combining these vector representations with each other. Approaches to multimodal pooling include element-wise product or sum, as well as concatenation of the visual and textual representations. We hypothesize that these methods are not as expressive as an outer product of the visual and textual vectors. As the outer product is typically infeasible due to its high dimensionality, we instead propose utilizing Multimodal Compact Bilinear pooling (MCB) to efficiently and expressively combine multimodal features. We extensively evaluate MCB on the visual question answering and grounding tasks. We consistently show the benefit of MCB over ablations without MCB. For visual question answering, we present an architecture which uses MCB twice, once for predicting attention over spatial features and again to combine the attended representation with the question representation. This model outperforms the state-of-the-art on the Visual7W dataset and the VQA challenge.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 201

    Don't Just Assume; Look and Answer: Overcoming Priors for Visual Question Answering

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    A number of studies have found that today's Visual Question Answering (VQA) models are heavily driven by superficial correlations in the training data and lack sufficient image grounding. To encourage development of models geared towards the latter, we propose a new setting for VQA where for every question type, train and test sets have different prior distributions of answers. Specifically, we present new splits of the VQA v1 and VQA v2 datasets, which we call Visual Question Answering under Changing Priors (VQA-CP v1 and VQA-CP v2 respectively). First, we evaluate several existing VQA models under this new setting and show that their performance degrades significantly compared to the original VQA setting. Second, we propose a novel Grounded Visual Question Answering model (GVQA) that contains inductive biases and restrictions in the architecture specifically designed to prevent the model from 'cheating' by primarily relying on priors in the training data. Specifically, GVQA explicitly disentangles the recognition of visual concepts present in the image from the identification of plausible answer space for a given question, enabling the model to more robustly generalize across different distributions of answers. GVQA is built off an existing VQA model -- Stacked Attention Networks (SAN). Our experiments demonstrate that GVQA significantly outperforms SAN on both VQA-CP v1 and VQA-CP v2 datasets. Interestingly, it also outperforms more powerful VQA models such as Multimodal Compact Bilinear Pooling (MCB) in several cases. GVQA offers strengths complementary to SAN when trained and evaluated on the original VQA v1 and VQA v2 datasets. Finally, GVQA is more transparent and interpretable than existing VQA models.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. To appear in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 201

    Learning Visual Question Answering by Bootstrapping Hard Attention

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    Attention mechanisms in biological perception are thought to select subsets of perceptual information for more sophisticated processing which would be prohibitive to perform on all sensory inputs. In computer vision, however, there has been relatively little exploration of hard attention, where some information is selectively ignored, in spite of the success of soft attention, where information is re-weighted and aggregated, but never filtered out. Here, we introduce a new approach for hard attention and find it achieves very competitive performance on a recently-released visual question answering datasets, equalling and in some cases surpassing similar soft attention architectures while entirely ignoring some features. Even though the hard attention mechanism is thought to be non-differentiable, we found that the feature magnitudes correlate with semantic relevance, and provide a useful signal for our mechanism's attentional selection criterion. Because hard attention selects important features of the input information, it can also be more efficient than analogous soft attention mechanisms. This is especially important for recent approaches that use non-local pairwise operations, whereby computational and memory costs are quadratic in the size of the set of features.Comment: ECCV 201