796 research outputs found

    A Novel Load Balancing Scheme for Hot-spot Cells

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    The radio spectrum that is available to us is very limited. The cellular network works fine when the traffic conditions are normal or below normal. But when the cellular traffic increases the network cannot perform efficiently under this increasing traffic load as the radio spectrum to serve this increasing traffic is very limited. To avoid degradation and to increase performance of wireless cellular network frequency reuse and channel allocation techniques are used. The sole purpose of the channel allocation techniques is to allocate the available channel in such a way that the call blocking probability is reduced. In this paper we propose a HCA technique which will reduce the call blocking probability when the Cell becomes a hot spot i.e. the cellular traffic is beyond normal. These papers propose a novel load balancing scheme that will allocate channel to the overburden cell using hot spot notification. The HCA scheme is a combination of FCA and DCA scheme which effectively utilize the central pool for allocation of channels to the cells under heavy traffic. This HCA Scheme work like FCA in initial stages i.e. under low traffic levels and more like DCA at later stages i.e. high traffic levels and also reduces the Call blocking probability to great extent


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    In cellular networks, channels should be allocated efficiently to support communication betweenmobile hosts. In addition, in cellular networks, base stations may fail. Therefore, designing a faulttolerantchannel allocation algorithm is important. That is, the algorithm should tolerate failuresof base stations. Many existing algorithms are neither fault-tolerant nor efficient in allocatingchannels.We propose channel allocation algorithms which are both fault-tolerant and efficient. In theproposed algorithms, to borrow a channel, a base station (or a cell) does not need to get channelusage information from all its interference neighbors. This makes the algorithms fault-tolerant,i.e., the algorithms can tolerate base station failures, and perform well in the presence of thesefailures.Channel pre-allocation has effect on the performance of a channel allocation algorithm. Thiseffect has not been studied quantitatively. We propose an adaptive channel allocation algorithmto study this effect. The algorithm allows a subset of channels to be pre-allocated to cells. Performanceevaluation indicates that a channel allocation algorithm benefits from pre-allocating allchannels to cells.Channel selection strategy also inuences the performance of a channel allocation algorithm.Given a set of channels to borrow, how a cell chooses a channel to borrow is called the channelselection problem. When choosing a channel to borrow, many algorithms proposed in the literaturedo not take into account the interference caused by borrowing the channel to the cells which havethe channel allocated to them. However, such interference should be considered; reducing suchinterference helps increase the reuse of the same channel, and hence improving channel utilization.We propose a channel selection algorithm taking such interference into account.Most channel allocation algorithms proposed in the literature are for traditional cellular networkswith static base stations and the neighborhood relationship among the base stations is fixed.Such algorithms are not applicable for cellular networks with mobile base stations. We proposea channel allocation algorithm for cellular networks with mobile base stations. The proposedalgorithm is both fault-tolerant and reuses channels efficiently.KEYWORDS: distributed channel allocation, resource planning, fault-tolerance, cellular networks,3-cell cluster model

    Failure Analysis in Next-Generation Critical Cellular Communication Infrastructures

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    The advent of communication technologies marks a transformative phase in critical infrastructure construction, where the meticulous analysis of failures becomes paramount in achieving the fundamental objectives of continuity, security, and availability. This survey enriches the discourse on failures, failure analysis, and countermeasures in the context of the next-generation critical communication infrastructures. Through an exhaustive examination of existing literature, we discern and categorize prominent research orientations with focuses on, namely resource depletion, security vulnerabilities, and system availability concerns. We also analyze constructive countermeasures tailored to address identified failure scenarios and their prevention. Furthermore, the survey emphasizes the imperative for standardization in addressing failures related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the ambit of the sixth-generation (6G) networks, accounting for the forward-looking perspective for the envisioned intelligence of 6G network architecture. By identifying new challenges and delineating future research directions, this survey can help guide stakeholders toward unexplored territories, fostering innovation and resilience in critical communication infrastructure development and failure prevention

    Towards Massive Machine Type Communications in Ultra-Dense Cellular IoT Networks: Current Issues and Machine Learning-Assisted Solutions

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    The ever-increasing number of resource-constrained Machine-Type Communication (MTC) devices is leading to the critical challenge of fulfilling diverse communication requirements in dynamic and ultra-dense wireless environments. Among different application scenarios that the upcoming 5G and beyond cellular networks are expected to support, such as eMBB, mMTC and URLLC, mMTC brings the unique technical challenge of supporting a huge number of MTC devices, which is the main focus of this paper. The related challenges include QoS provisioning, handling highly dynamic and sporadic MTC traffic, huge signalling overhead and Radio Access Network (RAN) congestion. In this regard, this paper aims to identify and analyze the involved technical issues, to review recent advances, to highlight potential solutions and to propose new research directions. First, starting with an overview of mMTC features and QoS provisioning issues, we present the key enablers for mMTC in cellular networks. Along with the highlights on the inefficiency of the legacy Random Access (RA) procedure in the mMTC scenario, we then present the key features and channel access mechanisms in the emerging cellular IoT standards, namely, LTE-M and NB-IoT. Subsequently, we present a framework for the performance analysis of transmission scheduling with the QoS support along with the issues involved in short data packet transmission. Next, we provide a detailed overview of the existing and emerging solutions towards addressing RAN congestion problem, and then identify potential advantages, challenges and use cases for the applications of emerging Machine Learning (ML) techniques in ultra-dense cellular networks. Out of several ML techniques, we focus on the application of low-complexity Q-learning approach in the mMTC scenarios. Finally, we discuss some open research challenges and promising future research directions.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables, submitted for a possible future publication in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Resource optimization, spectrum allocation and fault tolerance planning in broadband wireless networks

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    In current (4G) and future (5G) broadband cellular networks, new cell coverage planning ideas, network architectures proposals, novel physical resources allocation optimization techniques, and dynamic spectrum allocation optimization frame works provide good opportunities for mobile service providers (MSPs) to improve their return on investments (ROI), and for mobile equipments manufacturers to increase their profit and market share. Despite the attractive opportunities that network architecture, cell planning and resources allocation optimization offers, there are many challenges and difficulties that are facing MSPs when planning and operating networks to cope with the tremendous increase in mobile applications and to satisfy different users requirements. Physical resources allocation, spectrum allocation optimization, network architecture enhancement, and fault tolerance cell planning are major issues in broadband cellular networks. The work accomplished in this thesis aims at enhancing the network performance by optimizing the planning and operations of the network. Different optimization techniques are used throughout this thesis to help increase the spectral and energy efficiency in 4G and 5G networks. The objectives of this study are four objectives, first to propose a physical resources allocation utility based frame work using a novel utility function that can jointly optimize the maximum normalized spectral efficiency (NSE) and power consumed locally in each cell in order to increase the mobile service providers ROI. The ROI is enhanced by increasing the profits through maximizing the network spectral efficiency and decreasing the operational costs by minimizing the power consumption in the network. The second objective is to determine the optimal down-link frequency partition configuration that can efficiently allocate the spectrum resources to different network frequency partitions in order to globally achieve the same joint optimization objective by addressing the DFPCs dynamic behavior according to the network topology, load conditions, and users distribution. The third objective is to propose a new network architecture that consists of a data collection system that aid as a traffic data repository and a decision support system (DSS) introduced as a new self optimization module within the self organized networks (SON) framework to automate the optimization of the dynamic spectrum allocation. The last objective is to perform a network planning that aims at placing the optimal number of relay stations that aid in achieving network full coverage and minimum rate requirements with a fault tolerance functionality to avoid network failures and using the self organized frame work to perform the self healing by managing the backup solutions needed in response to the network failures. In order to achieve the previously mentioned objectives a detailed study to the state of the art in network planning using relay stations, physical resource allocation, dynamic spectrum allocation, network architecture and SON frame work is conducted. Different methodologies such as integer linear programming, stochastic programming and non-parametric estimation analysis are presented to propose a novel physical resources and dynamic spectrum allocation schemes. A plan-do-control-act model is also proposed within the DSS in the new suggested network architecture for continuous improvement of spectrum allocation. A non-linear to linear formulation conversion using an expanded space state is utilized to perform an in-band fault tolerance network planning that consider network interference between relay stations and base stations and avoid network failures. Simulations and results are conducted to validate the proposed methodologies and to compare it against state of the art work

    Cellular networks for smart grid communication

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    The next-generation electric power system, known as smart grid, relies on a robust and reliable underlying communication infrastructure to improve the efficiency of electricity distribution. Cellular networks, e.g., LTE/LTE-A systems, appear as a promising technology to facilitate the smart grid evolution. Their inherent performance characteristics and well-established ecosystem could potentially unlock unprecedented use cases, enabling real-time and autonomous distribution grid operations. However, cellular technology was not originally intended for smart grid communication, associated with highly-reliable message exchange and massive device connectivity requirements. The fundamental differences between smart grid and human-type communication challenge the classical design of cellular networks and introduce important research questions that have not been sufficiently addressed so far. Motivated by these challenges, this doctoral thesis investigates novel radio access network (RAN) design principles and performance analysis for the seamless integration of smart grid traffic in future cellular networks. Specifically, we focus on addressing the fundamental RAN problems of network scalability in massive smart grid deployments and radio resource management for smart grid and human-type traffic. The main objective of the thesis lies on the design, analysis and performance evaluation of RAN mechanisms that would render cellular networks the key enabler for emerging smart grid applications. The first part of the thesis addresses the radio access limitations in LTE-based networks for reliable and scalable smart grid communication. We first identify the congestion problem in LTE random access that arises in large-scale smart grid deployments. To overcome this, a novel random access mechanism is proposed that can efficiently support real-time distribution automation services with negligible impact on the background traffic. Motivated by the stringent reliability requirements of various smart grid operations, we then develop an analytical model of the LTE random access procedure that allows us to assess the performance of event-based monitoring traffic under various load conditions and network configurations. We further extend our analysis to include the relation between the cell size and the availability of orthogonal random access resources and we identify an additional challenge for reliable smart grid connectivity. To this end, we devise an interference- and load-aware cell planning mechanism that enhances reliability in substation automation services. Finally, we couple the problem of state estimation in wide-area monitoring systems with the reliability challenges in information acquisition. Using our developed analytical framework, we quantify the impact of imperfect communication reliability in the state estimation accuracy and we provide useful insights for the design of reliability-aware state estimators. The second part of the thesis builds on the previous one and focuses on the RAN problem of resource scheduling and sharing for smart grid and human-type traffic. We introduce a novel scheduler that achieves low latency for distribution automation traffic while resource allocation is performed in a way that keeps the degradation of cellular users at a minimum level. In addition, we investigate the benefits of Device-to-Device (D2D) transmission mode for event-based message exchange in substation automation scenarios. We design a joint mode selection and resource allocation mechanism which results in higher data rates with respect to the conventional transmission mode via the base station. An orthogonal resource partition scheme between cellular and D2D links is further proposed to prevent the underutilization of the scarce cellular spectrum. The research findings of this thesis aim to deliver novel solutions to important RAN performance issues that arise when cellular networks support smart grid communication.Las redes celulares, p.e., los sistemas LTE/LTE-A, aparecen como una tecnología prometedora para facilitar la evolución de la próxima generación del sistema eléctrico de potencia, conocido como smart grid (SG). Sin embargo, la tecnología celular no fue pensada originalmente para las comunicaciones en la SG, asociadas con el intercambio fiable de mensajes y con requisitos de conectividad de un número masivo de dispositivos. Las diferencias fundamentales entre las comunicaciones en la SG y la comunicación de tipo humano desafían el diseño clásico de las redes celulares e introducen importantes cuestiones de investigación que hasta ahora no se han abordado suficientemente. Motivada por estos retos, esta tesis doctoral investiga los principios de diseño y analiza el rendimiento de una nueva red de acceso radio (RAN) que permita una integración perfecta del tráfico de la SG en las redes celulares futuras. Nos centramos en los problemas fundamentales de escalabilidad de la RAN en despliegues de SG masivos, y en la gestión de los recursos radio para la integración del tráfico de la SG con el tráfico de tipo humano. El objetivo principal de la tesis consiste en el diseño, el análisis y la evaluación del rendimiento de los mecanismos de las RAN que convertirán a las redes celulares en el elemento clave para las aplicaciones emergentes de las SGs. La primera parte de la tesis aborda las limitaciones del acceso radio en redes LTE para la comunicación fiable y escalable en SGs. En primer lugar, identificamos el problema de congestión en el acceso aleatorio de LTE que aparece en los despliegues de SGs a gran escala. Para superar este problema, se propone un nuevo mecanismo de acceso aleatorio que permite soportar de forma eficiente los servicios de automatización de la distribución eléctrica en tiempo real, con un impacto insignificante en el tráfico de fondo. Motivados por los estrictos requisitos de fiabilidad de las diversas operaciones en la SG, desarrollamos un modelo analítico del procedimiento de acceso aleatorio de LTE que nos permite evaluar el rendimiento del tráfico de monitorización de la red eléctrica basado en eventos bajo diversas condiciones de carga y configuraciones de red. Además, ampliamos nuestro análisis para incluir la relación entre el tamaño de celda y la disponibilidad de recursos de acceso aleatorio ortogonales, e identificamos un reto adicional para la conectividad fiable en la SG. Con este fin, diseñamos un mecanismo de planificación celular que tiene en cuenta las interferencias y la carga de la red, y que mejora la fiabilidad en los servicios de automatización de las subestaciones eléctricas. Finalmente, combinamos el problema de la estimación de estado en sistemas de monitorización de redes eléctricas de área amplia con los retos de fiabilidad en la adquisición de la información. Utilizando el modelo analítico desarrollado, cuantificamos el impacto de la baja fiabilidad en las comunicaciones sobre la precisión de la estimación de estado. La segunda parte de la tesis se centra en el problema de scheduling y compartición de recursos en la RAN para el tráfico de SG y el tráfico de tipo humano. Presentamos un nuevo scheduler que proporciona baja latencia para el tráfico de automatización de la distribución eléctrica, mientras que la asignación de recursos se realiza de un modo que mantiene la degradación de los usuarios celulares en un nivel mínimo. Además, investigamos los beneficios del modo de transmisión Device-to-Device (D2D) en el intercambio de mensajes basados en eventos en escenarios de automatización de subestaciones eléctricas. Diseñamos un mecanismo conjunto de asignación de recursos y selección de modo que da como resultado tasas de datos más elevadas con respecto al modo de transmisión convencional a través de la estación base. Finalmente, se propone un esquema de partición de recursos ortogonales entre enlaces celulares y D2Postprint (published version

    Routing schemes in FANETs: a survey

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    Flying ad hoc network (FANET) is a self-organizing wireless network that enables inexpensive, flexible, and easy-to-deploy flying nodes, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to communicate among themselves in the absence of fixed network infrastructure. FANET is one of the emerging networks that has an extensive range of next-generation applications. Hence, FANET plays a significant role in achieving application-based goals. Routing enables the flying nodes to collaborate and coordinate among themselves and to establish routes to radio access infrastructure, particularly FANET base station (BS). With a longer route lifetime, the effects of link disconnections and network partitions reduce. Routing must cater to two main characteristics of FANETs that reduce the route lifetime. Firstly, the collaboration nature requires the flying nodes to exchange messages and to coordinate among themselves, causing high energy consumption. Secondly, the mobility pattern of the flying nodes is highly dynamic in a three-dimensional space and they may be spaced far apart, causing link disconnection. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of the limited research work of routing schemes in FANETs. Different aspects, including objectives, challenges, routing metrics, characteristics, and performance measures, are covered. Furthermore, we present open issues