2 research outputs found

    JIT Production Sequencing Based on Blended Genetic Algorithms

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    中文摘要:J IT管理方式是实施CIMS 工程中的一种重要的生产管理方式,以消除制造过程中的一切浪费为宗旨, 消除和降低企业生产经营中的各种浪费,降低产品的成本,从而给企业带来了巨大的效益。J IT 管理方式近来被广 泛地应用于企业的生产经营管理中。在J IT生产方式中如何设计最佳的投产顺序计划问题一直是一个难题。在前 人研究成果的基础上,使用把原有算法和自调整参数遗传算法相结合的混合遗传算法来求解这个问题。仿真结果 表明这种算法是行之有效的。 英文摘要:J IT is an important way for a CIMS project. Aiming to eliminate all wastes in the process of manufacture , it is effec2 tive to eliminate and reduce all kinds of wastes in production management , and cut down the cost of products , thus bringing the manu2 facturer to great benefits. So J IT has been widely used during the pastyears. In J IT mode of production , it is a difficult problem on how to design the optimal sequence. In this paper , Blended genetic algorithms (BGA) combining the proximal solution with genetic algorithms (GA) is used to solve the problem. The simulations show that the BGA is effective.厦门大学工科专项经费资助课题(3003