22 research outputs found

    Enterprise Architecture Management: Insights in the digital context

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    This position paper presents an overview of key insights pertaining to the management of enterprise architecture in the digital business context, as discussed in the recent academic and practitioner literature. These literature insights, along with insights from subject matter experts, have informed development of IVI’s IT-CMF Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) Critical Capability

    Facilitating Conflict Resolution of Models for Automated Enterprise Architecture Documentation

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) management relies on solid and up-to-date information about the current state of an EA. In current practices the manual collection of information is prevailing resulting in an error-prone, time-consuming, and expensive task. Recent research efforts seek to automate this task by integrating existing information sources in the organization to optimize the EA documentation process. While automation of EA documentation enables many advantages, the transformation of the collected information to an EA model remains an unresolved challenge since it cannot be automated completely. In particular, conflicts resulting from partial transformations require involvement of EA Stakeholders possibly not having a technical background. In this paper we propose an approach for the conflict resolution facilitating our long-term goal of automated EA documentation. We illustrate our approach using a productive Enterprise Service Bus from a leading organization of the fashion industry and evaluate our approach with expert interviews

    Preliminary Study of Malaysian Public Sector (MPS) Transformation Readiness through Enterprise Architecture (EA) Establishment

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a holistic approach that not only limited to Information Technology (IT) but also align with the business. EA is not just a tool to be used in a financially competitive world; it is a tool that can help to improve the efficiency of organisation and serves as an instrument for exposing the need for transformation. Consequently, interest in EA in the public sector is increasing in receiving attention. However, to success in EA practices in an organisation yet a concern. The primary aim of this research is to explore the readiness factors that influence the successful EA establishment in Malaysian Public Sector (MPS). Using qualitative approach, the exploration has been made through systematic review and semi-structured interview in with EA experts and practitioners. The data from purposeful and emergent sampling strategies have been analysed using Deductive Qualitative Analysis (DQA). The findings highlighted 17 readiness factors that can be categorised into four main s elements which are Enterprise Environment, Process, People and Technology. In the future, these readiness factors will be analysed on its suitability to be set of readiness assessment criteria towards successful EA establishment in MPS

    A comprehensive information model for business change projects

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    Enterprises act in an economic and social environment characterized by frequent changes. Due to this for many enterprisesthe efficient and effective management of change projects is a key factor for staying competitive. The resulting need forchanges and the development of corresponding strategic, organizational or IT characteristics is a very complex task anddepends very much on the ability mapping the information systems (IS), which is a socio-technical system, against the realworld state of adaption. Therefore we introduce a meta model for enterprise modeling that extends existing approaches byproposing not only a set of entities describing the strategic and organizational fit as well as the IT fit but also relevantcomponents to express the overall fit with the cultural and emotional characteristics of an IS. Helping designers of IS tocomprehend the complex relations between the elements that need to be aligned we follow design science research


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    Within the context of EAM numerous approaches proposed by researches exist. Still, it is not easy for companies to choose the most suitable one from the multitude of architecture frameworks and methods. Additionally trends in the global economy and the resulting pressure on the part of competitors force companies to introduce more effective management processes. As a consequence, EAM faces the similar challenge as that of knowledge management that is identifying, collecting and maintaining process-specific information in an efficient way. This research article addresses the aforementioned challenge by identifying weaknesses of existing approaches to enterprise architecture management and proposing future areas of research. Thereby, the future research topics are identified in two steps. Firstly, an extensive literature analysis from a knowledge management perspective derives hypotheses on possible fields for improvement and future research. These hypotheses are evaluated according to their relevance in practice in an online survey conducted among enterprise architecture management practitioners from companies belonging to various industry branches in Europe

    Automating Enterprise Architecture Documentation using an Enterprise Service Bus

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    Currently the documentation of Enterprise Architectures (EA) requires manual collection of data resulting in an error prone, expensive, and time consuming process. Recent approaches seek to automate and improve EA documentation by employing the productive system environment of organizations. In this paper, we investigate a specific Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) considered as the nervous system of an enterprise interconnecting business applications and processes as an information source. We evaluate the degree of coverage to which data of a productive system can be used for EA documentation. A vendor-specific ESB data model is reverse-engineered and transformation rules for three representative EA information models are derived. These transformation rules are employed to perform automated model transformations making the first step towards an automated EA documentation. We evaluate our approach using a productive ESB system from a leading enterprise of the fashion industry

    Enterprise Architecture Documentation: Current Practices and Future Directions

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    Over the past decade Enterprise Architecture (EA) management matured to a discipline commonly perceived as a strategic advantage. Among others, EA management helps to identify and realize cost saving potentials in organizations. EA initiatives commonly start by documenting the status-quo of the EA. The respective management discipline analyzes this so-called current state and derives intermediate planned states heading towards a desired target state of the architecture. Several EA frameworks describe this process in theory. However, during practical application, organizations struggle with documenting the EA and lack concrete guidance during the process. To underline our observations and confirm our hypotheses, we conducted a survey among 140 EA practitioners to analyze issues organizations face while documenting the EA and keeping the documentation up to date. In this paper we present results on current practices, challenges, and automation techniques for EA documentation in a descriptive manner

    Towards sustainability of EA practices: A systematic review

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) has been identified as one of the prime initiative to drive the establishment of connected government towards world class public service delivery.However, building upon several public sector agencies that had implemented these initiatives, it was reported as unfavourable in sustaining EA practices.This study aims to i. review and identify related issues ii. Identify factors that influence sustainability of EA practices also iii. Identify elements of EA governance.Through the systematic literature review (SLR) five related issues were discerned, four key factors were established in sustaining EA practices while five elements of EA governance emerged in the construction of EA governance framework

    Understanding processes for model-based enterprise transformation planning

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    A business process model for Solvency II using event-driven process chains

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    Mestrado em FinançasA directiva Solvência II trouxe alguns requisitos desafiantes para as companhias de seguros quanto ao montante e periodicidade da informação relatada. Com isto, é difícil para uma seguradora cumprir com tais requisitos sem mapear e organizar o fluxo de informação respeitante ao processo de Solvência II. Neste sentido, as companhias de seguros portuguesas não são excepção. Este relatório decorre de um estágio na CA Seguros, uma companhia de seguros portuguesa. O principal objectivo deste estágio foi mapear e documentar todo o processo de Gestão de Informação para reporte quantitativo (Pilares 1 e 3) respeitante ao processo de Solvência II. Para tal, é avaliada a possibilidade de mapear o processo de Solvência II de uma empresa com um modelo de processos de negócio utilizando Cadeias de Processo Conduzidas por Eventos. Seguindo essa linha de pensamento, é apresentada a revisão de literatura sobre Solvência II, Gestão de Processos de Negócio, Modelação de Processos de Negócio e Cadeias de Processos Conduzida por Eventos. Foi desenvolvida uma metodologia baseada na documentação de processos de acordo com a abordagem de Modelação de Processos de Negócio e a técnica de modelação Cadeias de Processo Conduzidas por Eventos. Os resultados mostraram que o modelo de processos de negócio foi eficaz, fornecendo uma colecção de documentação viável dentro das limitações das Cadeias de Processo Conduzidas por Eventos.Solvency II brought some challenging requirements for insurance companies concerning the amount and periodicity of the reported information. Hence, it is difficult for an insurer to comply with such requirements without mapping and organizing the flow of information regarding the process of Solvency II. With reference to this subject, the Portuguese insurance companies are no different. This report follows an internship at CA Seguros, a medium sized Portuguese insurance company. The main objective of this internship was to map and document the whole process of Information Management for quantitative reporting (Pillars 1 and 3) on Solvency II. Hence, the possibility of mapping a company?s Solvency II process with a business process model using Event-driven Process Chains is assessed. Following this line of thought, literature review on Solvency II, Business Process Management, Business Process Modeling and Event-driven Process Chains is presented. A methodology based on process documentation in line with the Business Process Modeling approach and the Event-driven Process Chains modeling technique was developed. Results show that the business process model was effective, providing a viable collection of documentation within the Event-driven Process Chains limitations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio