7 research outputs found

    Further improvements of Steiner tree approximations

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    The Steiner tree problem requires to find a shortest tree connecting a given set of terminal points in a metric space. We suggest a better and fast heuristic for the Steiner problem in graphs and in rectilinear plane. This heuristic finds a Steiner tree at most 1.757 and 1.267 times longer than the optimal solution in graphs and rectilinear plane, respectively

    QOS Multimedia Multicast Routing: A Component Based Primal Dual Approach

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    The QoS Steiner Tree Problem asks for the most cost efficient way to multicast multimedia to a heterogeneous collection of users with different data consumption rates. We assume that the cost of using a link is not constant but rather depends on the maximum bandwidth routed through the link. Formally, given a graph with costs on the edges, a source node and a set of terminal nodes, each one with a bandwidth requirement, the goal is to find a Steiner tree containing the source, and the cheapest assignment of bandwidth to each of its edges so that each source-to-terminal path in the tree has bandwidth at least as large as the bandwidth required by the terminal. Our main contributions are: (1) New flow-based integer linear program formulation for the problem; (2) First implementation of 4.311 primal-dual constant factor approximation algorithm; (3) an extensive experimental study of the new heuristics and of several previously proposed algorithms

    Multipoint connection management in ATM networks

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    Motivating Airmen to Engage with Technical Education: Experimentation and Analysis Using Modern Gamification Techniques

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    The development and integration of computer systems into today’s society and the subsequent growth of cyber as a warfighting domain has led to changes in military and civilian conflict. Several traits unique to cyber, including disruption and fast pace of change, has led to issues never before seen in the military environment, especially with educating and training. A new approach that leverages crowd-sourced content has been proposed. This approach relies on motivating military members to voluntarily engage with technical (cyber) education. The application of gamification, a design practice aimed at increasing user engagement by targeting core motivators in humans, in the military context is presented in this paper. The adaptation and evaluation of unique game elements onto the platform is also discussed. A human-subject study involving a survey and engagement-tracking experiment is implemented. Results are analyzed using visualization software and a novel framework we created. We then present results explaining what core drives motivate military members on average and within subgroups. We also show that engagement data can be attributed to motivation levels. Finally, we present recommendations to military leadership and education platform designers based on our findings before discussing ideas for future work

    Algorithmic Approaches to the Steiner Problem in Networks

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    Das Steinerproblem in Netzwerken ist das Problem, in einem gewichteten Graphen eine gegebene Menge von Knoten kostenminimal zu verbinden. Es ist ein klassisches NP-schweres Problem und ein fundamentales Problem bei der Netzwerkoptimierung mit vielen praktischen Anwendungen. Wir nehmen dieses Problem mit verschiedenen Mitteln in Angriff: Relaxationen, die die Zulässigkeitsbedingungen lockern, um eine optimale Lösung annähern zu können; Heuristiken, um gute, aber nicht garantiert optimale Lösungen zu finden; und Reduktionen, um die Probleminstanzen zu vereinfachen, ohne eine optimale Lösung zu zerstören. In allen Fällen untersuchen und verbessern wir bestehende Methoden, stellen neue vor und evaluieren sie experimentell. Wir integrieren diese Bausteine in einen exakten Algorithmus, der den Stand der Algorithmik für die optimale Lösung dieses Problems darstellt. Viele der vorgestellten Methoden können auch für verwandte Probleme von Nutzen sein