3 research outputs found

    Adventures in Crypto Dark Matter: Attacks, Fixes for Weak Pseudorandom Functions

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    A weak pseudorandom function (weak PRF) is one of the most important cryptographic primitives for its efficiency although it has lower security than a standard PRF. Recently, Boneh et al. (TCC\u2718) introduced two types of new weak PRF candidates, which are called a basic Mod-2/Mod-3 and alternative Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRF. Both use the mixture of linear computations defined on different small moduli to satisfy conceptual simplicity, low complexity (depth-2 ACC0{\sf ACC^0}) and MPC friendliness. In fact, the new candidates are conjectured to be exponentially secure against any adversary that allows exponentially many samples, and a basic Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRF is the only candidate that satisfies all features above. However, none of the direct attacks which focus on basic and alternative Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRFs use their own structures. In this paper, we investigate weak PRFs from two perspectives; attacks, fixes. We first propose direct attacks for an alternative Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRF and a basic Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRF when a circulant matrix is used as a secret key. For an alternative Mod-2/Mod-3 weak PRF, we prove that the adversary\u27s advantage is at least 2−0.105n2^{-0.105n}, where nn is the size of the input space of the weak PRF. Similarly, we show that the advantage of our heuristic attack to the weak PRF with a circulant matrix key is larger than 2−0.21n2^{-0.21n}, which is contrary to the previous expectation that `structured secret key\u27 does not affect the security of a weak PRF. Thus, for an optimistic parameter choice n=2λn = 2\lambda for the security parameter λ\lambda, parameters should be increased to preserve λ\lambda-bit security when an adversary obtains exponentially many samples. Next, we suggest a simple method for repairing two weak PRFs affected by our attack while preserving the parameters

    A Fast and Key-Efficient Reduction of Chosen-Ciphertext to Known-Plaintext Security

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    Motivated by the quest for reducing assumptions in security proofs in cryptography, this paper is concerned with designing efficient symmetric encryption and authentication schemes based on any weak pseudorandom function (PRF) which can be much more efficiently implemented than PRFs. Damg˚ard and Nielsen (CRYPTO ’02) have shown how to construct an efficient symmetric encryption scheme based on any weak PRF that is provably secure against chosen-plaintext attacks. The main ingredient is a range-extension construction for weak PRFs. By using well-known techniques, they also showed how their scheme can be made secure against the stronger chosen-ciphertext attacks. The results of our paper are three-fold. First, we give a range-extension construction for weak PRFs that is optimal within a large and natural class of reductions (especially all known today). Second, we propose a strengthening of a weak PRF to a PRF. Third, these two results imply a (for long messages) much more efficient chosen-ciphertext secure encryption scheme than the one proposed by Damgård and Nielsen. The results also give answers to open questions posed by Naor and Reingold (CRYPTO ’98) and by Damgård and Nielsen

    Computational Indistinguishability Amplification: Tight Product Theorems for System Composition

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    Computational indistinguishability amplification is the problem of strengthening cryptographic primitives whose security is defined by bounding the distinguishing advantage of an efficient distinguisher. Examples include pseudorandom generators (PRGs), pseudorandom functions (PRFs), and pseudorandom permutations (PRPs). The literature on computational indistinguishability amplification consists only of few isolated results. Yao\u27s XOR-lemma implies, by a hybrid argument, that no efficient distinguisher has advantage better than (roughly) n2m−1δmn2^{m-1} \delta^m in distinguishing the XOR of mm independent nn-bit PRG outputs S1,…,SmS_1,\ldots,S_m from uniform randomness if no efficient distinguisher has advantage more than δ\delta in distinguishing SiS_i from a uniform nn-bit string. The factor 2m−12^{m-1} allows for security amplification only if δ<12\delta<\frac{1}{2}: For the case of PRFs, a random-offset XOR-construction of Myers was the first result to achieve {\em strong} security amplification, i.e., also for 12≤δ<1\frac{1}{2} \le \delta < 1. This paper proposes a systematic treatment of computational indistinguishability amplification. We generalize and improve the above product theorem for the XOR of PRGs along five axes. First, we prove the {\em tight} information-theoretic bound 2m−1δm2^{m-1}\delta^m (without factor nn) also for the computational setting. Second, we prove results for {\em interactive} systems (e.g. PRFs or PRPs). Third, we consider the general class of {\em neutralizing combination constructions}, not just XOR. As an application this yields the first indistinguishability amplification results for the cascade of PRPs (i.e., block ciphers) converting a weak PRP into an arbitrarily strong PRP, both for single-sided and two-sided queries. Fourth, {\em strong} security amplification is achieved for a subclass of neutralizing constructions which includes as a special case the construction of Myers. As an application we obtain highly practical optimal security amplification for block ciphers, simply by adding random offsets at the input and output of the cascade. Fifth, we show strong security amplification also for {\em weakened assumptions} like security against random-input (as opposed to chosen-input) attacks. A key technique is a generalization of Yao\u27s XOR-lemma to (interactive) systems, which is of independent interest