26,920 research outputs found

    Faster Approximate String Matching for Short Patterns

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    We study the classical approximate string matching problem, that is, given strings PP and QQ and an error threshold kk, find all ending positions of substrings of QQ whose edit distance to PP is at most kk. Let PP and QQ have lengths mm and nn, respectively. On a standard unit-cost word RAM with word size wlognw \geq \log n we present an algorithm using time O(nkmin(log2mlogn,log2mlogww)+n) O(nk \cdot \min(\frac{\log^2 m}{\log n},\frac{\log^2 m\log w}{w}) + n) When PP is short, namely, m=2o(logn)m = 2^{o(\sqrt{\log n})} or m=2o(w/logw)m = 2^{o(\sqrt{w/\log w})} this improves the previously best known time bounds for the problem. The result is achieved using a novel implementation of the Landau-Vishkin algorithm based on tabulation and word-level parallelism.Comment: To appear in Theory of Computing System

    A Bloom filter based semi-index on qq-grams

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    We present a simple qq-gram based semi-index, which allows to look for a pattern typically only in a small fraction of text blocks. Several space-time tradeoffs are presented. Experiments on Pizza & Chili datasets show that our solution is up to three orders of magnitude faster than the Claude et al. \cite{CNPSTjda10} semi-index at a comparable space usage

    Linear Algorithm for Conservative Degenerate Pattern Matching

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    A degenerate symbol x* over an alphabet A is a non-empty subset of A, and a sequence of such symbols is a degenerate string. A degenerate string is said to be conservative if its number of non-solid symbols is upper-bounded by a fixed positive constant k. We consider here the matching problem of conservative degenerate strings and present the first linear-time algorithm that can find, for given degenerate strings P* and T* of total length n containing k non-solid symbols in total, the occurrences of P* in T* in O(nk) time

    Fast and Compact Regular Expression Matching

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    We study 4 problems in string matching, namely, regular expression matching, approximate regular expression matching, string edit distance, and subsequence indexing, on a standard word RAM model of computation that allows logarithmic-sized words to be manipulated in constant time. We show how to improve the space and/or remove a dependency on the alphabet size for each problem using either an improved tabulation technique of an existing algorithm or by combining known algorithms in a new way

    The k-mismatch problem revisited

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    We revisit the complexity of one of the most basic problems in pattern matching. In the k-mismatch problem we must compute the Hamming distance between a pattern of length m and every m-length substring of a text of length n, as long as that Hamming distance is at most k. Where the Hamming distance is greater than k at some alignment of the pattern and text, we simply output "No". We study this problem in both the standard offline setting and also as a streaming problem. In the streaming k-mismatch problem the text arrives one symbol at a time and we must give an output before processing any future symbols. Our main results are as follows: 1) Our first result is a deterministic O(nk2logk/m+npolylogm)O(n k^2\log{k} / m+n \text{polylog} m) time offline algorithm for k-mismatch on a text of length n. This is a factor of k improvement over the fastest previous result of this form from SODA 2000 by Amihood Amir et al. 2) We then give a randomised and online algorithm which runs in the same time complexity but requires only O(k2polylogm)O(k^2\text{polylog} {m}) space in total. 3) Next we give a randomised (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for the streaming k-mismatch problem which uses O(k2polylogm/ϵ2)O(k^2\text{polylog} m / \epsilon^2) space and runs in O(polylogm/ϵ2)O(\text{polylog} m / \epsilon^2) worst-case time per arriving symbol. 4) Finally we combine our new results to derive a randomised O(k2polylogm)O(k^2\text{polylog} {m}) space algorithm for the streaming k-mismatch problem which runs in O(klogk+polylogm)O(\sqrt{k}\log{k} + \text{polylog} {m}) worst-case time per arriving symbol. This improves the best previous space complexity for streaming k-mismatch from FOCS 2009 by Benny Porat and Ely Porat by a factor of k. We also improve the time complexity of this previous result by an even greater factor to match the fastest known offline algorithm (up to logarithmic factors)

    A practical index for approximate dictionary matching with few mismatches

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    Approximate dictionary matching is a classic string matching problem (checking if a query string occurs in a collection of strings) with applications in, e.g., spellchecking, online catalogs, geolocation, and web searchers. We present a surprisingly simple solution called a split index, which is based on the Dirichlet principle, for matching a keyword with few mismatches, and experimentally show that it offers competitive space-time tradeoffs. Our implementation in the C++ language is focused mostly on data compaction, which is beneficial for the search speed (e.g., by being cache friendly). We compare our solution with other algorithms and we show that it performs better for the Hamming distance. Query times in the order of 1 microsecond were reported for one mismatch for the dictionary size of a few megabytes on a medium-end PC. We also demonstrate that a basic compression technique consisting in qq-gram substitution can significantly reduce the index size (up to 50% of the input text size for the DNA), while still keeping the query time relatively low