4 research outputs found

    An enhanced fingerprint template protection scheme

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    Fingerprint template protection (FTP) is required to secure authentication due to fingerprint has been widely used for user authentication systems. Fingerprint authentication consists of a microcontroller, fingerprint sensor, secure access control, and human interface. However, as many users frequently assess the systems, fingerprints could be replicated and modified by attackers. Currently, most existing FTP schemes fail to meet the properties of fingerprint authentication systems, namely diversity, revocability, security, and match/recognition performance, due to intra-user variability in fingerprint identifiers and matching issues in unencrypted domains. Therefore, this study aims to enhance the existing schemes by using chaos-based encryption and hash functions to meet the specified properties by securing users’ fingerprint templates (FT) within the embedded systems. Furthermore, an improved chaos-based encryption algorithm was proposed for encrypting FT. The MATLAB simulation with Fingerprint Verification Competition (FVC) 2002 database was used to measure the encryption results, secret key spaces, key sensitivity, histogram, correlation, differential, entropy information, matching/recognition analysis, and revocability. The proposed FTP scheme was also evaluated using Burrows–Abadi– Needham (BAN) logic analysis for protocol robustness with resistance to replay attacks, stolen-verifier attacks, and perfect forward secrecy. The results demonstrate that the enhanced chaos-based encryption algorithm for FTP improves its encryption time, which is 0.24 seconds faster than the selected benchmark study. The enhanced FTP scheme also achieved security, revocability, diversity, and matching/recognition performance properties. The matching/recognition performance evaluation produced higher verification rates and a low false rejection rate. The rates were 99.10 % and 0.90%, respectively. The equal error rate decreased from 2.10% to 1.05%. As a conclusion, the enhanced FTP scheme could be an alternative to the existing FTP for embedded system authentication to withstand various possible attacks and provides the desired security features. The scheme also can be a reference to comprehensive security analysis

    A Fingerprint Encryption Scheme Based on Irreversible Function and Secure Authentication

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    A fingerprint encryption scheme based on irreversible function has been designed in this paper. Since the fingerprint template includes almost the entire information of users’ fingerprints, the personal authentication can be determined only by the fingerprint features. This paper proposes an irreversible transforming function (using the improved SHA1 algorithm) to transform the original minutiae which are extracted from the thinned fingerprint image. Then, Chinese remainder theorem is used to obtain the biokey from the integration of the transformed minutiae and the private key. The result shows that the scheme has better performance on security and efficiency comparing with other irreversible function schemes


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    長崎大学学位論文 学位記番号:博(医歯薬)甲第1371号 学位授与年月日:令和3年9月17日Nagasaki University (長崎大学)課程博

    An enhanced fuzzy commitment scheme in biometric template protection

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    Biometric template protection consists of two approaches; Feature Transformation (FT) and Biometric Cryptography (BC). This research focuses on Key-Binding Technique based on Fuzzy Commitment Scheme (FCS) under BC approach. In FCS, the helper data should not disclose any information about the biometric data. However, literatures showed that it had dependency issue in its helper data which jeopardize security and privacy. Moreover, this also increases the probability of privacy leakage which lead to attacks such as brute-force and cross-matching attack. Thus, the aim of this research is to reduce the dependency of helper data that can caused privacy leakage. Three objectives have been set such as (1) to identify the factors that cause dependency on biometric features (2) to enhance FCS by proposing an approach that reduces this dependency, and (3) to evaluate the proposed approach based on parameters such as security, privacy, and biometric performance. This research involved four phases. Phase one, involved research review and analysis, followed by designing conceptual model and algorithm development in phase two and three respectively. Phase four, involved with the evaluation of the proposed approach. The security and privacy analysis shows that with the additional hash function, it is difficult for adversary to perform brute‐force attack on information stored in database. Furthermore, the proposed approach has enhanced the aspect of unlinkability and prevents cross-matching attack. The proposed approach has achieved high accuracy of 95.31% with Equal Error Rate (EER) of 1.54% which performs slightly better by 1.42% compared to the existing approach. This research has contributed towards the key-binding technique of biometric fingerprint template protection, based on FCS. In particular, this research was designed to create a secret binary feature that can be used in other state-of-the-art cryptographic systems by using an appropriate error-correcting approach that meets security standards