5 research outputs found

    A Fast Single-Key Two-Level Universal Hash Function

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    Universal hash functions based on univariate polynomials are well known, e.g. Poly1305 and GHASH. Using Horner’s rule to evaluate such hash functionsrequire l − 1 field multiplications for hashing a message consisting of l blocks where each block is one field element. A faster method is based on the class of Bernstein-Rabin-Winograd (BRW) polynomials which require ⌊l/2⌋ multiplications and ⌊lgl⌋ squarings for l≥3 blocks. Though this is significantly smaller than Horner’s rule based hashing, implementation of BRW polynomials for variable length messages present significant difficulties. In this work, we propose a two-level hash function where BRW polynomial based hashing is done at the lower level and Horner’s rule based hashing is done at the higher level. The BRW polynomial based hashing is applied to a fixed number of blocks and hence the difficulties in handling variable length messages is avoided. Even though the hash function has two levels, we show that it is sufficient to use a single field element as the hash key. The basic idea is instantiated to propose two new hash functions, one which hashes a single binary string and the other can hash a vector of binary strings. We describe two actual implementations, one over F2128 and the other over F2256 both using the pclmulqdq instruction available in modern Intel processors. On both the Haswell and Skylake processors, the implementation over F2128 is faster than both an implementation of GHASH by Gueron; and a highly optimised implementation, also by Gueron, of another polynomial based hash function called POLYVAL. We further show that the Fast Fourier Transform based field multiplication over F2256 proposed by Bernstein and Chou can be used to evaluate the new hash function at a cost of about at most 46 bit operations per bit of digest, but, unlike the Bernstein-Chou analysis, there is no hidden cost of generating the hash key. More generally, the new idea of building a two-level hash function having a single field element as the hash key can be applied to other finite fields to build new hash functions

    Small Stretch Problem of the DCT Scheme and How to Fix it

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    DCT is a beyond-birthday-bound~(BBB) deterministic authenticated encryption~(DAE) mode proposed by Forler et al. in ACISP 2016, ensuring integrity by redundancy. The instantiation scheme of DCT employs the BRW polynomial, which is more efficient than the usual polynomial function in GCM by reducing half of the multiplication operations. However, we show that DCT suffers from a small stretch problem similar to GCM. When the stretch length Ï„\tau is small, choosing a special mm-block message, we can reduce the number of queries required by a successful forgery to O(2Ï„/m)\mathcal{O}(2^{\tau}/m). We emphasize that this attack efficiently balances space and time complexity, but does not contradict the security bounds of DCT. Finally, we propose an improved scheme named Robust DCT~(RDCT) with a minor change to DCT, which improves the security when Ï„\tau is small and makes it resist the above attack

    Parallelizable MACs Based on the Sum of PRPs with Security Beyond the Birthday Bound

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    The combination of universal hashing and encryption is a fundamental paradigm for the construction of symmetric-key MACs, dating back to the seminal works by Wegman and Carter, Shoup, and Bernstein. While fully sufficient for many practical applications, the Wegman-Carter construction, however, is well-known to break if nonces are ever repeated, and provides only birthday-bound security if instantiated with a permutation. Those limitations inspired the community to several recent proposals that addressed them, initiated by Cogliati et al.\u27s Encrypted Wegman-Carter Davies-Meyer (EWCDM) construction. This work extends this line of research by studying two constructions based on the sum of PRPs: (1) a stateless deterministic scheme that uses two hash functions, and (2) a nonce-based scheme with one hash-function call and a nonce. We show up to 2n/3-bit security for both of them if the hash function is universal. Compared to the EWCDM construction, our proposals avoid the fact that a single reuse of a nonce can lead to a break

    FAST: Disk Encryption and Beyond

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    This work introduces \sym{FAST} which is a new family of tweakable enciphering schemes. Several instantiations of \sym{FAST} are described. These are targeted towards two goals, the specific task of disk encryption and a more general scheme suitable for a wide variety of practical applications. A major contribution of this work is to present detailed and careful software implementations of all of these instantiations. For disk encryption, the results from the implementations show that \sym{FAST} compares very favourably to the IEEE disk encryption standards XCB and EME2 as well as the more recent proposal AEZ. \sym{FAST} is built using a fixed input length pseudo-random function and an appropriate hash function. It uses a single-block key, is parallelisable and can be instantiated using only the encryption function of a block cipher. The hash function can be instantiated using either the Horner\u27s rule based usual polynomial hashing or hashing based on the more efficient Bernstein-Rabin-Winograd polynomials. Security of \sym{FAST} has been rigorously analysed using the standard provable security approach and concrete security bounds have been derived. Based on our implementation results, we put forward \sym{FAST} as a serious candidate for standardisation and deployment

    Provable security for lightweight message authentication and encryption

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    The birthday bound often limits the security of a cryptographic scheme to half of the block size or internal state size. This implies that cryptographic schemes require a block size or internal state size that is twice the security level, resulting in larger and more resource-intensive designs. In this thesis, we introduce abstract constructions for message authentication codes and stream ciphers that we demonstrate to be secure beyond the birthday bound. Our message authentication codes were inspired by previous work, specifically the message authentication code EWCDM by Cogliati and Seurin, as well as the work by Mennink and Neves, which demonstrates easy proofs of security for the sum of permutations and an improved bound for EWCDM. We enhance the sum of permutations by incorporating a hash value and a nonce in our stateful design, and in our stateless design, we utilize two hash values. One advantage over EWCDM is that the permutation calls, or block cipher calls, can be parallelized, whereas in EWCDM they must be performed sequentially. We demonstrate that our constructions provide a security level of 2n/3 bits in the nonce-respecting setting. Subsequently, this bound was further improved to 3n/4 bits of security. Additionally, it was later discovered that security degrades gracefully with nonce repetitions, unlike EWCDM, where the security drops to the birthday bound with a single nonce repetition. Contemporary stream cipher designs aim to minimize the hardware module's resource requirements by incorporating an externally available resource, all while maintaining a high level of security. The security level is typically measured in relation to the size of the volatile internal state, i.e., the state cells within the cipher's hardware module. Several designs have been proposed that continuously access the externally available non-volatile secret key during keystream generation. However, there exists a generic distinguishing attack with birthday bound complexity. We propose schemes that continuously access the externally available non-volatile initial value. For all constructions, conventional or contemporary, we provide proofs of security against generic attacks in the random oracle model. Notably, stream ciphers that use the non-volatile initial value during keystream generation offer security beyond the birthday bound. Based on these findings, we propose a new stream cipher design called DRACO