6 research outputs found

    Adapting Open Source Software for Establishing Product Line Infrastructures

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    While we\u27re exploring two research projects (i.e., a system for virtual office of the future and an ambient intelligent system for assistant living), we could adapt open source software (workflow engine and middleware platform) to build product line infrastructures of the systems. Our experiences from both projects show that the product line architectures of the target systems played a key role for the adaptation of OSS. During the seminar, our experiences and questions arose from the projects will be discussed

    Improving Decision Making in Software Product Lines Product Plan Management

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    The increasing demand on developing Software Product Lines (SPL) has given a lot of interest to software engineering researchers in improving and also replacing, current methods and techniques applied to clasical sofware systems development. in this paper, we introduce our first ideas within our proposal on improving the decision making while SPL Product Plan Managing. The key points in our proposal are originality and viability. We do not know any other proposal dealing with the same problem so far, and our first impressions guide us to predict a high viabilit

    A Method Based on Naming Similarity to Identify Reuse Opportunities

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    Software reuse is a development strategy in which existing software components are used to implement new software systems. There are many advantages of applying software reuse, such as minimization of development efforts and improvement of software quality. Few methods have been proposed in the literature for recommendation of reuse opportunities. In this paper, we propose a method for identification and recommendation of reuse opportunities based on the similarity of the names of classes. Our method, called JReuse, computes a similarity function to identify similarly named classes from a set of software systems from a specific domain. The identified classes compose a repository with reuse opportunities. We also present a prototype tool to support the proposed method. We applied our method, through the tool, to 72 software systems mined from GitHub, in 4 different domains: accounting, restaurant, hospital, and e-commerce. In total, these systems have 1,567,337 lines of code, 57,017 methods, and 12,598 classes. As a result, we observe that JReuse is able to identify the main classes that are frequent in each selected domain

    A Feature-Based Approach to Product Line Production Planning

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    Abstract. A production plan, which describes how core assets are used to develop products, has an important role in product line engineering as a communication medium between core asset developers and product developers. Recently, there have been efforts to address issues related to production planning; however, most of them focus on the process and business/management aspects of production planning, and not much emphasis is given to technical issues such as deciding features that will be made as core assets and their granularity. In this paper, we introduce a feature-based approach to product line production planning and illustrate how our approach addresses these technical issues. In our approach, a feature model and feature binding information are used as primary input to production plan development. A product line production plan developed using our approach could be easily customized to a product-specific production plan, because it was developed with consideration of units of product configurations as well as their integration techniques.

    A feature-based approach to product line production planning

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    A production plan, which describes how core assets are used to develop products, has an important role in product line engineering as a communications medium between core asset developers and product developers. Recently, there have been efforts to address issues related to production planning, most of which focus on the process and business/management aspects of production planning; not much emphasis is given to technical issues such as deciding which features will be made as core assets and what their granularity will be. In this paper, we introduce a feature-based approach to product line production planning and illustrate how our approach addresses these technical issues. In our approach, a feature model and feature-binding information are used as primary input to production plan development. A product line production plan created using our approach could be customized easily to a product-specific production plan, because when we developed the approach, we considered units of product configurations as well as their integration techniques.X111sciescopu