570 research outputs found

    A Fully Parallel LISP2 Compactor with Preservation of the Sliding Properties

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    Garbage Collection of Linked Data Structures: An Example in a Network Oriented Database Management System

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    A unified view of the numerous existing algorithms for performing garbage collection of linked data structure has been presented. An implementation of a garbage collection tool in a network oriented database management system has been described

    Automated Verification of Practical Garbage Collectors

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    Garbage collectors are notoriously hard to verify, due to their low-level interaction with the underlying system and the general difficulty in reasoning about reachability in graphs. Several papers have presented verified collectors, but either the proofs were hand-written or the collectors were too simplistic to use on practical applications. In this work, we present two mechanically verified garbage collectors, both practical enough to use for real-world C# benchmarks. The collectors and their associated allocators consist of x86 assembly language instructions and macro instructions, annotated with preconditions, postconditions, invariants, and assertions. We used the Boogie verification generator and the Z3 automated theorem prover to verify this assembly language code mechanically. We provide measurements comparing the performance of the verified collector with that of the standard Bartok collectors on off-the-shelf C# benchmarks, demonstrating their competitiveness

    Visualising the Logs of Shenandoah Garbage Collection Algorithm

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    Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on Red Hati uue mälukoristusalgoritmi Shenandoah logide parseri implementeerimine avatud lähtekoodiga projekti GCViewer raames. Lisaeesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Java mälukoristuse abstraktsioonist.Lõputöö koosneb kahest osast - esimeses osas uuritakse süvendatult prügikoristuse abstraktsiooni Javas ning selle erinevaid implementatsioone, logisüsteemi plaanitavaid muudatusi Java 9 ning teises osas kirjeldatakse parseri implementeerimist ja selle valideerimist.Töö käigus loodi eelmainitud Shenandoah parser, valideeriti see, ning tehti pull request selle GCVieweri projekti lisamiseks.The aim of the current thesis is to implement a Garbage Collection log parser for Red Hat’s Garbage Collection algorithm Shenandoah by extending an open-source project GCViewer. Additional aim is to take a further look into the Garbage Collection in Java. The thesis is split into two main parts. The first part describes the background of Garbage Collection in Java and upcoming changes to the logging system in Java 9. The second part covers the implementation and the validation of the parser.The intended Shenandoah parser was implemented, validated, and a pull request to add it to GCViewer project was created